National Capitalism is the Answer

> ~11 Million died under Hitler in 12 years
>39-49 Million died under Stalin in 12 years
>45 Million died under Mao Zedong in 27 years
>3095 died under Pinochet in 17 years, with Chile becoming the largest economy in South America

Take the NatCap pill, Sup Forums. It's obviously the most successful and least violent totalitarian ideology.
Not only did the victims deserve it (socialists, communists, anarchists, etc), they were executed in a quick, cheap, effective way, thus ensuring that the market remained free and prosperous.

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Seems right up my alley

>> ~11 Million died under Hitler in 12 years
holocaust didnt happen. besides: without hitler's version of socialism capitalism is corrupted by the kikes

> Chile becoming the largest economy in South America

It is the most stable, has a high HDI, low poverty, and decent wages, but it is NOT the largest economy in S.A.

OK, but the battle flag needs a Hoppean snake coiled on top of a fasces.

The Jews cringe if you use capitalism for racist/pro-white purposes. They can't stand decentralization where their actions are more transparent either

Hans-Adam II of Liechtenstein
Piotr Stolypin
Louis Salleron

All natcap monarchists
All based

NatCap pill already taken.

Socialism is cancer. Putting a "national" in front of it changes nothing.

NatCaps will win. And this is our flag:

yes but its the 1% who owns our wealth under capitalism..and theres all kikes or married to one. Hitler's socialism prevents usury and other perversions of Capitalism the Jews and others use to conquer us. Capitalism is a beast needing domestication.

how do you want to get things like pic without any taxation? is it a minarchist thing where taxation money may only spent with the army?

National Capitalism is potentially capable of bribing the whole of Africa to sterilize themselves. If this happens, the autistic screeching of the Jews will not matter at all. And bring back WASPs too.


only a ancap would argue that taxation is theft, but yeah, national capitalism would have to be pinochet style minarchy

Somebody make a NatCap General.

Military patreon of course

hurr durr jew's have access to money so capitalism is to blame

Thats basically traditional fascism op, thats what I am

still, I respect Hitler more than any other leader

Hello to you too Mr.CIA psyop

colonial scrip will rise again

capitalism prioritizes profit over health

So in the fields of food and healthcare a different system needs to be used.

What is the currency used by the NatCap regime?

Also will there be taxes?

Medical patreon of course

i am ok with capitalism but without kikes

why do u faggots keep repeating this muuuh deaths meme

capitalists killed millions in ireland when they sold all that food for profit, in India, in Africa... the toll is hundreds of millions through man-made famines and genocides.

theres literally nothing wrong with killing all of your enemies. Churchill did it, Hitler did it, Stalin did it.


>capitalism prioritizes profit over health

You're forgetting that if we leave healthcare up to the markets, it'll be better because it's being treated as a commodity, right?

Things that are treated as commodities will be of the highest quality, you commie fucktard. It may be expensive but it's fucking worth it.

How free do you propose the market to be? Will you have any restrictions on monopolies or giant USA-esque mega corps?

>~11 million dead under Hitler
Slide thread

It's the biggest joke to me that people think Chile's economy is capitalist.

>It may be expensive

That alone is the reason why free markets fail a healthcare system.

When we shop for healthcare, we usually shop for the best care, regardless of price.

When was the last time you went to a bargain dentist or got bargain healthcare?

Man you put the fag in flag.

how is this not bait

Think higher than that. We will bribe the whole populations of niggers and sand niggers to sterilize themselves. We'll nurture natural pro-white capitalist elites. After that, the Jews won't even pose a threat.

>national capitalism

>National Capitalism
It is weird that this shitty meme is somewhat what I hold as belief?

Not saying that we should bail out companies that are falling behind or that we should have goverment keeping competition with foreing companies forbidden to make the national companies trive thruogh monopoly, but fuck, this is right somehow.

Love your country. Make it rich and thats pretty much it.

>replacing the jews instead of killing them

>~11 million

>bribing the whole of Africa to sterilize themselves
genocide is a jewish meme. stop thinking like kikes.

can you explain how the richest 1% in america are all kikes or married to a jew?

Do you want a socialist system with garbage healthcare or a capitalist system with great but expensive healthcare?

Niggers along with sand niggers pose an existential threat, don't be silly. Short-term solutions like "change the government" are not sufficient. But their populations are also dumb as fuck and could be easily bribed if humanity really wanted it.

I'm a young healthy man. If I could get bargain healthcare I would. But regulations make that impossible, so instead I buy nothing and everybody else's premiums rise

Israel and the Jewish diaspora are the greatest threat the world faces. Not niggers, not Mudslimes. Jews. Capitalism under its current context gives all the wealth to slimy kikes willing to bend and break laws designed to protect the 99%.

No we dont. You could easily spend tens of thousands a month to have an elite personal doctor but you don't. In healthcare we weight quality/price exactly like every other industry

>3095 died under pinochet
Pffft we can do better than that. We need something bigger than mcdonalds recreational

a "capitalist" system would have better AND cheaper healthcare than a socialist system. Socialism has little reason to reduce cost since it's other people's money. When you're paying yourself it would be no different than food/electronics/cars. Constant price reduction/quality improvement/or both.

more nat theo than natcap

Some of them were murdered, maybe the numbers arent rhat much but, no idelogy is innocent you are only fooling yourself.
Adolf wasnt john lennin.

I already took this pill, im just waiting for a proper flag

Well, I literally described a way to outsmart the sly kikes. Honestly, I don't see any other alternative to globalism but pro-white globalism

is that really our flag? wheres the yellow?

alfred the great is nazbol

why can't omni-nationalism be the way out of globalism?

American Natcaps should just use pic related as a flag. The American System of the first 80 years of this country was national capitalism

i like this flag

If people had a clue about economics then all con artists in the world wouldn't be able to con them.

With the chinks and the like, maybe, but what about niggers and sand niggers, it would be better if we simply bribe them out of existence in a non-violent way

I second this.
However in black and yellow. Maybe a smiley face instead of stars.

What the fuck happened in China 1700-1800? Was this when they discovered the secret rhino horn boner juice?

already have


again: genocide is a jewish meme. Niggers and chinks are deceived by the same jews deceiving white evangelicals. expose the kikes, save the world.

The symbol should be a snake breaking loose of being tied to an axe.

I wouldn't mind crossing fasces in the blue, or the eagle clutching a fasces. I'll see if I can find what I'm talking about

Flag needs work

This sounds good

Like this?

I don't see how exposing the ethnicity of the current group of conmen is going to teach people the economic knowledge they will need to avoid being conned by someone else instead. Explain it to me if you would.

Something like this

Yeah but with the blue/white color scheme

Or this

>~11 Million died under Hitler in 12 years
Got any sources for that wild claim dude pal?

On it

What about an eagle clutching the fasces, but with a snake wrapped on it like a $.

It's part of their rabbinic judaism.

Pick one. Economy must also be controlled for it to be totalitarianism. All we need is Hoppeanism/Propertarianism, none of this "Libertarian Fascism" or "National Capitalist" semantical bullshit to appeal to statist plebs.

Also if you are going to make a flag, make one not so derivative.

Like Braving Ruin's avatar?

Good idea OP I'm sleepy too ill do a CatNap

>jews are behind the world's problems
>i dont understand how exposing the jews as behind the world's problems could stop the jews
lol wut?

And how do you combine nationalism and capitalism properly? Capitalism is the worship of money, nationalism the worship of the people, you can't have both.
For example, for a truly Free Marketâ„¢ you need open borders, that obviously fucks over the people. Assuming you have closed borders, in a truly Free Marketâ„¢ society you have your people competing with literal slaves in china, so companies won't stay in your country because it's cheaper to produce overseas and if they do stay they won't be able to compete.

>cuckservative civic-nationalism
I'll pass

>And how do you combine nationalism and capitalism properly?
>>cuckservative civic-nationalism


because we felt bad for our wives and gave them the vote
ancap or natcap, only way out

The nationalist socialist movement here are super lefties, almost like communists except they are conservative and "racist".

>no, i cant explain how jews own all our money, media outlets, and politicians under capitalism

>Communist agitators are masters of using the rights and freedoms of a nation to get their way.
Too true, there was actually a podcast on how jews abused and ignored the first amendment to get their way.

>if the jews just had more money and power certainly they would lose: the ideology

Back, OP.

I just said womens suffrage you dummy

Highest IQ Jews get high positions then hire other Jews.

>womens suffrage
has nothing to do with anything being discussed.

>he believes in the jewish iq myth

I'm pic related, but I think the supposed "NatCaps" on Sup Forums are just libertarians/ancaps who understand the importance of ethnonationalism. If you think Pinochet was a nationalist, you're genuinely retarded. He was a good leader but certainly nowhere near Hitler.

Also for the types to hate NatSoc because it was socialistic, you really need to off yourselves,

>womens suffrage
>has nothing to do with anything being discussed.

im asking you how jews, despite being less than 2% of the population, have come to be the wealthiest top 1% in america under our capitalist system. please explain?

>is potentially capable of bribing the whole of Africa to sterilize themselves
That's the most retarded idea I've ever heard.
A true capitalist would be wondering why you're feeding them in the first place. Stop feeding them and they'll be nearly extinct within the decade.

>Jews scheme their way into Nobel prizes
Wouldn't that level of scheming take a high IQ, especially a verbal one?

But go ahead, keep thinking Jews are stupid, that'll work well

How is national capitalism different from state capitalism? I don't want to love in Russia or China

p u r e

c o i n c i d e n c e
We just need to make the markets freer, then the stupid crony capitalist statists will all go away!

Forget about the fact that jews work hand in hand, using Aol in the early 2000's and Google today to censor things they don't like in the free market!

Don't like it? Don't use it! Simple! They're not violating the NAP by implementing white genocide

>Wouldn't that level of scheming take a high IQ
No. The willingness and even the ability to deceive is not "intelligence." If a genius attends a magic show and the magician makes an elephant disappear, is the magician smarter than the genius or only more deceptive? You see, the fatal flaw of the Jew has always been confusing deception with intelligence. Even MOSSAD's slogan is "warfare by deception." Poor stupid Jews...

i like you

Capitalism is inherently globalist, newfriend. Rethink your life.



Deceit still requires a degree of intelligence.

just turning on your computer requires a degree of intelligence. Jews have an average IQ of 95. Ashkenazim Jews, 100. They are no more dumb or smarter than most whites in America. But these are the leaders of the Israeli Intelligence Community and not just average people. They deceive because they cannot think of a better and lasting solution. This is nothing to appreciate or idolize but is weakness.

not an argument. It does not require the level of intelligence that Jews seem to purport