Its the Hook Worm

Ever wonder why USA southerns are so dumb? It's the hook worm.

>The hookworm (Necator americanus) is a parasite that's been called "the germ of laziness," due to the exhaustion and mental fogginess it tends to inflict upon its victims. Historical evidence shows the parasite ravaged the American South throughout the early 20th century, as a result of poor sanitation and a lack of public health programs among the poor.

>By 1905, the parasitologist Charles Stiles estimated that 40 percent or more of the Southern population was infected with hookworms. The parasite thrives in fecal matter, and the combination of shoddy waste disposal and the rarity of shoes allowed hookworm larvae to enter people's bodies through the webbing between their toes.

Other urls found in this thread:

>“You had an entire class of Southern society—including whites, blacks, and Native Americans—that was looked upon as shiftless, lazy good-for-nothings who can’t do a day’s work,” my mom explained to me. “Hookworms tainted the nation’s picture of what a Southerner looked and acted like.”

>Hookworms aren’t endemic to the Americas, likely having arrived in the U.S. in the 17th century, unwittingly imported with the Atlantic slave trade.

Now you know why the south is so dumb and religious. Half of them have infected with brain numbing parasites.



Heat, it's fucking hot. There is a place it Spain where they work for half a day then take 3 or 4 hours off then go back work

Workers in Spain tend to start their day around 9am, break for coffee mid-morning and then work until 2pm. The lunch break lasts two or three hours, after which they return to work until 8pm or later.

Then why the fuck are they so lazy when they move up north? Generally speaking, of course.

Conditioning (not AIR), just my two cents. Wouldn't the hook worms be picked in check ups...?

If this is such an epidemic, why is no one talking about it?

the endemic ended in 1985. People just pass on their dumb and lazy genes.

What did they do to end the epidemic?

>People just pass on their dumb and lazy genes.
The parasite actually alters the genetic code of its host?
That doesn't make any sense.

Get fucked shill. Southerners also win the Medal of Honor at a much higher rate then coward cucked northerners. Must be the "hook worm"


It's a shill thread you retarded faggots

Why you pretending PBS isn't legit as can be?
Motherboard I don't know about.

go to hell yankee I have brain worm

This is mainly in black areas.

>See! White people aren't stupid, they just have hookworms! Master race! Master Race!

Somebody was listening to Joe Rogan today

>early 20th century

You mean like the South?

ya, caught me.

Most southerners are obese.

>People just pass on their dumb and lazy genes.

Thread is about a parasite. Do you believe in lamarckianism?


I unironically think I infected myself with a tale worm about a month ago. Any legit ways to find out if I have one that won't require me to go to the hospital? I've checked around in my shit, but haven't seen nothing yet.

*Tape worm

Sometimes tapeworms cause symptoms such as:

Abdominal pain.
Hunger or loss of appetite.
Weight loss.
Think that you are fine

Look up epigenetics and recent research, lamarck wasn't completely wrong

Is that semen changing a woman's brain theroy

Research Suggests That A Woman’s Body Incorporates DNA From The Semen Of Her Casual Sex Partners

That DNA strand is spiraling the wrong way.