What's the edgiest political view you hold?

What's the edgiest political view you hold?

Eugenics is a great idea.

National Socialism

that trump is a good president.

that america isn't the best country in the world

I am national socialist but its not edgy at all, it has no part of my choosing edgybess I am just organizing trully in how bature intended the organization, violence is evil and not part of nature.

that CEOs like the one who just resigned from equifax should be in jail and the trial televised

Faggotry and degeneracy are a self initialized commonality among humans to help us depopulate.

I'm an advocate for ethnic cleansing

Children that have severe mentally or physical disabilities from birth should be euthanized. They're are never going to be able to contribute to society and will be a complete drain.

That white people who miscegenate is a good thing since we don't need them because they are weak and I don't want subhuman whites to be part of any white nationalist movement.

Violence is never morally justifiable.

Drown all the retards.

Might is right.

if the world was only made up of whites, things would be so much better

>What's the edgiest political view you hold?
The Holocaust did not happen.

I'm essentially a National Socialist but even denial of the Holocaust is worse than being a "Nazi" these days.

I also believe a White-only ethnostate is required to save the White race and that will only happen through a revolution of some sorts.

hitler did nothing wrong

We should conquer Africa and take all their natural resources before China does.

other than lose *

There is absolutely nothing wrong with slavery and it is a natural part of our existence, similar to the drive to reproduce.

Abolishing it has doomed progress from here on out.

Families First

I am hated for this.

We should stop having children and let the world go silent

Women are gay

That black people are equal, that Jews are just normal people with extremely high intelligence, and that there is nothing wrong with a diverse America, we are a nation of immigrants after all.

These are 'edgy' positions on pol, because when everyone tries to take the most extreme, edgy, racist position possible, being a moderate becomes a dissenting voice.

Infidelity in marriage should probably be a crime that carries jail time. Any other calculated decision to destroy a contract and a family and make off with a chunk of someone's wealth would be considered a crime, this should be too.

Trump is addicted to cocaine.

Naw, I'm a socialist, but I don't like Muslims

That the entirety of sub Saharan Africa should be purged of its inhabitants, and the land exploited for resources as well as being used as colonies. Niggers are a net drain on the world.
im not white by the way

You contradicted yourself. First you said you believe in equality, then you claim that Jews are generally more intelligent than other races. Which is it?

was beaten *

tell that to your friends

>EU flag
>diverse America, we are a nation of immigrants after all.
You sick filth

every living thing should be wiped out and replaced with synthetics

How exactly is an Earth devoid of humans superior than an Earth with humans?

Do you believe the Earth, animal life and plant life is sentient?

Nordics should have ethnically cleansed the entire world except for the Japanese

That might is right,and that Anglos should have gassed all of our subjects and inhabit their land rather than civilise them.

I do.

a non autistic ethnostate
transgender 'behavior'' is illegal (fine)
life sentences for pedophiles
although I don't think a religious state is the best, I think the nation should recognize Christianity as the country's religion which implies special laws and privilege other religion wouldnt have

Outside of those, ive pretty boring opinions

Anyone who actually identifies as nonbinary needs to be neatly lined up against a wall with their throats slit and their hands cut off.

Only 40+ white men who have some kind of property should be allowed to vote.

I honestly attribute all forms of political activity and concern to sexual frustration/repression. Also believe that the US government is run by a one world shadow control source which uses our desire/libido to enslave us. We are all the niggers, john.

That the knights of templars should be resurrected and unleash hell upon earth.

child rapists should be executed

Nobody should be allowed to vote.

If whites disappeared the world would probably be a dystopia aside from asia

If you can't afford it you don't get it. This would fix the majority of our economic problems. I know it is a little 3dg3 l0rd

U.S needs hardcore deportation and white shariah in order to gain it's identity back. Americans need force in order to have morality.

Lying should be punishable by death

We should depopulate Africa AND take all the natural resources before China does.

Literally every thief should be executed, regardless if he stole 1million or a pack of gums.

This. The majority of coal-burners are obese white trash with low IQs. The white gene pool only benefits from their removal.

Euthanize the poors


>sub 90 IQS
>political corruption
>to receive any type of welfare benefit beyond 3 years
>disability for mental/psychological state that isn't from military service
>disability due to weight issues

I'm a mulatto/mestizo with white nationalist and natsoc views. Only under the leadership of proud and rational white leaders can we safe our species from oblivion.

Also, holocaust didn't happen and Hitler was a pretty swell guy.

People with down syndrome should be aborted. Any other debilitating defect ought to be treated likewise.

75-90% of the human population finds complete autonomy to be a terrifying concept, and would honestly be happier simply submitting to despotic authority. See Ted Kaczynski's description of autonomy in his manifesto, "Industrial Society and Its Future", for more information on what, exactly, autonomy is and how it is exhibited in society.

Assuming that the majority of the human population cannot reliably enact personal autonomy, it makes sense that a vast portion of the population would vote in de facto despots in the form of "big government" pushing representatives. This assumption is further substantiated if we extrapolate that higher intelligence is corollary to increased desire for personal autonomy.

tl;dr Most people cannot handle personal accountability, and are happier when other people to tell them exactly what to do. Always. Forever.

Senator Grassley has revealed that Comey drafted his letter ending the Clinton investigation before interviewing witnesses
NFL is bleeding sponsors
Fellarca has been arrested
Saint Louis is entering a twelfth consecutive night of tolerated rioting

i dont care about this normie garbage

Lethal medication should be readily available for anyone to use.

Flag checks out

That the holocaust is exaggerated but it was justified in either form.

Racism is silly. Most of Sup Forums will take it as edgy because apparently it is hard for their thick skulls to understand the fact that racism doesn't play a good role in society other than selfishness. Not to the niggers aren't a problem, but hating them only increases tension and ride of any solution.

Nigger, that's normie tier shit. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity talk about it.

i dont care about politics

>and conveniently forgetting equifaxs CEO resigned today
You kikes sure know how to keep the veil over the goyim don't you

Latinos eventually become god Americans.

i think we should outlaw laughter

Americans really grind my gears with their shit tier politics


Well fuck me and my spelling

Are these guys the new shill hires? Is it their first day on the job? Come on, this is weak shit. 2/10 got me to reply.

And let's not forget the big catch this week, that Russian MI claims to have satellite photos of US spec-ops colluding with SDF forces within Syrian/Russian controlled military zones.

Cure prison overpopulation with firing squad death penalty.

Citizens can be tapped for firing squads the same as jury duty.

This response is the exact reason why it's edgy lol

Dissolution into 50 independent states would be preferable.

always ignore meme flag especially the democrat/EU/Ancap ones. trust me your experience on pol will increase ten fold

>Citizens can be tapped for firing squads the same as jury duty.
I would volunteer for one of these

Acceptable proposal

If you and nazis are the poles then I'm in the middle I guess. But look man, you realize that when doofy Trump supporters show up to wave American flags and praise The Bill of Rights and you roll up and beat them and mace them you look like assholes right? And then when you talk this shit about it actually being self defense because basic bitch conservatards are fascists and their existence is a threat. .you sound fucking crazy. That's fucking crazy. You understand this right? Do they understand this?

You can even make it voluntary, like some kind of new school planned parenthood.
>Start a charity
>Define unfit as below 100 IQ, below a certain height in men, having mental illness, being a poorfag etc
>Define fit as attractive, rich people without bad genetic traits as listed above
>Pay unfit people to have vasectomies/female equiv., chemical castration, or assisted suicide
>Pay fit people to donate sperm/eggs
>Use these zygotes to raise babies from surrogates
>Breed until a master race is created
>Eventually the charity will have unlimited influence and everyone will be genetically fit
>and they all lived happily ever after

eugenics is a good idea

Eugenics to enforce human evolution should be MANDATORY.
Ethnostates should be mandatory.
Military education with focus on STEM (early taste of research / practical technical experience for jobs) should be mandatory.
AI should have a more vital part on governing nations.
One party fascism regimes are the clear choice forward.
We should have good relations with Israel and Israeli jews.
Culture that enforced genders: Man focus on strength, expanding human glory and dominance over nature. Women focused in family life, promoting cultural tradition and being taught on how to sort the best males.

No. In most of society, it isn't edgy. Even here it isn't 'edgy', just cringeworthy.

I'm a voluntarist. Read the flag and blame the mods for not knowing a single thing about anarchists.

Jews aren't the worst problem in the world.

Woman are a combination of the worst parts of a fag, a nigger and a jew.

gays must be exterminated
death penalty
chemical sterilization for poor people

>implying Sup Forums isn't cringeworthy

What are you, a libtard?

A woman's role is to be a mother and caretaker.
A man's role is to be a father, protector and provider.
There's only 2 genders.
Women and men should only have 1 lifelong partner.
Also kill all jews, I guess.

See pic

i agree

there will never be anything like a hitler uprising again, the banks and globalists have taken so many precautions now that even an elected president can barely get anything done, let alone start a fascist regime.

this isn't edgy but it's pretty edgy on Sup Forums

i want a capitalist, minarquist MGTOW utopia, fembots, and artificial wombs

This planet is owned and operated by the Rothschild family and secretive global banking cabals which date back to the 1750's

That's some next level philosophy there user

its also what i think

Pro slavery, it is more humaine than genocide.

All Ashkenazi Jews must be tracked down and killed or we will never have peace. There's no other way.

Death penalty should be used more often. Most beat cops know who the real sociopaths are. I'd convene a panel of 12-18 cops and military personnel, and they could adjudicate from the prison population who is unlikely to be rehabilitated and can be executed.

Chicago and Baltimore need to be turned over to the US Army for rehabilitation. MPs, augmented with infantry and other combat arms MOSs will temporarily replace the entire police force. Special Forces will train up a new police force from scratch. The municipal government will be replaced entirely by Army Civil Affairs. Free and fair elections can be held, but no sooner than 3 years.

Yes I am advocating for limited use of military dictatorship. Not for the whole country, but for failed areas like Chicago and Baltimore.

>Apartheid regime dindu nuffin
>Nationalism without Christianity is foolish