I'm confused. Am I supposed to be scared of her or turned on by her?

I'm confused. Am I supposed to be scared of her or turned on by her?

If it's the former then he did a shitty job but if it's the latter it's working.

Other urls found in this thread:


Well the same guy did a housewife version of her and literally changed nothing


Housewife version is just as scary.

Why is MC-kun si scared of her? She just wants to play a game of hide the penis in the moth pussy.

That's my wife! Isn't she beautiful?

What's the name of this?

It's suppose to create a schism between your boner and your mind.

You mind is really actually saying no but your boner is thrusting All Ahead Full. In a sense you are actually being subconsciously raped by your own body instincts.

It truly is a diabolical manga with covert intentions.

Honestly I'd just stick my dick into her,idc if she eats me after


Moths are the cutest bugs holy shit. They're all big and fuzzy and dumb as fuck.

I want to marry the moth.

>cutest bugs
>not jumping spiders


Like bees

>getting kidnapped and mindbroken isn't scary

even for a femdomfag like me, it's pretty damn bad

I'm more annoyed by the mc, he's a total pussy, why running from moth pussy when he clearly enjoyed it, also free pussy and great boobs

Chapter 4 spoilers
3 was all a dream.

wait wait wait, there are chapters? sauce me the fuck up


read the filename of

Why are moth girls so lewd!

She looks really scary.

>4 volume will be bad end

My moth wife can't be this cute!

>he didn't notice all the sinister undertones in the housewife chapter

Moth will have things to HER wishes.


You can get a boner from a girl you aren't mentally interested in

i know the name, chapter 3 isn't translated yet

>chapter 3 isn't translated yet
But I'm looking right at it.


come home
see this
what do

Help her find the contact lenses she dropped.

Break down crying and begging her not to kill me

Turn on the light and watch her bump into it continuously.





Help her get up.


Oh shit man, your surprise box scared the dickens out of me!

Imagine all the dusting you have to do because your moth bumped something and scattered moth dust.
Still cute though.

Die of a heart attack.
I'm easily scared

Jesus, thumbnail looks like a real photo which makes it extra creepy.


Roach girl when? How far can we take the disgust-cuteness?

We already had roach girl, but it was a cute manga not hentai.

has existed for a while, albeit not in porn form.

I'm not well versed in antgirls. I'm glad to her it's cute and not H.

Roaches are universally hated.

I think i saw one of those in a terra-formars doushi

>My mind is telling me no~

so... I was promised moth pussy.

Scream and run.

Why was she in the parents backyard to begin with? Did the father know about her?

come the fuck on

Roach-chan wants to be your friend, user!

Moth is love, moth is life

Well, if we want to go that route, moths aren't bugs either. a "bug" is a defined thing:a member of a specific order of insect, (Hemiptera), with sucking mouthparts, forewings thickened at the base, and incomplete metamorphosis.

That's the entymological definition. If you want to just go by the dictionary def, that's fine... but the very first listed definition in meriam websters is:
"an insect or other creeping or crawling invertebrate (as a spider or centipede)"

Cock-roach is very sexual, damn.

>expecting anything else
He hates the bitch and has every reason to. She's not getting her happy ending.

Praise all the gods in this earth, my wish came to reality.

>No happy ending
Fuck this heart.

Oh my GOD I wasn't ready for these.

What did you expect after Moth-fu exploded the brain of the MC's mom and warped time and space to rape a confused shota.

Not if her wishes are heretical in nature, she won't.

A little backstory as to why she wants to rape him.
Though I have the feeling that we'll get that on ch4 and that's why it'll be a sad end.

go away raven.
fucking space marines again...

>explaining why a super natural force is the way it is

That's the best way to kill horror. I pray we just see grown up MC struggle as he gets used by moth for her desires and manages to escape again, but the last panel it time warps to him walking up to the shed as a kid again and Moth smiles.

where do i read this

Betamax is the real victim here, he deserves to marry a kind, gentle bugfu instead of a clingy crazy one. He already flat out said he hated her so she's only hurting herself by pining after a dime-a-dozen generic wimpy Japanese guy instead of dating like a smart person would.


In your room probably. I know I wouldn't want to read it in public.

I'm extremely partial to the goat-eyed succubus that he made

chapter 4 when???

Ok, now I'm lost. Who? Is the 4th one out already? or is this something else by the same guy?

Something else. It's a lovely vanilla-succubus happy sex doujin that's impossible to find.

Hebridine a cute

thanks anons
google-senpai tells me its porn

>Am I supposed to be scared of her or turned on by her?
That's probably the intended response. A little bit of both. At the very least, unnerved by her.

Obviously some good ol fashion hate sex

So if he would stop running from moth, would she be so violent/crazy?

>a lovely vanilla-succubus happy sex doujin
> that's impossible to find

I need more of this.

Just reverse image search it faggot, it pops right up.

Yes and no.
As with any yandere, you can ask her to be normal and only show her yan side when she's alone with you.

>cutest bug
>not panda ant
Arachnids are sub-par wafiu's

>Solopip b Sexual urge

The entire thing is in an archived thread from /d/ called angry moth noises. Do what othernon said and image search it. It'll come up.

I will fight you.

Last I saw this was getting DMCA'd and taken down like crazy. Is it finally sticking?

How could you ever hate those big googly spider eyes

I thought it got taken down everywhere it got uploaded.

The internet finds a way.

I've only found it in Korean

You all need to make room for the cutest bug

Just don't make a big deal out of it and it will always be somewhere on small/ad-ridden rehosting sites with crap search functions as long as you remember its name.

Fuck Jewcob

[Solopip B] Sexual Urge!

Bonus: Want a crazy semen demon raping an innocent shota but don't like monster girls because you're tragically gay?
[Solopip B] Normal Relationship



Just press that one button and you'd see it's still up in at least one place.

Thanks user

I haven't read this stuff yet but what's creepy about her? She's rather cute and appears to be well endowed.

Inescapable time loop rape