I Am a Hero

So she is like, the queen bee of the hivemind or something?

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I don't think I am a hero is relevant on Sup Forums anymore sadly which is a shame since its such an amazing manga

Who ever this Todome group are that have been steadily dolling out chapter over the last few weeks/months are doing gods work. Shit is getting intense now and I'm so grateful that chapters are coming out like they are.
No more 12 months of nada followed by a volume followed by and 7-8 months of nothing.

How does this shit keep getting better and better? And why does Sup Forums never talk about it?

Because we usually don't talk about good stuff

its been posted several times last few weeks wut

It is incredibly retarded, maybe not Gantz level of retarded but close.
And now just keep getting more retarded.

Where can I watch the movie online?

I guess. What's Hideo though? He's connected to 'mindplane' on some level too though.

Yeah he was gobbled up by that weird zqn and had a dream where he saw Kurusu.

nah the manga just went the whole rez4 route I like where things are going
the new volumes were not translated for whatever retarded reason thus the influx of threads
it was shit like most jap movies all the japs can do is ultra violent guro movies

>god damn fucking zombowaititsayyyylmaos

I lost interest in it somewhere where around when the nurse died.

>caring about a literal whore
I for one and happy she died pregnant all be it sad it was not when she was 4+ months

Exactly. The plot just got stale.

I also think he also briefly saw a glimpse of Hiromi's fevered zombie dream when they where at the Mall. Nice bit of foreshadowing if that's the case.
We're not far past it now man. Things go from crazier to crazier and now events are finally coming to a close. The end is near.

>I also think he also briefly saw a glimpse of Hiromi's fevered zombie dream
that and when fucking

This is the most shameless self-insert shit I've ever read.

What does ZQN actually stand for btw?

Well he does keep saying 'I am a hero'.

normalfags, normies, ectecera
then zfags

The fisherman they recently met said it. I forgot what it was.

is wrong
I'm trying to find what page its a term the murica milltary gave it

It's not retarded if you hate any advancement on the storyline. Let's be honest here, when it comes to zombies, any explanation to their origins will be retarded, no exceptions. At least here, it actually makes sense since it is frightening effective.

Which doesn't fit the murica military MO since they can come up with much better abbreviations than ZQN. I mean, for fuck's sake, they came up with AWESUM (Advanced Weapons Enhanced by Submarine UAS against Mobile targets). ZQN just sounds so half-assed.


Zero Quality Nucleus, in other words a Nucleus that has no quality, or more simple: a Cell that is fucked.

Yeah, same as that little girl from France the sentient zombies tried to get to one of the hives. Guess it's a struggle between the aliens trying to control the "queens" and the queen's own guard trying to help her assert her own dominance or something?


fucking DROPPED

nurse was the best, hiromi a fucking slut

How it even possible to self-insert?

Reminder that Hiromi unconsciously ordered the baby to bite nurse. Literally worst girl.

What? You're not a struggling creative type who suffers from excessive delusions that force you to protect yourself with a gun from the nightmares that appear in your visions?

It's an abbreviation, but it just doesn't feel Murikan enough. It's just lacks the over-elaborate naming system that they use. See the AWESUM example from the previous post.

Most of us would shit our pants at the sight of zombies, much less have the dedication to hold, aim and fire a shotgun at them.

I was being sarcastic, user.


So, do you expect a japanese mangaka to provide acurate american military jargon? Do you have autism?

Nah, I'm just saying it doesn't feel Murikan enough.

My question is still valid, do you fucking expect him to make a murikan enough jargon?

Oh shi-
I still love her though. I wish Hideo got that bath time harem.

Why are people still reading this garbage?

Course not. It started as DQN, with a Z for zombie.

Making an abbreviation after the fact was just an attempt to make it seem more legitimate.

I will try

sextuplets of truth


Nice get's

No, of course not. I didn't expect such a thing from a zombie manga, but that doesn't mean I can't say it doesn't feel Murikan enough. I'm not even criticizing it, I'm just saying it doesn't feel Murikan enough. That's it.

Cellular Migrational Nucleate Dissociation
Random words that make some sort of sense that can stand out as an abbreviation

Or if you want to take out the migrational, you can make it Cellular Nucleate Dissociation Syndrome and make it CNDS

At this point, I feel like I'm reading Gantz. I don't know what the fuck is going on anymore, but I'm enjoying the ride and vaguely remembering characters as they reappear.

Maybe I should just reread it all from the beginning.

I wonder if Hideo's infection manifested itself way back when he was sleeping in a forest.
Even given that he's batshit insane that was some crazy trip.

she was too good
probably one of the best female characters i've seen in a long time
the way she got infected was kinda dumb though

Sadly, the author got no choice left.

ZQN is a play on words from the 2ch DQN, which is like an idiot in 2ch lingo
so, zomfag is the localization of ZQN
based translation user explained it to me,

no, there havent been any new chinese new chapters in weeks

i for the fucking life of me cannot get this fuckin ZQN font distortion shit proper

I want to know what Hoppy saw come out of that uterus in Spain and why don't the Queens guard wear pants? Also the pickled products love.

italian kurusu is best boy

ona a slut


>why don't the Queens guard wear pants?


I want to know more about that zombie with the cut off head and the face on his back. Shit was freaky crazy.

most likely some sort of a failed mutant who exists outside of the entire hivemind system yet can control zombies around
i'm more interested in Hideo's abilities and his role in entire thing

I am a hero also released
8 tales of the ZQN , an anthology

thing is pretty good, alot of great art and interesting stories
only 1 is translated

Hideo's going to be the sperm donor for Hiromi's hive of meta humans

She's similar to the little French girl. A special that the hivemind wants to protect.

k you guys know who that is right? he was a member of the kuki shogunate , they never explained how he died , but the zombie is leading some kind of horde to kill helicopter clan, and best boy nakata seems to understand this

in the more recent translated chapters they explain that they think it is some king of warrior zombie

this zqn font work isnt the worst at least,
if anyone has tips pls post

The other Kurusu? The wimpy guy turned sayan?
Sorry I'm making my way through this again to refresh my memory so I'm terrible with the names.

Hideo's abilities so far are pretty strange. Kurusu is hostile towards him, not only he can advert zombie attention but control one like a fucking fleshy Gundam. I bet he became some sort of a defective Kurusu thanks to his own mental problems.


no im almost positive 2ch kurusu killed (or they ate eachother) the naked emperor , and the real kurusu.

the warrior zqn is/was the level headed technical leader of kuki shogunate, the guy who tr4ained takashi (wimpy kurusu, akak 2ch kurusu). his name was tagashi or something close to it, ill post pic after, i just wanted to post lead up to these sweet panties

fuck i didnt finish this one

this guy with the mask, he is dead and definatly a warrior ZQN

takashi is on back and he is def kurusu

arm pad

Oh right. That makes sense now thanks. Seeing the mask again really jogged my memory.

Becasue we should all talk about the new Naruto or Jojo right?

just buffed up on newest chapters

nakata is the real hero

where? do u have a link?

and the fuck is kurusu up to, and he even calls himself kurusu despite knowing he is takashi. ive been calling him kuruasu as like a subtype of ZQN

k, so italian kurusu killed a ton of ZQN protecting the girl, who were just going to take her to the nest, or hive

i just read ch 227 and if kurusu is bringing all the zqn to the building aka nest what the fuck is he up to and is he gonna kill everyone?

yeah hes gonna kill everyone

I hope that guy in the helicopter clan with tash and the dude with speech impediment's gang live. I want to see his reunion with Hideo

If mutants are still a part of hivemind and its plan, why they are killing and even eating zombies?

i was hooping to find a thread archive from when i posted the raws, because it had translations from anons, but desustorage is down

yeah man, thats what im sayin what the fuck are they up to

i want him to finger hiromi on a motorcycle

Maybe the 'Queen' like the mutant Kurusu types are a rouge byproduct as well? Completely independent of what the giant uterus monsters are working towards?

that he stole

i hope this link is better.
there is only one story scanlated, and thats the ITO one, which is fucking great



fug, the scanlator's website is down so i have to link manga foz because im not reposting it tonight


I don't remember this one. Any pics of him? When does he appear?

wait, Im a here has a movie?

He's this guy.

i also picked up the I AM A HERO OMNIBUZ of v1 and 2
translation is pretty good compared to scanlation
pics look fucking great in person

and I AM A HERO NAGASAKI translated was a pretty gooood read

someone help me with fucking zombie font

came out end of april

oh, thanks

takeshi thats his name

at least thats what this filename says, decent colorful job

What is this?

isn't that one of the mall boys?


3dpd is better looking than the 2d equivalent
why the fuck cant kenny draw sexy

Very good

i am a hero nagasaki
based user translated it while i was postig raws and he said i could typeset it, im just trying to get the zombie font right

no, he rescues takashi (current kurusu) and is part of the kuki shogunate

this one is sexier

That picture just makes me wish we had a proper anime of this. Slow, weighty animation that hangs on the human interactions and if they got that self-deprecating humor that runs through out the manga right, it would be perfect

amen to that

i dont want to ruin the vision by posting more but

i want animated kurusu

k so debuted in 2006
live action movie in 2016
3 short spinoff manga + anthology
as well as released in the west

how long before our damn anime

one of the other 8 tales that were great

these kids are fucking retarded

He actually does look like Hideo