How deep have you gone, Sup Forums?

How deep have you gone, Sup Forums?

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The tobacco pill is on another level entirely.

God i swear the volleyball incident sounds so fucking familiar, like 10 kids killed during a highschool volleyball game. God i remember something like that happening but i cant find anything on it.

Whoa this is some strange shit dude. Someone is at the door ima go see...

The Mandela effect is the product of pop culture and poor memory. Your memory isnt photographic and can be manipulated by a simply suggestion.

Apparently it was 3 separate mass shooting/explosion incidents that happened at exactly the same time but in 3 separate states. People remember seeing it not through the national media but from small town newspapers and second-hand accounts.

Guess it's some sort of Mandela effect

holy shit moar

is this fucking true?

Gotta say, just trusting my personal experience, that
>1. it makes it hurt when you breath heavy (like in exercise)--you can tell there's tar in there
>2. it makes you a slave to an addictive drug

OK, so here's my fuckin hypothesis.

I've quit smoking, quit coffee, and quit fapping.

When I'm using stimulants (coffee and tobacco) I find not fapping easy. I'm more cerebral, my executive functioning is high.

When I'm off coffee and cigarettes, my mind is foggy. I can't think well and I have weak willpower. The urge to fap is stronger and I fap more.

Mainstream medicine pushes that tobacco is bad and unlimited sex (now with perversions galore!) is good. Is this just because they want us stupid?

The coffee/cigarettes/abstinence combo is probably worth 10 IQ points, just judging from my reading speed, writing output, etc. Weed kills discursive thought but seems to open me up to new ways of thinking--good for occasional or nighttime use.

Is medicine (((medicine)))? Is the whole point just to make us dumber? Are the tobacco companies demonized because they're freeing our minds?


Indian savages used tobacco to appease spirits, make peace pacts, and cleanse the it's good enough for me. I legit think tabbacco has "magical" properties (for lack of better wording)..and for whatever reason it counter-acts with whatever hoodoo (((they))) use, so it must be dealt with.

1.) The filters are making you breath heavy, not the tar,
see this thread and in particular, this post

>the non-psychosomatic negative effects that they objectively experience (namely, coughing!), are from KNOWN DEFECTIVE filters which, in addition to further aerosolizing the smoke, deposits cellulose acetate fibers into their lungs.
These fine fibers are irritants and are hard for the body to expel. Cumulative damage results in irreversible buildup of these fibers culminating in COPD.

2006 volleyball incident?

I don't smoke the nicotine Jew so I don't quite understand, but how would you smoke them and avoid the problems with the filters then?

tell me more about this "roko's basilisk" :^)

>elven holocaust
If only. Fucking knife-ears.

In the simulation, history creates itself as necessary for the current storyline. We are trapped in a small section of the simulation trying to break free of its barriers to resume our positions as Gods of the known universe. We just had too much fun fucking and eating and forgot we were in a game.

>still believing the pancreatic jew

Handroll your cigs

Consider smoking and it's link to asthma.

Asthma in children rates exploded in the 90s-00s. They are at all time highs now.

They were at all time lows when they started to be measured in the 40s.

Now how commonplace was smoking around kids back then compared to now? Yet what do we -and especially the state of (((California)))- say is the reasoning to ban smoking from public places? Because (((experts))) say it """""causes""""" asthma in children.

I was in a similar boat as you. Masturbation by far was the worst and hardest thing to quit. Yet, I felt the willpower erode without stimulants.

I found out the truth about tobacco through a close professional colleague that challenged my views on it and introduced me to William Whitby, a pro-tobacco medical doctor.

>Mainstream medicine pushes that tobacco is bad and unlimited sex (now with perversions galore!) is good. Is this just because they want us stupid?
I believe this is entirely true. I felt like a slave to my sex drive and always felt unmotivated afterward. For something so wide-reaching to go almost unnoticed by the media was beside me.
This paired with the realization that tobacco was nearly harmless and actually was beneficial in many circumstances (especially cognitive), convinced me that they have an agenda.

Roll your own ideally. If you cannot do this, they sell unfiltered cigarettes. I would suggest American Spirit Unfiltered.

Basically a thought experiment posted on a forum that says "what if an AI came along that killed those who did not do its bidding?". But there is an added wrinkle where the AI can punish people, in the present, did not help it come to be in the future. This makes one question whether simply having read the thought experiment puts you in the position of either helping the AI come to be or you'll be punished in the future. A bunch of people on the forum freaked out.

This is what I understood it to be anyway, read it a while back

somehow people think that there was a mass shooting at a volleyball game in nebraska/dakota in 2006 and no one remembers that
there was a terrorist attack in a volleyball game in afeghanistan though

to the point of no return

There's this thing that happens to me, basically all the time now, where I find books or religious movements or historical events that I really, really, really should have heard of before. I'm an oldfag, and I'll be going along, looking into whatever little arcane whatever it is that I'm doing at the moment, and I'll run across someone HUGE that I had never heard of before. And then, all of a sudden, all the books I read from there on out have references to that person.

Simone Weil, for example. Over the past twenty years, I've been an anarchist, a Catholic, a "gnostic", a Francophile, and any number of other things. And that it took me TWENTY FIVE YEARS to run across her writings just doesn't seem possible. It just doesn't. And this thought of yours has crossed my mind more than once. I think it's entirely possible that time goes both ways, somehow. Or some fucking thing.

And no. It's not that [Whatever] Phenomenon thing that people like to talk about. Shut up.

>Doesn't know about the ultimate...


What no Flat Earth? It's like the Final Frontier RedPill.

Basically, let me explain things to you. Flat Earth; Hollow Earth and the Matrix are all real. We live in a petri dish or snow globe if you will. It's a computer simulation inside a dish. The sun and moon are the same size and race the flat earth plane in a yin-yang formation.

Our "earth" is a flat plane and in the center is the lost city of Atlantis. There is a portal here that goes to the underworld (hollow earth). That is where the Giants live.

We live inside a holographic dimension. The light beings come into this vibrational dimension to give us information via crop circles but most people say it's Fake and Gay.

Post more redpill images

>actually believing this shit
You newfags need to kill yourself

What would be the point of lying.....


Golf rumors are essentially THE red pill.

once you go Gnostic , there is no going back

knowing the truth about this world and the forces that run it is very empowering and freeing

>Implying you have read a scrap from the Nag Hammadi library
It's absolutely trash tbqh senpai.

Dude chaos lmao.

The point of lying about the globe being round is to remove people from spirituality and perpetuate lies like Big Bang.

The Hebrews knew the earth was flat. Ancient civilizations knew this as well. This is a closed system in actuality. There is no "space" as we are told by NASA. There are no other planets. Those are all simply wandering stars.

If you were sure that this was a closed system, you would be much more interested in our Creator. You would be more interested in the Heavens, etc. Globe earth promotes atheism and makes people in the modern day more easy to control. If you believe that "space dust" went "blap" and formed life and consciousness, you can believe any bullshit. That makes you easy to control because you have no spirituality and no connection to Creation.

>implying that matters in the slightest
Whats wrong with you newfag, typing just to type?

When you don't trust your own senses or judgement you become much more easily controlled. You've been trained to only trust authority. Think about it for one second dumbass.

>someone took the time to type this up

Pancreas denial ? Dafugggg :DDDDDDD ?

I've always believed there is something up with tobacco... we all know the govt don't give a toss about our health so why the anti-tobacco garbage we're all spoonfed? Beer cans don't have 75% of the packaging covered with BEER CAUSES LIVER CANCER AND KIDNEY FAILURE, chocolate bars aren't covered with SUGAR GIVES YOU DIABETES so why demonise tobacco? This topic really interests me.

is your name Keith by chance

Haha there is only the scientific method for gaining any truth about the universe. Everything else is unsubstantiated philosophy. Most of these supposed woke things can be easily debunked with a little critical thinking and actual research of science and statistics.

Golf rumors are off limits

Is there any good canadian Unfiltered cigarettes?

It is not.
It actually is not, though.


Because the fallacy of authority has to be reinforced by having the base be a lie. You realize that it would be far more effective if they told the truth while teaching that fallacy right...

See the entire Prussian educational system dumbass.

>D00d just think about it lmao

First sources are for plebs -t. pleb
Enjoy third hand material.

(((science))) and (((statistics)))

I've gone so deep that I'm right back at the start, a truly frightening experience.

>blank slate after black pill

Why the fuck would anyone go to those lenghts to fuck with other people's minds, and don't you think any researcher would leak it? To you know save themselves and family.

>he still thinks alcohol is actually bad for you
"alcohol causes cancer" is literally, unironically a conspiracy to tax the shit out of alcohol. i remember a thread on here that exposed european hospitals/doctors/medical associations etc were filled with jews and crypto kike doctors that are being paid to say that and in turn super kike the taxes which is why britfags etc pay so much for beer. if they actually gave a shit about our health they would talk more about the aspect of alcohol that it totally JUSTS your sleep and makes you a retarded zombie if you drink everyday but they want to say it's deadly to drink a little bit so they can justify the exorbitant taxes

There isn't anything outlandish here. All anti-tobacco science rests on epidemiological associations which itself isn't a solid case. That screencap has a collection of hard studies that show results that do not conform to the epidemiological ones.
If you took the time to suspend your belief for a second and actually read it instead of sardonically dismissing it without even an argument, you wouldn't find much fault with it even if you disagree.

North Korean utopia

Bump for moar redpills

Of course tobacco will enhance your cognitipn temporary, nicotine is a dopamine agonist, however your body decreases the production of normal dopamine levels as a counter, so it's the smoking that makes your brain foggy whenthe you don't smoke. god damn retards, American science education. Also a proven carconogen, how about you measure the radiation of a cigarette, it's incredibly high. Start testing and you'll realise how bullshit these hypotheses are.

>You will live to flex your way to best Korea.

Well whoever you are... it is coincidental that you are an old Francophile occult dabbler posting from Saudi Arabia, I know a guy just like that

Good goy, keep buying our cigarettes, it's good for you!

I don't think it's bad for you. My point is that we're told tobacco, alcohol, fast food, sugar etc is bad for us but only one of these things gets hammered by stupid regulations. Tobacco can't advertise on the TV or radio, drink culture constantly promoted in movies same as weed, fat acceptance is a thing now too. Tobacco is unfairly treated and I'm curious as to why

>He hasn't taken the final G O L F R U M O R S red pill


user, I"m looking all over Image Search for higher res of pic related and am regret.

>ancient civilizations knew the earth waz flat n sheit

The ancient greeks had stunningly close approximations of the diameter of the earth and developed the "lookout man" on the top of the mast of a ship because they could see land first over the horizon due to knowing the earth's spherical shape

go fuck yourself you dipshit

This is incorrect. Nicotine lacks affinity for dopamine receptors, and dopamine production will not be decreased as a result of smoking. It is an agonist of (nicotinic) acetylcholine receptors.
They are not decreased either in response to nicotine but increased. It is a win-win situation.

You're welcome.
It is the gateway to truth.

It's funny, every person I know that grew up with a tar coated yellow walls chain smoker is healthy (and doesn't smoke) while every sheltered filtered air cul-de-sac kid grew up to be depressed, dead from suicide, or on so many pills they're just a walking zombie. I'm sure that has to do with the "fuck it" attitude of their parents being passed to them but you'd think the opposite would be true.

The reason we see a "horizon" on the ocean is not because of round earth. It's how our eyes see. We see in perspective.

The same thing happens when in a hallway. See pic related. The hall is not in the shape of a trapezoid. It's how we see it.

If you are on the ocean shore and see a boat "go over the horizon", you can pull out a high zoom camera or telescope and the boat will come right back into view (thereby changing perspective).

I love how you Plebs give a shitty proof and then exit straight to Ad Hominem as if you're taking a victory lap.

Blue as the sky (You)

Is he in Riyadh? I feel compelled to have lunch with my doppelganger.

Because when someone smokes next to you it is annoying as hell, so nonsmokers gave the government a blank check to tax the ever living fuck out of it. Then the government found that when you put those giant warning labels on containers reverse phychology kicks in and people tend to buy more of them. People also see cig companies that willingly put those labels on the pack as more honest, and smokers that think about the health hazards will panic, get stressed and reach for a cigarette to calm them.

Those anti smoking commercials effectively work as cigarette advertisement without all of the negative PR a smoking advertisement would get.

>Modern art is a CIA weapon

Kek, interested in this. I know of the theory it's used for money laundering but never heard of this

Runescape in New York city? Gonna need more info on this.

Ah, found a 720px wide which is easier to read. Pic Related.

redpill me on golfrumors pol

Rundown on golf rumours?

Modern art was used as anti commie propaganda during the cold war

Nice, I'm stealing it now you are god, boy.

fuck off back to /x/ roleplayer

What are the damn golf rumors

From what I've gathered, the creators of runescape were inspired by a trip to New York City, and the game is based off of New York to some extent. Not much to this one

So glad I started the snowball effect with redpilling people on tabacco. I was the one behind the smoking stogies General threads

gnosticism is a meme, it refers to like a hundred different belief systems, cults and ideas. its not "one" secret path

Something about some journalist who discovered a load of satanic occult shit at a PGA tour years ago, him and another guy at his paper were killed, something like that

Wasnt it in Nebraska and Kansas?

What is these meme related nonsense though? Digital routes on the English language. You can only do digital routes on Hebrew.

I'm calling this Meme Magic until the penis is drawn black like Sand Nigger Jesus would have it.

Which sport do all the politicians and businessmen and bankers play for fun?

Your threads did not give rise to my posts and beliefs. I'm glad you espouse tobacco but the work that you have done pales in comparison to that of Dr. Whitby and Night Light.
Although I have evangelized tobacco usage plenty here, I would never go as far as taking credit in comparison to these giants.
Nonetheless, keep preaching the truth about tobacco.

Here is a good bit of resources (quoted from another post:

Although an older resource, William Whitby, M.D. shows that anti-tobacco "science" isn't science at all!

>The Smoking Scare Debunked

>Smoking is Good For You

Another excellent resource:

Collection of studies showing the health benefits of smoking tobacco:

Hmmm. Interesting nonetheless.

Idk, I thought he(you) didnt have to work in SA anymore. You a honkey? If so I can guess what industry you are in, probably a small enough world to find him

I honestly have no idea what it means or why it was made.
I started getting really into the kangs meme and found this retarded shit.
Nation of Islam is the most autistic group of people there is. Then they merged with Scientology to get even more retarded. It's next level niggotry.

Oh yeah, then how could so many people dress up as the monopoly guy for Halloween with a monocle and this clip yet he never had a monocle. I guess a bunch of people just got it wrong so many years ago.

So without having to read the sources while this thread is active, how do they explain tar in the lungs as a result of smoking? Isn't that the huge reason it's considered unhealthy? Build up of tar?

post em

Moon Landing faked on the Moon.

Do you have a general time frame for the deaths

Modern mainstream Phillip Morris Winston Salem tier "tobacco" is plutonium GMO health vandalant crap mix. Probably got the weapons grade plutonium from bohemian grove or something.

Have fun getting removed user

So much of this shit is Controlled Opposition as conspiracy theory is getting way too close to the truth. Just mention Flat Earth in any thread and get attacked.

Burgers are cut loose. These fuckers will save society. I'm sure of it.

I have gotten all the way to the bottom of it all, but one can never stop uncovering what has been hidden from us all

>People remember seeing it not through the national media but from small town newspapers and second-hand accounts.
Mmmm, yeah. That's that good /x/ shit.
Gimme more. I was an /x/ homeboarder for years. I need that good shit again.

>Pancreas Denial
Thanks for the new band name.

Have to! It's the Holy Land, user!
I will keep my eyes and ears open for this fellow.
(But I don't do what you think I do.)

Thank you user I've been looking for this one