Was he a good guy or a bad guy?

Was he a good guy or a bad guy?

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just a guy

good guy...get your head out of your ass and read a book for fuck sake

A coward.

He gains my respect during WW1 after reading My Early Life. Churchill was a very decent, fair and hard-working man.
The Jews got their hands on him during WW2, I'm not sure if he knew he was killing not only the British empire but also the western world. The war was unnecessary, the western world fought against each other while the elite Jews climbed the mountain while all the hurdles were focusing on each other.

Churchill's War, by David Irving. Some of Joe Kennedy's personal correspondence sheds light on Winnie's depravities.

He was a gambling alcoholic that needed the war in order to enrich himself and his friends, and to pay off his gambling debts.

I thought he saved everyone from Hitler

Made stupid decisions & loved dragging us into war.

Hitler was trying to save Europe from communism and cultural Marxism.

He was a good goy.

a good goy

a good goy

Hitler was an idiot who did a dirty deal to carve up Poland then tried to invade Russia with even less success than Napoleon

Perhaps the worst of the 20th century


Jew tool, even mainstream historians say he was paid by the Jews to stay in politics and push a war with Germany instead of the Soviet Union.

>Good and bad
Naive child

Alright. But even if you think that, it doesn't change what I said.

He didn't care too much about crippling Britain and destroying the empire, and handing all the power to America because he was half-Yank himself.

This is why you don't trust mutts with power.

I like when David Irving says something, everyone hates him, then about 15-20 years later it's taken as if it's something they always knew and agreed with.

bad guy

>war with Germany

Didn't Hitler start the war?

I thought people said he was "bad" because he was an alcoholic wife beater.

one of the worst figures of the 20th century, though i doubt he had the foresight to fully understand the consequences


He was a best goy.

>Didn't Hitler start the war?
It's not like Hitler wanted war against the whole world, he invaded Poland and France along with Britain declared war against him for that. He declared war back.
Hitler was not an alcoholic, if anything he quit drinking completely later in his life.

>It's not like Hitler wanted war against the whole world, he invaded Poland *so* France along with Britain declared war against him for that. He declared war back.
My previous comment was pretty confusing.

imagine if everyone around you suddenly, and for reasons you had little to do with, beat you up and stole things from you. then when you try and reclaim what was stolen they beat you up again and say it was your fault

He was pretty good up until the mid 1220s when the Jews started to realize how they could use his influential, growing power. He was a destructive puppet.

he was horrible, both in military matters and economic

The best goy jew servant, 33rd degree jew mason.

A pure politician, who's only consistent belief/value in his life, besides his own personal success, was maintaining the British Empire, which he bankrupted and lost in WWII by declaring war on Germany for wanting to build their own empire in East Europe. He literally worked on the payroll of the Jews in the "Wilderness Years", and was absolute blessing for the USSR, and for the plutocracy/degeneracy system that went on to capture the West and the bulk of the world. This man is one of the most destructive, and most Demonic, human being in history of the world.

I believe France also declared war on Germany first as well. I don't think there is any evidence that he had any ambitions west of Germany in the near future. He wanted to head eastward, to capture the territory (population base) and resources (Germany was starved out of WWI) to give Germany a secure geopolitical footing. You know, sort of like the one the US conquered, or the empire Britain conquered.

Jew puppet

Pile of shit; bankrupted the British empire, denied Europe any hope of peace, allied with Stalin.

He was the golden goy

kike bitch

He just had the voice to control a Nation, to drag it into the abyss.

Libertarians really hate him for some reason.


he was a Jewish puppet which automatically makes him a bad guy. The Brits should have listened to Mosley and they were until the Jews black listed him

read his autobio and get back to me
my life; a roving commission

Total BS' dude before the war Germany, much more self-sufficient than the UK which imported 2/3rds of its food. Even before during mobilization Germany rolled the dice requisitioned the majority of draft animals to assist in army transportation, and then took huge numbers of farm livestock, including breeding stock, which were then slaughtered to feed the army. All this before a single shot was fired . With the failure of von Schlieffen plan it all came down to a war of attrition which germany already had locked itself into.

He inadvertently destroyed Britain, but boy could he give a speech!

>Germany’s most unforgivable crime before the Second World War was her attempt to extricate her economic power from the world’s trading system and to create her own exchange mechanism which would deny world finance its opportunity to profit.



>Something something WW1 austerity

funny how if you replace the word 'world' with 'jew', things make even more sense.

he was incompetent.

This meme about him being ignored by all the evil chamberlains is bullshit.

he fucked up at gallipoli
he fucked up in india (where he killed 100s of millions through famines induced when he had the food sold off for profits overseas and instituted a media blackout) and lost the empire

he had crippling alcoholism, so the jews let him play at being PM.

Umm, wrong prime minister mate, you might wanna read a book, It was Neville Chamberlain

Gonna need a source for this one