try to refute this you fucking hypocrites

I want to see which heavy mental gymnastics you drumpfsters will pull off to defend your blatant hypocrisy


Sage and reported


Also westboro baptists arent blowing people up and raping children

Stop replying this is an obvious slide thread. Don't address the argument or anything like that. Just don't respond. This post didn't bump the thread for [redacted] reasons.

Sage, also, Muslims follow a religion that actually calls for the death of infidels in its text, but you wouldn't know that considering how much time you spend in the cuckshed Sven. I hope the Finns occupy you.

Slide thread swedecuck
Fuck off mate
It grows in all fields

saged and reported

Remind me again when was the last time one from the westboro baptist church drove over people with a truck, firing a handgun at people and yelling "god wills it"
Never? That's what I thought.
Fucking cuck

In America we have a right to march, I'm pretty sure we don't have a right to kill people, maybe I'm wrong

The marches dont kill anyone. And Christianity has reformed

Your memes aren't intellectually sound. This isn't even close to being a good argument.

Has Westboro done anything in the last 5 years anyway

>obvious bait is obvious


the Westboro Baptist Church isnt Catholic


>westboro hasn't killed anyone

sage and report slide threads

What is WBC doing wrong?

not an argument


Fuck off paki faggot

I'm gay and you're an idiot. The westboro Baptist has never harmed anybody. At its heart Christianity is a religion of pacifism and bears no similarity to the death cult of Islam. Westboro Baptist came to my school and protested. Nothing happened. Its a free country and they are apart of it. Islam ALWAYS seeks to establish its own political state. Islam is not a part of America by its very nature.

There is video footage of gay people attacking the children of the westboro Baptist and them turning the other cheek and not retaliating. They are absolute pacifists.

>I'm gay
stopped reading right there desu

Good. Cast not your pearls before swine.

Mohammed was a pedoohile a rapist,who encouraged and used torture. all those who glorify him are not fit for American society.

WBC aren't actually chopping off heads and throwing people off buildings

Westboro BAPTIST church is like 10 people from one family.
Literally, one family.

You wouldn't care even if it were, faggot.