If I'm more than 50% white, genetically, and I marry and breed with a white woman, am I contributing to the white race?

If I'm more than 50% white, genetically, and I marry and breed with a white woman, am I contributing to the white race?

Other factors
>both church-going Christians
>she is 2 years younger
>approval of parents to marry
>she will be a stay at home mother
>I would also be home most of the time (run my own online business)
>will move to rural area
>both vote conservative
>will homeschool
>I exercise regularly
>do not have any debt
>speak two languages, learning a third to teach first child
>both want to be self sustaining (gardening, hunting, etc)

The know the statistics are not in my or my girl's best favor, but awareness of those redpills has made me work hard to fight against them.

If the high IQ brown and black man knows what needs to be done for his family and takes action to avoid the mistakes of others, can he be a benefit to mankind?

Other urls found in this thread:


What is the other half?

this, anything above 0.1 percent jew is grounds for the gas chamber

If the other half is not Asian you are helping to decrease the average IQ. Get at least a vasectomy son of race traitors

wrong wrong wrong. hitler said more than 25% Jewish and your gass


30% Black
10% Native American

If you like to do the world a favour, get your ass and mixed mongrels to Sub saharan Africa, there you might help man kind. DONT STAY IN THE WEST

I understand your sentiment, but it saddens me a little to see that some of you would ignore those who present a path that eventually leads to prosperity.

Your strict tribalism does you no good at this moment in time, especially when a large portion of white men are not marrying and having more than two children. White men that have abandoned Christian ideology and have forgotten the self reliance of their fathers. If my future sons masquerade as white, you can be sure they won't be raised as limp-wristed boys that have no ambition of their own.

Perhaps mongrels are needed to actually lead these lost men that have been so defeated by Jews.

They will carry the negroid curse in them making it more probable that they become way more niggerish than white. Sorry bud, you fell for the structure defines human equality bs. As I said, get your ass to a Nigger or beaner country and have your half white kids spread their genes there. But well I guess Africa is not comfy enough, isn't it.

I mean that's just more European DNA being diluted in the gene pool, but you sound like a good guy.

Just don't raise your kids to be niggers

My gf is half white half Mexican. I'm 100% white. Am I good to have kids guys?

No. Race-mixing will be punished with death on the day of the rope. Heil Hitler.

>myth of black virility: the post

Fuck off nigger, you'll never be one of us, try as you might.

does she look brown

Nah she looks irish

no, the only people who will say yes are americans and no european considers american "whites" white any more

Only if you're authorized.

Better than the curse of getting eternally subverted by Jewish elite.
Thinking that humans are not constantly evolving or changing from generation to generation, ignoring that the west currently, and particularly the US, needs strong men more than any other place, having no grand plan of action of your own that will secure the ideology and success of your descendants and their countrymen, is what failures of "men" like you have done to ruin the white race.

The way I see it, I'm on my way to make great change simply by living the way the most advanced group of people on earth that we know of have advocated. If you're so dead set on thinking that change is never possible through the actions of a few, I will revel in the fact that my descendants will outnumber and outperform yours by factors of trillions.

How little do you value your own potential that you do not see opportunity in your fellow man?

just kill yourself you mongrel half-breed

Contributing to bring shitskins

>How little do you value your own potential that you do not see opportunity in your fellow man?
You are basically the product of jewish influence, keeping up with the jewish shit by reproducing and making the US even more a jewish controlled territory by producing mixed shit you literal bastard.

Go back to /r/eddit where you belong.

Doesn't really matter, you're all mutts anyway by now. You can't water down shit, it's just gonna be watery shit, but still shit nonetheless.

I thought it was 50%.

What are the crosses meant to represent here? Citizenship?

Lol coon coming on here begging for acceptance from white supremacist. I hope your nigger ass gets laughed off this board and you cry yourself to sleep.

we have a genuine 56%

>itt whitebois getting maed at a faggot halfbreed for outbreeding them
50% indian 50% white
i hate my halfbreedness, but atleast I'll be a better white man than those worthless white subhumans i see around me
ill marry a white girl, make dozens of quadroons, and ill kick out each anf every one of them who dares come home with a non-white. give me 3 generations and you wouldn't even see my indian heritage back at all.
you nigger whites need to learn to pick your fights, we're on your side and we love the whitewash
you are in dire need of more capable men and sons, and yet you'd turn away even the help of halfbreeds because "they carruh tha niggu geni3"
go kys faggot, I'll be a better white than niggers like you ever will be

good luck being outbred and killed off by hordes of niggers. Even hitler had his token blacks and because you need to know how subhumans behave, you're white, you couldn't possibly know

>50% poo, 50% white
>"I'll be a better white than niggers like you ever will be"
"Everything on this earth can be made into something better, provided always that the racial blood is kept pure. But the loss of racial purity will wreck inner happiness forever. It degrades men for all time to come. And the physical and moral consequences can never be wiped out."

You can do what you want, but you'll always be a poo.

Your kid isn't a quadroon and you're not mulatto. Those are words for niglets.

>bleach out indian heritage
Good goy, throw away any ancient culture or heritage that isn't (((Jesus))).

>nigger whites should pick their fights
The whites who will shame you for being half-indian will shame your great-great-grandson for having 4% south asian on his DNA records. And they're trash meant to go extinct anyway, just like the niggers.

Embrace and practice dharma.

>meme flag
So what shithole are you really from?

Typical Amerimutt defending his poo in loo brother lol.

100% racially pure telugu Hindu.

>muh whites are so great
Fuck off before you ruin right-wing politics again, Dicky.

When was the last time you all learned a new practical skill?
Are you doing better than your father when he was your age?
Do you have the concept of perseverance despite having been dealt a less than optimal hand at life?
Are mistakes you make valuable experiences to you?
Would a risky decision with the potential to propel you forward make you hesitate?
Is the thought of achieving greatness not enough for you to want all men around you to do the same? I am urging you to snap out of antagonistic tendencies that prevent you from saving your own people, nevermind my mixed kind.
Learn from the men who do the truth. Men of greatness will rise and do not ignore them based on where they come from. Emulate and improve upon the things that work and correct the things that don't. Act yourselves on the statistics and facts you so dearly hold rather than tell others what value they apparently have.

You don't need to accept me, I will succeed regardless. I am not perfect, but far from it are those that take pride in dying of thirst when a dark man offers them some water.


Shut up you ugly mongrel

Nobody gives a shit what you think of 'tribalism' because you have no tribe. You're just a lost shitskin

>other races should stay in their own nations and be proud
>hahaha poo in loo white is might is right
It's ironic how you're literally alienating every possible ally you might ever find because you want to LARP as nazis (who respected Hindus).




>we want a race war
>we want all the non-whites on one side
>what the fuck whites are a minority
>stop being mean to us racists
>we have to protect white people from white genocide
You're a coward and a cuck. I hope Kamala Harris wins in 2020 and whites go extinct forever.

TL;DR, mutt opinions discarded. LOL.
>Wants respect
>Wants approval for miscegenation

You're right, I baited what I hope are white neets into thinking about whether spending time outcasting a mixed race man is better than improving their own life by way of my own optimism. Hopefully, anyway.

I'm black

They will hate your ass regardless stop begging for acceptance. Work on yourself and watch their race die slowly because they're parasites they just dont realize it.

>hurr durr everything about everyone is explained purely by genetic ancestry, which is obviously only with regards to race and not individual genetic variation
I hope your kid gets downs but you won't abort it because of its pearly white skin.

>Being this much of an assblasted poo

>thinking anyone is legitimately assblasted on 4chinz
I'm literally LARPing as white in 2 other threads shitting on poos. Get on my level.

kek, well played

Instead of reproducing nigger genes here just take the white to Africa. Make the world a better place.

what's your "y" chromosome haplogroup?


you've got a white dad?

>If I'm more than 50% white, genetically, and I marry and breed with a white woman, am I contributing to the white race?


>my grandfather was 100% Ashkenazi and all my other grandparents are aryan
I know according to the nuremberg laws I'd be able to marry a white woman and have children considered aryan, because I'm only 1/4 kike. Do you agree with that Sup Forums?

>30% nigger

Yuck. If you got a mulatto wife similar to you that would be the best case scenario because you in actuality might have white passable kids in that case.

Negro PLEASE, your race would not be alive right now if it wasn't for the ultimate mercy and compassion of my own. If I were in charge of the world right now, though it would pain me to do it as I have black and even a Jewish friend, I WOULD eliminate ALL the lesser races and this world would be an undeniably better place because of it.

kill yourself fucking subhuman
you are a full blooded shitskin. one drop rule. Hitler lost.
Not entirely. You were never White to begin with, if you have a potential to racemix. Ever noticed how it's genetic trash no one wants in the gene pool in the first place? Soros or whatever is Sup Forums witch today, open borders, propoganda and other shit do a great job for us. Shit like that should be encouraged. Race-mixing counter-intuitively just leads to the purification of the White Race, as all the weak anti-racist genes get bred out, leaving behind only the Whites who are repulsed by non-whites on a genetic level.

This shit will bite shitskins and kikes in the ass hard in a few thousand years, when Whites actually evolve into universally monstrous racial supremacists they fear today.

That's why you don't accept anyone who is not 100% European from North America into your movement. Beware of Spencer - negroid loving traitor on a genetic level

For mongrel genetics often breed mongrel rhetoric

"White" racemixer is a subhuman and so is any "White" that forges any relationship with nonwhite that are not directly exploitative

DNA you are born is not enough to be a part of the Blood Community (although not being pure in race banishes your chance to join no matter how accomplished you are).

racial awareness + noble living + pure bloodline = White/European ethnicity x

If you're male with a European Dad and an R1b "y" chromosome then your lineage is salvageable. As salvageable as it gets... The African and Amerindian stains will never disappear entirely, but if you're a 50% European male with the R1b then they can be minimized to less than 1% after about 5 or 6 generations of bleaching.

Jesus fuck, you still haven't killed yourself you meme flag faggot

He is. My hope is to raise my children to follow certain impermeable guidelines to life and teach them how to teach themselves, as well as how to repeat the process for their children. It's the only real plan I have for trying to better humanity.


One drop rule, jamal

In your case, yes, because your children will bleach.com back into white folks after two more generations.

If your non-white is non-jewish, you are accepted.


idk bro i'm alright with it sounds like you have your shit together. i'd rather have u than trailer trash. as long as your kids dont become self hating liberal garbage i hope you have a good life and raise ur kids well

So your answer to helping the white race, which is not breeding enough as you yourself have said, is to breed with a white woman as a mullato? Does this make sense to you?
Your kids will look like pic related regardless of how much white your gf has.

Depends on what you mean by mexican.
1/8 vs 1/4

Lol yet you still can't get a white woman to fuck you. Get the fuck out of here

>Race that last another 300 years



Also, bilingualism is blue-pilled as fuck. Hitler himself spoke only German.

>bu-bu-bu-but i am half white nigga, just le me in. I dindu nuffin
No nigger. Put a drop of black paint in white paint. The white is no longer white. Fucking nigger

>niggers, arabs and co
>exist in fourty years time
Russian ethnic nationalists will soon be in Kremlin and many of Russians have "why don't we kill all the shitskins?" Darwinistic mentality. You know what that means? Your death is a matter of "when", not "if"

The leaf is right: we have a potential to stop coddling non-white vermin and gas you all instead. Your entire existence depends on our continued pity.

Pity that is non-existent in Russia, a nuclear state no less

It'll take over 100 years of breeding with 100% Europeans to bleach your autosomal DNA, but the stain will still be visible even a thousand years later. It'll be less than 1% but it'll never go away. I don't think you should be allowed to do it. To sacrifice 5+ generations of Europeans just to clean your bloodline is not worth it. Not to mention the permanent presence of your African and Amerindian markers seeping into the European gene pool. Insidious and repugnant. I don't care about your ideals or your personality, it would mean sacrificing a higher value for a lower one. Blame your father for ruining your heritage, thank your mother for getting you that R1b status, and breed with a fellow mongrel... If you want to help your cursed children, find a similarly mixed female with a European mitochondria.

That's a woman's argument you pathetic nigger, please try again. I'm married lmao, and you, you individually are a parasite leech, while your race is a blight, an actual pest, a weeping sore upon this Earth

it'll take at least 5 generations for the African and Amerindian admixtures to be less than 1%, over a hundred years of breeding with 100% Europeans, and the stain will never go away it'll just seep into the European gene pool. That's too much to ask of us.

Wrong. None of anything similar to that never ever will be close to being an European. They can't be White and never will be White. Even thier progeny in 5000 years of mixing with """"Whites"""" won't ever be White. Quarter Persian, 1/16 Jew, 1/64 Sioux, 1/512 negro, 1/2048 North African; doesn't matter. Bloodline of Ancestors is corrupted and genetic pollution is done. Moreover, they will forever carry the genetic memory of High Racial Treason.

Call me D&C and prove once again, that y'all are nothing but a "Mongrel Tolerance Movement"

same position and already have a white gf way out of my league, life will be interesting to say the least.

>The leaf is right: we have a potential to stop coddling non-white vermin and gas you all instead. Your entire existence depends on our continued pity.

>Pity that is non-existent in Russia, a nuclear state no less

Every major geneticist and technocrat supports in one way or another full extermination of negroids, so why we shouldn't? Godspeed.

shame you all don't get to live in our societies without getting killed though

>won't raise sons to be limp wristed
>currently asking white supremacists if he's white enough
Go fuck yourself you ugly mongrel, you deserve whatever shitty fate you're gonna meet in the next few years for thinking you're even comparable to a white man in anything let alone raising his children. Fucking disgusting monkey

Hahaha go the fuck back to Africa, nigger.

That's exactly what I just said. The stain will last forever and shouldn't be allowed to seep into the European gene pool. He can salvage his bloodline, albeit not entirely, doesn't mean he should be allowed. I'm super intolerant but it is possible for the African and Amerindian autosomal DNA to be replaced over time. Testing would detect it and it would be very small, but that doesn't mean it's worth it to let him.

>please please please let me into your club

honestly you're not that dumb. just marry someone in your own race and raise proper off-spring.
>If my future sons masquerade as white,
They won't be able to. They'll be at least 15% black, which enough to be detectable as black. You need to be below 5% black to be passable.

Stop pretending to yourself.

If you're going back that far, no one is white.
Not to go full >52% but you need to be somewhat more reasonable. 99% white is close enough to white.

30% black is way more than enough to be considered a darkie.
You're not even close to being white.

Unless black, sure.

Stop pretending to be a Hitlerist, if you think that even 1/2048 nig is not a mongrel.

"All that which America did not get from Europe may seem worthy of respect to jewified mixed race, but Europe regards that merely as symptomatic decay in cultural and artistic life, the product of Jewish and negro blood mixture." Adolf Hitler
>no one is white
Literally all Europeans outside of Balkans, Ukraine, Romania, Iberia and Italy

Which subclade?
Post your actual DNA results.

Needs to be less than 1% really, and that'll take at least 100 years of breeding with 100% Europeans. It'll never go away though, it shouldn't be allowed in the gene pool. Those of us who are 100% European should aim to keep it that way. We need to protect each other more than we need to bleach the unfortunate.


>Tfw thats what water treatment centers have been sending back to us all along

Do what you want but i wouldnt.

You're going to give birth to a light brown baby who will end up with an afro and flat nose. This is hilarious.
It's sad I recognize you two posters.

I agree if all the mongrels went to africa theyd help fix it

"Historically, no other part of Europe was invaded a higher number of times by steppe peoples than the Balkans. Chronologically, the first R1a invaders might have come with the westward expansion of the Sredny Stog culture (from 4200 BCE), which led the way to a succession of steppe migrations that lasted for over 2,000 years until the end of the Yamna culture (3500-2000 BCE). These early invasions from the Steppe were probably conducted in majority by R1b men, accompanied by a small number of R1a. Then came the Thracians (1500 BCE), followed by the Illyrians (around 1200 BCE), and much later the Huns and the Alans (400 CE), the Avars, the Bulgars and the Serbs (all around 600 CE), and the Magyars (900 CE), among others. These peoples originated from different parts of the Eurasian Steppe, anywhere between Eastern Europe and Central Asia, thus contributing to the relatively high diversity of R1a subclades observed in Carpathians and the Balkans today, especially in Bulgaria and Romania. Nevertheless, the vast majority of R1a in Southeast Europe today appears to be of Slavic origin."

Servia btfo

Don't touch our woman, mongrel.

Glorious Rus Viking

>asking pol permission

jesus dude have some fucking self respect lmfao

Get a gun and murder some niggers. If you can kill at least five without getting caught you deserve it. Good luck.

I would bet my life that women find me more attractive than you hands down. No contest.