Nation of immigrants

>nation of immigrants
>most successful one in the world, more than any all white nation
Really makes me think

>Mostly immigrants from developed countries. Not useless thieves
>Wast unused lands and resources
>Used to be one of the freest countries which is good for the population and development

and you also havelike 340 millions of people which makes it hard for other countries to compete. And per capita USA isn't very good

Things cost less though

>And per capita USA isn't very good
Per capita what?

Built by whites
Being destroyed by niggers and brown immigrants.

Wrong, built by KANGZ
The white devi- I mean, the white man is everything wrong with western society today

>Nation of immigrants

Old meme. The US was founded and maintained by Protestant Anglo-Teutonic settlers and it was better for it. As soon as other immigrants started arriving they began polluting the country

>Wrong, built by KANGZ
That's like saying the the Golden Gate Bridge was built by rivet guns.

We're riding the coattails of what WAS a 95% white nation at one time. Some incredibly smart Europeans migrated here (a lot of dumb ones too).

>most successful one in the world
>over 17 trillion dollars in external debt, making it possibly the poorest country in the world
You do realize if other countries actually enforced your debt you'd be worse than Zimbabwe, right?

>Italy and Ireland in the late 1800s
>Developed and free of crime


Only because Europe tore itself apart with a pointless war

But... if you left the rivet guns there long enough, wouldn't they eventually construct a bridge?

Just looked it up, it's 18.286 trillion. You actually got even more indebted than last time I checked about two years ago.
>most successful
really made me think

>nation of immigrants
>most successful one in the world, set up by WHITE EUROPEANS

Really makes me think, nigger. Go pick some cotton.

Not per capita. Still has the largest population of whites in the world. Used to be 90% white when at height of power. Key weapons such as ICBMs were built during that time but now even a tiny state as small as N. Korea is catching up and is a legitimate threat to the mainland.

The spirit of a nation is the spirit of a nation's people. I would love to live in a world whose entire spirit was suitable for constructing a modern civilization, but that does not describe Earth.

>But... if you left the rivet guns there long enough, wouldn't they eventually construct a bridge?
If you leave niggers alone do they eventually construct a thriving society?

You don't understand, it takes billions of years for the conditions to be right for that to occur and they've only had 6000. Give them a break, will you?

Racism is for unintelligent people

>using "nation of immigrants" to cover up all the illegal immigration that plagues the south of the border.


We're living on borrowed time.

Your right. Lets all race mix and become the same. Diversity is holding us back.

>nation of majority of white immigrants

It is thats how nations evolve. Ignorance is for weak amd scared people.

>Fuck potatoes and spaguettis
I rest my case

We lost our Anglo roots and now we're paying for it.

>We're living on borrowed dime.

Welcome to the United States. Sorry pork and alcohol are haram.


>Nation of all white immigrants plus 8% black slaves and dregs of red natives
>Takes over the world
>Imports nonwhites up to 40%
>Immediately enters era of decline

Whats wrong with that photo? You dont post photos of the hundreds of methodist and baptist churches flooded the south. Shit in my town theres churches everywhere

Shit we have 2 buddhist temples as well

>on brink of collapse

Hmm where have we seen that before..

If not allowing invasion is weak the native Americans must have been the strongest people in the world. Remind me how are they doing now.

>Most successful in the world
nice meme

Nation of Laws.

every fucking nation on earth is a "nation of immigrants".

>Immigrants who went to the back of the line and weren't permitted to participate in politics

you see why today's problems exist?

Whites attacked them out of fear and because whites are uneducated. They have never accomplished anything without the help of other races.

Nation of white european immigrants. It didn't go to shit until 1965 when the jews opened the flood gates with the immigration act. Fuck off you disgusting jew!

Hi jew!

godda spend money to make money, stupid nigger

It's true Vlad. How many people has Russia landed on the moon again?

Then wouldn't strict immigration laws in white majority nations be doing everyone a favor because if we are so horrible surely no one should want to or should have to live among us. Works for me.

Yes but even the dumb ones had a good work ethic and didn't believe in government handouts.

nation of white immigrants until mass migration in the 70', combined with increased debt, unemployment, idiocracy birthrates, poverty, crime and violence.

>>most successful one in the world, more than any all white nation
>Really makes me think

No I does not make you think at all, you fucking burger because you would know US of A is not a successful country since the 80's. Your inequality indicators are third world, your poverty rate is astonishing and more important, you're not part any more with the West. USA has abandoned the very fundamental values of the West such as liberty, equality, justice, happiness, secularism and social progress.
USA is only an economical power, it has lost most of its cultural influence over the world and the rest is collapsing.

>Irish, Italians, Anglos
>White immigrants

How many people in the US actually landed on the moon, Tyrone?

more than the rest of the countries in the world combined

To be fair, everyone but muslim countries have lost their culture and influence on the world. This has to do with globalism more than anything else.

You can't "lose" your culture. Culture reshape permanently with new additions and forgotten parts. It would be more exact to say some values were abandoned by the culture to the detriment of new values.

Yeah mostly white legal immigrants not brown goblins who jumped over a chainlink fence and got pity points.

And don't you fucking forget it.

In that sense yes, but in the same sense because the new culture abandoned its previous values, you can say that it was lost/reformed.

Here are some counter arguments to your bullshit.

First of all it's not the best country to live in, it has higher inequality, higher crime rates, worse healthcare, worse education, worse life expectancy than many other homogeneous nations.

Second America was not that diverse throughout it's history. You can count the 10% niggers, but they're the ones who contribute to the violent crimes, poverty, etc. If you remove them America would be comparable to EU countries in these areas. As it is now, it's a lot worse.

America was at the top of the world in the 1950s-1960s. Yet it has continuously fallen while these homogeneous countries rose up. I would not want to live in America if I could live in Japan now.50-60s America was the best. And in the 50s-60s the latino population was like 2-3%.So not that much diversity.

>Mostly immigrants from developed countries. Not useless thieves

In fact about 1/4th are descended from German immigrants in the 1800s, which was not by any means at all a developed nation even for the time.

Likewise the influx of Irish or Italians.

>And per capita USA isn't very good

By GDP per capita PPP, the USA is ranked 11th by the IMF, 9th by the World Bank, and 13th by the CIA.

None of those are bad. Taking the CIA, the USA ranks ahead of the Netherlands, Sweden, Australia, Germany, Austria, Taiwan, Denmark, Canada, Belgium, the United Kingdom, France, Finland, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Spain...

The only traditionally first world countries ahead of America's rank (by the CIA) are Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Ireland, Norway, and Switzerland. None of these countries have a population of more than 10 million people.

To have a population of 323.1 million and yet still be ranked 13th in terms of overall GDP per capita (PPP) is frankly amazing. For the record, using the CIA and listing countries that have populations of 100 million or more:

United States: 13th
Japan: 30th
Russia: 52nd
Mexico: 68th
China: 81st
Brazil: 85th
Indonesia: 103rd
Philippines: 124th
Nigeria: 129th
India: 130th
Pakistan: 143rd
Bangladesh: 149th
Ethiopia: 183rd

wtf I love becoming a minority in America now

Thats because authoritarianism is a disease that has plagued mankind, and america was the first country to get rid of it.

True about GDP PPP/capita American user, but don't forget that your country is very unequal. I still think the average Western European has it better than the average American (though admittedly this includes blacks, spics etc)

I'm convinced, add these to your list of relevant and unique comparisons:

>Lived on land
>Ate food
>Breathed air

>Lives on land
>Eats food
>Breaths air

Not that I don't agree that there are warning signs of collapse, but your graphic is retarded

americas nat debt is 105% gdp poortugals is 130%

Because America was the best of Europe

Thats one of the reasons europe is so shit, the good ones left

Created by white people for white people, then Irish, Jewish and Italian mafias ruined everything from city infrastructure to politics, 1960's subversion ruined European demographics of the USA, then black and Latino gangs/population made everything worse. OP, you're a fool.

(((Who))) is behind this post?

I've lived in Europe, specifically Ireland. It's better in some areas and worse in others. For me, the biggest concern is cost of living, and the fact is that Americans make more money on average, and have to spend smaller portions of that money on average on things like food or rent.

Exactly. The irony is, the ones who cry about racism were going to vote for a rich WASP from a corrupt political dynasty because they think Democrats actually like brown people.