So this is the add my local transportation service just relased

So this is the add my local transportation service just relased


"exhibiting is also harassing
masculine tendency to sit with spread legs"

fuck this society, if sometime i spread my legs its because of my fucking balls and dick and not in an intend to exhibit or harass fucking anyone

If a slut enter the bus with a mini short and huge cleavage no one say a word

but the regular motherfucker with regular clothes sit WITH HIS FUCKING LEGS SPREAD and suddenly he became the new potential rapist in town

fuck this im out

Other urls found in this thread:

Is that just some meme tier social activist group or is that official
Like is it actually prosecutable under law??

Do your part, rip them or draw swasticas on them. Maybe write an anonymous letter to whoever is running the train stations

Meanwhile in Cuckland France a black man fucking your wife is ok.

The mafia way

penises are more offensive they're rigid and protruding. you can't poke someone with boobs like you can a penis. also, male ego is more loathsome. but i don't mind a guy pulling a sharon stone as long as he's not in my personal space

dude its official, i saw it today in a bus

someone can probably call the cops if you do this and this fucking shit will right him

there's no way like the mafia way

>this has been discussed in Spain too
even the most poiltically correct and cucked TV presenters publicly said it was stupid


OMG I have those shoes! They're Kennith Cole!

In spain we bombed twitter with communist doing the manspreading thing and they stopped with that shit.

>Pic very related

You can create the same ad but using communists doing it.

Another example

This has gone too far. A new crusade needs to be start.

You can counter-attack with pics like this too

wtf man, I thought that France care about not using foreign words...

I like that poster. Good blood doesn't lie. It shows itself in the body and actions of the man through whom it courses. It makes for a good call to action for Europeans to become who they are.

Also, don't stop "manspreading" and make light of it whenever it's brought up.

Wow I think the West is doomed.

>fuck this im out
Surrender monkey

Yeah, I'm gonna crush my nuts for your feelz.
Ever notice how shitty ideas like this pour out of the heads of urban city-dwelling psychotics who simultaneously espouse the grand majesty of living in a city yet consistently create and support policies and social abnorms which seem to come from a place of contempt for their fellow city dwellers?
>the city space is the best place
>get the fuck away from me

>stop violence
>Yeah, stop this violence. No, not the burning banlieues with civil-war-like unrest every week - manspreading, THAT's the problem.

I hope people are putting the names of those responsible for this travesty on lists, so when the DOTR finally comes, they will not escape their just punishment.

Illegal ways of sitting.

Leftists really do deserve helicopter rides.

What cucked city is this so I can go there and manspread all day

Hitler saw the future and tried to stop this. He was the good guy all along.

>it's okay for a 28 year old muslim to abuse, brainwash and threaten a 11 year old girl into fucking him because "that's consent"
>spreading your legs on the train is wrong

how long has it been since your last revolution?

>Do your part, rip them or draw swasticas on them.
Better yet; draw stars of David on them.

Oh yeah he saw it: >

This is a must-see if you like Hitler or not, coming as it does from a mainstream documentary with experts on the period.


and we're not even a leftist city

Tits or GTFO

Why is it written in feminine language. The language for women and gays? Why are you apke to read it? Are you gay?? Kys you gay faggot.

Or are you a hot QT trap? Post tits and feminine penis

Yeah, that's cause unlike women men actually have genitals that occupy space OUTSIDE the body.

Is this really that hard for feminists to understand?

Nobody wants to see your little malformed penis mohamed.

is there an actual penalty?