Trump Slashes Number of Refugees

President Trump will allow no more than 45,000 refugees into the United States next year, officials announced Wednesday, the lowest cap ever set for resettlement. Prioritizing those who are already speak English and have started the proper vetting process. Obama had originally wanted at least 110,000 refugees per year.

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We should only allow women and young children to come over as refugees. Breed the women and indoctrinate the kids to be based as fuck.

West will be over run with american refugees soon enough with the way things are developing

Do those include the ones we're sending you way?

America is not as cucked as Europe, we will jail and deport any sand nigger that comes close to showing signs of terrorist activity.

probably why he's slashing, to make up for our ones being rammed down his throat

Once the first attack happens Trump will lower the number even more.

I thought we weren't letting any in....

Trumpy what are you doing man....

Sand niggers need to be segregated to the west.

America has benefited from immigration.. that's the truth. If it upsets some tiny cocked little basement dwelling neets too bad.

Nothing good comes from the backward middle east

>Meanwhile California


Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Impeach this traitor.

Well make sure you house some rapeugees in your home.

We benefit from the best and brightest of western oriented immigrants. Not savages that want to destroy our way of life.

this is it, I'm tired of getting btfo all the time

i can't support him anymore guys

hahah yeah right faggot your lips will never leave Trump's cock.

>President Trump will allow no more than 45,000 refugees into the United States next year,

Ought to restrict that to right-wing political dissenters in Sweden, Germany, etc and free-speech advocates such as those who have run afoul of the law for shit posting. Give asylum to apostates to red pill US general population too - this has the added bonus of ridiculing Merkel, Löfven, and other lefty globalists by drawing attention to the fact their governments are unwilling to protect the vulnerable.

>this is it, I'm tired of getting btfo all the time
>i can't support him anymore guys

Chin up, user. You're making the mistake of assuming the refugees are third-world types. They needn't be. Control the definition of refugee, control the process, and you control the outcome. It could be 45,000 whites. It simply depends on whose paperwork is given preference.

nice meme flag faggot

>they're still coming
>and they just keep coming
>just keep coming
>and they just keep coming
>just keep coming