Frenly reminder

>god love hitler just as much as he love the jew
you are not a christian if you hold hate in your heart

God is the beginning and the end. Every potentiality is within him. To attempt to explain or define him in any way beyond this is blasphemy. God is inscrutable.

The White God is a false god!

Hail Odin!

Daily reminder that this Armenian doctrine is why christianity is so cucked

This is why we need to ban religion.

Shut up christfaggot

Christ = country. If nation doesn't believe, they get shitted on, like it happened to PLC in XVII century.

Hate is a human emotion, like love, anger, envy, pride, etc... To deny them is to deny joys of life and to not drink from the fountain of worldliness.

You follow a slave morality, it is why you seek to turn your followers into zombies who have no self respect and need to be told what to feel. Just like the commies and SJWs need to be told what fake outrage they need to indulge themselves into.

>not capitalizing God's name

BTFO red faggot

Depends on what they believe.
I firmly believe the reason all this white guilt nonsense is working so well in the west is Christianity. It is the open borders religion.

You mean white guilt which is stuffed in your throats by liberals.

You need fertile soil for a seed to bloom.
White Guilt and Original Sin are very similar concepts.
You did nothing wrong but you must spend your life atoning for your sins.
Some Jew probably figured that the mostly Christian west's neural pathways were already prone to his kind of cuckery and took full advantage. The only cure is to cut out religion completely.
Then and only then can you respond to the accusation of "Racist!" with "so?"

We should cut out modern imitation of relligion and go back to it's roots. If you ever read the Bible, you will see that Christianity is ulitmately anti-cuck relligion. It even condemns you for being beta retard who won't fight for the name of God and your people. Read it, open your eyes and stop listening to catholics talking about other cheek and loving your enemies maymays.

Unattainable goal, it's better to just simply kill anyone who refuses to stop practicing religion and ban it's spreading. Then, your national doctrine takes the place of religion and people will act in their best interest again, supposing of course that national doctrine is not fundamentally cucked.

You can't save the world, now matter what and how hard you try. The damage is already done, you won't change mentality of majority, they love socialism. You also won't deport niggers back and you won't unrape all of those european women. The only thing you can do is to believe in Jesus, accept him as your Lord and Savior and wait for his comming to Earth. They decay is spreading too fast for us to stop it.

That's a fantasy. Waiting for someone else (God) to save you while you let your enemies grow and thrive. I think it would be better to use force. Perhaps this is why it's good for them I'm not in power.

>muh loli porn christian meme
You're sick OP. Only a Catholic would come up with this loli shit.


In normal world we would be fighting with muslims at this point, but this world is kingdom of satan. He infiltrated everything, even the """""""one true catholic church""""""""" and pope is brainwashing people into adopting those poor refugees. You can't win against satan without help of God. Just answer yourself this question: if all relligions are equally bad, then why Christianity is the most hated one, instead of islam?


There is not much to complain about in terms of Christianity in a vacuum. But Christianity is not in a vacuum, there are other religions and therein lies the problem.
A Christian views a Muslim as his misguided brother.
A Muslim views a Christian as his enemy.
For this reason, a nation that practices Christianity as it's doctrine will always fall.
I wouldn't ban Christianity because it's bad, I'd ban it because it allows evil to spread and grow.

>A Christian views a Muslim as his misguided brother.
That's bullshit. My misguided brothers are catholics, mormons, jehowah witnesses orthodoxes and other meme denominations. Muslims are our enemies. Stop listening to popular lies.

HAHAHAHA capped. This will make great propaganda.

Turn that litte goyim cheek or BURN!!!!

There are thousands of kinds of Christianity, I'm speaking in generalities. The reason the Christians of the crusades weren't cucked is because the common man didn't read the Bible. He was told what God wanted and what God wanted was dead Muslims.
In short, national doctrine.

Except fig trees. Fuck 'em.

It's good to hate Jews.