Did One Piece go downhill after the timeskip?

Did One Piece go downhill after the timeskip?






it reach its peak at enies lobby and the summit war

Yes, but it's still varying in quality. I think it lost its consistent high quality at Enies Lobby, since then it's been variable.

Let's be honest

What series doesn't go shit after a timeskip?


It was already shit.

They haven't had anything as good as Impel Down/Marineford since the Time skip, but I don't think anything after the timeskip has been as shitty as the worst arcs before the Time Skip.

So I'd say it's about the same.

just for a little bit

Zou arc is pretty good, lots of exposition and lore.
It truth it hasn't gotten worse or anything, the quality of its arcs still vary and the formula it has is still very much the same. Sure it hasn't reached good levels like Enies Lobby or the beloved Marine Ford but those were OP at its best, so they really shouldn't, I am still hoping for Totland to be great and i'm liking it so far.

Been reading OP since 2005 when Eneis Lobby was still going on. Its always been shit.

Fairy Tail it actually got better key word GOT.

Yes. Oda lost it regarding fights and fighting developpment, which are pretty essential things for a shonen.
As for the rest, it's getting quite repetitive too. Far less funny in particular.

Fuck, marry, kill

the show went to shit the moment brook got introduced

I think people use it for a convenient dividing point, but really the whole series is much of the same stuff. It still retains some good points post time skip, but the formulaic nature of the arcs has just become unbearable. It can only be enjoyable for so long.

Enies Lobby was the turning point. Now every arc is just everybody constantly running and screaming places. Much like any writer who has been writing one series for too long they've developed the bad habit of being too formulaic with their arcs. The only people people who haven't developed such a horrid habit is Togashi and Mirua because they only work when they have to instead of meeting a deadline.

I'm surprised so many people like Enies lobby, that was the nadir of pre time skip one piece and when it was at its most formulaic and copying other shounen with boring power ups. Alabasta, arlong, and Marineford are all far better.

You mean the timeskip between 1936 and 1997? Yeah that was weird


not sure how this motherfucker did it, spinach tastes like watery vomit

gurren lagann

Franky was a tough motherfucker

Yes and no

Luffy's new abilities are hard to like, they look dumb af. Zoro is actually so strong he hasn't had any difficulties fighting anything so far. Usopp looked promising but he's the same shit he was pre-timeskip.
Improved imo, but Sabo is such an asspull. Dressrosa arc was way too long

I just want to see Zoro go all out, it seems like he has the most hype out of all the strawhats.

His time will come when he fights either one of Kaido's three calamities or the Shogun of Wano in the next arc