Go to school

>go to school
>walk up stairs
>see this

What do?

Glassss look exhausted. Give her a piggyback ride to the Nurse's Office and heal her with my dick.

>heal her with my dick


this got animated


panties or shorts...definitely panties!

Cool them off by blowing at them.

No matter how you look at it, it's your guy's fault I'm masturbating in the hallway.

>Go to school

Thank god I don't have to visit that shithole anymore.

Move them out of the way and go for lunch.

>Try to walk around

>try and say "Excuse me", but they don't hear you and you try to awkwardly shuffle in between one of the gaps because you're too embarrassed to say it again

>Say excuse me once and they don't hear me, say it twice they don't hear again
>shove my way through, mouth out "sorry" so they can't hear me but I'm not rude

>sweat profusely as I walk away and hear them laugh amongst themselves quietly

>Say nothing
>Silently keep a poker face for 2 second
>Then smug and keep going

Claim the one in the blue dress and ignore the rest.

>Wearing clothes that don't match or have rips in them
>Want to make sure people don't notice so I keep looking at them
>Suddenly everybody's glaring at me because I'm looking at them
I do this when drunk too only I just get pissed off

"Excuse me, can I get past please?"

Oh god my autism YAMERO

I thought this was Akatsuki Myuuto's art from the thumbnail. Disappointed.

>mfw reading the first chapter

Kidnap the slutty blond loli and raise her to be a catholic and pure waifu

Blond loli is a pure. She was just testing if mc was a pure as well.

>What do?
Go home and read the manga instead.

Rio = Nako > Chuuni > the rest

Rape, everywhere I go I must rape

>Mujaki no Rakuen's manga is really good
>OVAs are crap

You seem to have left something out there. Allow me to correct it.
Manatsu > (9000 POWER GAP) > Rio = Nako > Chuuni > the rest

I claim the bottom left judo girl

The short-haired brunettes get it

When's that new OVA coming out.

What's going on here?

Run before I get accused of rape.

They're in Japan. Rape is a greeting there


Knowing me in my school days, I'd probably assume it's some sort of cruel prank and refuse to approach/sperg out.

Pull out dick and walk towards them.