What the hell is going on behind Mike Pence's door Sup Forums?


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Homosexual conversion therapy





the color checks out

Anyone else notice the Swastikas above the door?
/Ourguy 4th Reich confirmed.

You really don't wanna know that one

What you see is the electrical arc generated by Mike Pence's electrocution of homosexuals in his electric chair

timemachine or zapping the gay away. also your pic seems to be altered to make it more shining

5000k LED bulbs in use, try it sometime


funfact. if you cmpare john titors badge with the emblem of the german antarctic expedition it makes it look like something (a UFO) is flying out of the southpole

>pence is melting the gay away with high power bulbs

Interesting. The latin means "time, devourer of all things."

Why are the skirting boards so damn dirty? Do they not have cleaners?

day light

rare in DC

it's DC
everything is dirty there

Did they ever say what the flashing red light was inside the White House about a month into Trumps 8 year term? I thought that was weird as fuck. But DEFINITELY coming from INSIDE.

probably a security device they were installing
the entire whitehouse gets refitted with that stuff when a new president is put in

That's for discovering surveillance equipment that might be hidden.

They did it before Trump got back from Saudi and Israel remember? So he was out of the WH for a long time and this shit is susceptible to CIA NIGGERS

Hm i wonder what connection titor may had with antartica? I don't recall him mention anything about antartica

>8 year
Haha, sorry to burst your bubble drumphy but he will soon be impeached.

I just looked at some articles about it and Still no straight story. The Official story is that a cop car had someone pulled over and the lights reflected onto the window. Uh-huh.
AND I get conflicting stories about where Trump was. I DO remember him being out of town that night. But there are more than one article saying he just got back right before the lights started.
But I remember when this happened. He wasn't there. Why are they saying he was. wtf.

Maybe all the secret technology that Trump planned to unlock for the world is secretly hidden in antartica.

Anyone got the picture where mike pence ntr zaps the lesbian

he was definitely there
CNN was trying to film it and people wer making fun of them for trying to spy on the whitehouse and trump was in there

What's shareblues narrative on Sup Forums gonna be when Mueller gets fired and Obama gets arrested?


my theory goes:
john titor is actually trump, as all his pseudonyms are always called john
making him the first president to have an anime girl version of himself and actually having made anime real.

nazis went to antarctica and furthered their development of technology as UFOs, and possibly in the future john titors/trumps timemachine
trump is actually working for the nazis and creating a soft takeover of the US
the plus ultra rumors, if real, might actually be a nazi branch.

doesn't the whole border look shopped?

For the love of God can someone animate this

It's been done.

it is being released, slowly but surly the tech kept secret is being made public. Just not much news coverage.
this same tech can be used to launch unmanned spacecraft and orbitals into space.



> Mike "ass full of juice, face full of Zeus" Pence

Also check out this video.


Jordanian TV says Israel has the cure for cancer and that they keep it hidden.

What's interesting is that the HPV virus is a fucking star of david. HPV is thought to be the cause of a lot of cancers.

Every time I hear
>he will soon be impeached.
I can't help to laugh out loud

Russia right?

pence posting started as a leftypol meme

fucking post 2016 newfags

What's been on my mind is how many journalists will be indicted?

nice protein

Because jews are cancer.
I do agree, My father was wealthy, was diagnosed with cancer 26 years ago. he went to a hospital in Switzerland and paid then came back cured. he died just back in august of kidney failure at the age of 89.

There is no money in curing it, the money is in treatment.

they can however be sued.
USA freedom of speech, it is what fox cnn espn and all the rest hide behind.
here in Canada we have laws that protect us from knowingly broadcasting fake news.
I for some reason can't see the president of the USA suing the stations. he would rather play them like a harp.

Dude. Fuck off Obama leaf. Stop linking MSM as if it's the truth. We're over a year into fake news and you still pull this bullshit. Just kill yourself.

I think maybe you are replying to the wrong post?
The image is a screenshot of CNN telling 3 diffierent stories about the same thing within hours of each other.
CNN and most mainstream american news is fake. Here in Canada they are literally broadcasted under entertainment licencing and not news licencing

your'e a good leaf. STAY GOOD

Child rape. Mike Pence is a blackmailed pedo who has raped over 100 children according to US Senate user:


Holy shit every single thread was scrubbed. They all had 300+ replies. Good thing there are still archives.

i knew i shouldnt have posted this yesterday, newfags gonna fag

Wouldn't surprise me at all, pence's relationship with dennis hastert is suspicious as fuck. I don't trust the man at all.

Yes it does look shopped... It looks like some cunt used "Contour" on that shit lol

This threads are extremely informative and I suggest everyone read them if they can. The guy called out a second restaurant similar to Comet Ping Pong, among other things.


You're a fucking psychopath. Pedos are about to get mass arrested. Including you.

>AC/DC for the LGBT


Sunlight you fucking illiterate

Nah bro. Let us speculate fag.

They're marble you dolt

It's used to search for surveillance devices. Trump probably thought someone formerly employed in the WH, or deep state assets had installed some of it.



electroshock reprogramming

>yfw humble Pence is leader of the Illuminati


PLUS ULTRA is not illuminati.

Senate user was full of shit. You are retarded to still be pretending that was real.

I think the only people that still bring up senate user are the shills that made it up.




We should meme this.

Do it.

i remember him being there because i made a joke that it was the fire alarm because the wh chef didnt know how to make a well done steak yet.

he's going to transcend into an entity of pure light

Someone needs to go on battlebots and make a robot called Pence Prime with tesla coil EMP's

This pattern is literally on every corner of Washington D.C. if you ever go there look at the inlays on the sides of the buildings.



fuckin Optimus Pence

A bot that clamps shut called Hillary's Vag