How does Sup Forums respond to this?


niggers should go back afrika

That second image isn't a protest, it's weak virtue signaling.


it is a protest though

ur weak virtue signaling

False equivalence

>So why are you kneeling today
uhhhhh muhfuggin white cops killin all our black babies baka 100 100 100 100 o// o//

We're still allowed to criticize and boycott them for protesting like this.
They won't go to prison for this, though.
They will for rioting like animals and burning cities down.

What are they protesting?
What change would they like to see?
If they don't like this country, what country has the enacted policies they'd like to have?

Can someone please answer this?

back to the fields jamal

Honestly this form of protest is pretty effective. People seem to forget the point of protests. Recently it's all about bitching but this triggers a lot of people, thus spreading their messege. The very people that hate that protest are the ones helping it continue *cough Trump cough*

>Expecting people to agree just because you're protesting
They have every right to do that. They'll also have to deal with the consequences.

You can protest however you want...

Just don't be surprised when its wildly NOT popular.

And if you step foot on my property while doing it - you are trespassing and will be shot.

their protest is "we're mad cuz the libs said we should be mad"

so you're saying counter potesting or criticizing protests is no good? Or just its no good when you think your side is the righteous side?

>All publicity is good publicity
Not for everyone, user.

They're protesting the wrong thing at the wrong event at the wrong time, because they found it's the only time a large group of nignogs can draw an audience without it resulting in all of them behind bars, but as a result of this they're now blaming people for reframing their protest as being against patriotism and the American flag, because that's what it seems like.

Imagine PETA protesting animal deaths by having all bus drivers going on strike, it's the same logical non-sequitur that's happening here, but on a scale and during an event that a lot more people would care about, but protesting against something a lot fewer people would care about. Animals are at the very least a more worthy creature to fight for than niggers.

There's the argument that protesting should only be done where it's important, but that can be countered with something like "Oh we're protesting everywhere because this affects everything." This brings us to the endgame where people admit the fact that they think all this protesting is BS done for media brownie points because in reality, the majority of unarmed blacks killed by cops that has become a media spectacle almost all earned their bullet.

This actually made me smile.
Maybe.... the left CAN meme after all

> 0.05 shekels have been deposited into your account
I need money, I don't care anymore, where do I sign up to be part of the interwebz shillteam?