The absolute state of leftism

He's not wrong Sup Forums

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funny how we sold 110 billion in weapons to them this year and will sell 350 billion over next ten.
i love absolute theocracies, they are my fav.

He should keep us stupid comments in his pocket

But is that a bad thing?

What more help do women need in this country?

please tell me this is ironic for fuck sake

Next truck of peace will be driven by a woman.


we always tell them to help women in muslim countries. how is this bad?

I learned something back in my freshman year of macro economics, I think it was called marginal growth. It had something to do about how say group A has 100 cookies and group B only 1 cookie. Next year, group A went from 100 to 150 and group B went from 1 to 10. Group A brought in 50 more cookies but has less of a growth percentage than Group B who only brought in 9 more cookies.

By letting them drive? Jesus there goes an increase in road fatalities.


Our women are already free, they don't need our help.


And she'll promptly drive it up onto a high curb and blow out both passenger side tires, while injuring her pride and a city trash bin.

Well when you start at the bottom, gains are great. It's diminishing returns after awhile.


He gave an advisory council 30 days to come up with reforms that won't be implemented until the middle of 2018. My guess is they still keep the woman tied to a male relative and place an onerous 'women driver' tax that only wealthy or working woman can afford. My bet it's still a crap deal, though not for other drivers....

Do you really need college macroeconomics to help you understand how percentages work lmfao

There are a couple words missing in this tweet to make it factual, but with a handle like pundamentalism, I can't take this seriously.

Rurald Suburumpf BTFO

You didn't actually, and SA is a monarchy

110 Billion was 100% fake news.

this... he can't into economics. I'll only go as far as child drag queens.

Perfect example of a city retard.

That's easy, obviously. There were just formulas for calculating the numbers.


Yeah, all US women should move to Saudi Arabia ASAP. That'll show Drumpf


Because the inferior think that the weak must be assisted, though they'd never admit that

Insurance premiums just went up in SA

Great news! Transform into a mangina and move there. Report back.

so this is fake news?

daily wire too?

>Saudi Arabia is giving their women all kinds of rights, what are you getting me?!

Good thing you can still beat females and/or have them stoned to death, that way Saudi Arabia can totally BTFO us a few more times by doing so much for the ladies in years to come!


We wiłł great You Herę! "You will feel yourself like in home" ( ͡°͜ʖ ͡°)

Do you really need some random American to help you understand that user's story was probably only a smaller part of a larger lesson that day in class?

Pretty cool that leftists has now done way more to destroy freedom of expression in 2017 than the "Nazis"

I said specifically the 110 billion portion. You listed 2 seperate deals faggot.

catching up doesn't count.

cool Checkmark of David

Why do people screencap tweets of literal whos just to post them on Sup Forums? Is that like some shill's job? Just find some tweet by @lefty_cuck and post it like it's a valid argument?

Leftism is a mental illness.

The lack of basic logic in his thinking makes me want to shoot myself.

With my penis? In his butthole? Repeatedly? Otay!!!

You need it for petrodollar, how naive are you?
You think anybody does anything on that level because they are friends? lmao

The US is able to maintain pressure on other currencies, currently the ruble, only as long as the petro dollar remains the major world reserve currency. This is the main reason why Washington gets away with a seven-fold indebted dollar (i.e. total outstanding and uncovered commitments are currently more than 7 times higher than the US GDP (US$ 17.6 trillion, 2014 est. – vs. US$ 128 trillion of unmet obligations); making the US worldwide the most indebted country – by far.