Sup Forumsflakes BTFO!

Sup Forumsflakes BTFO!

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This is obvious to anyone who is an atheist and has to deal with religious "people"


>people who don't believe in illogical spooks in the skies are more intelligent than those who do
What a suprise

What about Dostoyevsky, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein?

Atheists have... Richard Dawkins and Neil degrasse Tyson, and bill bye.

>tfw to intelligent for sky fairies

>tfw too intelligent

but i'm an atheist and i'm retarded :(

Intelligence is not as straightforward as that. I'm atheist but have a religious friend who's way better at math and even scientific shit than me.

>has no concept of faith
>(((more intelligent)))
now post neuroticism correlation

every other week there's a study that says otherwise, then two weeks after that atheists are to intelligent, then religious people and so on..

As an atheist, I can confirm this is false.

Well statistically speaking there has to be a few outliers.

All atheists are retarded

But can atheists define atheism?

>TFW to intelligent to not die out

If atheists are so intelligent why do the majority of them vote for the destruction of their own countries?

I have never seen a study that has correlated intelligence with the religous.

What about them? Every single one of them was wrong. At least Dawkins and Tyson are correct on the very basics.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

>The Nobel Prize is an annual, international prize first awarded in 1901 for achievements in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. An associated prize in Economics has been awarded since 1969.[3] Nobel Prizes have been awarded to 881 individuals.[4] According to 100 Years of Nobel Prize (2005), a review of Nobel prizes awarded between 1901 and 2000, 65.4% of Nobel Prize Laureates, have identified Christianity in its various forms as their religious preference (427 prizes).[5] Overall, Christians have won a total of 78.3% of all the Nobel Prizes in Peace, 72.5% in Chemistry, 65.3% in Physics, 62% in Medicine, 54% in Economics and 49.5% of all Literature awards.[6]

>The three primary divisions of Christianity are Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. Between 1901 and 2000 it was revealed that among 654 Laureates 31.9% have identified as Protestant in its various forms (208 prize), 20.3% were Christians (no information about their denominations; 133 prize), 11.6% have identified as Catholic and 1.6% have identified as Eastern Orthodox.[7] Although Christians make up over 33.2% of the world's population,[8][9][10][11] they have won a total of 65.4% of all Nobel prizes between 1901 and 2000.[6]

This study is a meta study based on the examination of 62 studies, 52 of which showed religious people are less intelligent.

>a handful of people are more intelligent than a group that makes up an overwhelming percentage of the world's population
Now let's compare sects to atheists.

As a Catholic, I can confirm this is true.

Lack of belief in a god or gods



>Every single one of them was wrong.

>bill nye and Neil degreasse Tyson are more "correct" than Dostoyevsky and kierkeegard

Have a (you), reddit.

>Meanwhile, in the real world...

Real world indeed.

>atheists, vegans, homosexuals, feminists
>all left wing

You do realize that comparing atheism to the religious isn't a fair comparison. "Religious" is a category that includes all the various religions, whereas atheism is a subcategory of the irreligious. A more fairer method would be to compare groups with similar sizes to atheism. Although Anglicans/ Episcopalians and Jews would have higher IQs in average than atheists.

Even if this "research" is true, less "intelligent" people tend to make way more babies.

Maybe having more of this kind of "stupid" whites in Europe wouldnt be that bad after all

It's true. Sorry you can do nothing but meme in response.

They can brag about their intelligence as they burn in a river of fire. Jesus is the truth.

I'm sure it doesn't use case studies of Mudslimes!


And whites are more intelligent than blacks

That's good and all, but it's useless and doesn't tell you anytying. To what extent are they religious? I would identify myself as a Christian culturally (I celebrate Christmas and Easter), I was christened, but I don't subscribe to literal interpretations of the bible, pray to magical fathers, or practice the religion in any meaningful sense. I would posit this applies to most of those scientists.

Except if you weren't one of the brainlets you'd realize he isn't

Can confirm. The Amazing Atheist is considered by many to be one of the greatest intellectuals of our generation.


>“It also means that intelligence allows us to able to pause and reason through the situation and the possible consequences of our actions.”
If that's the case why do atheists push leftists bullshit so hard?

in 20 years there will be 500 studies which will show a close to 50/50 situation. screencap this.

Catholics aren't Christians they're Roman pagans

>brain damaged people claiming to be superior

le banana man xD

Becuase leftists are on average more intelligent as well.

lol just call it brainwashing

I dont see how it is unfair. You have one group who believe in gods, and another that dont it is a clear division and can be used to do statistical analyses between the two groups. Though you are correct you would need a large enough sample size from each religion to draw meaningful conclusions.

He says, while giving a meme response with no reasoning.

Dostoyevsky and kierkeegard have been scholastically upheld for literal centuries. The reason they aren't as popular as someone like Nietzsche is because they take genuine dedication to understand and can't be googled quickly to drop edgy pseudo deep quotes on your Instagram and tumblr feed. Dostoyevsky has still never been disproven to this day about logical theism, and is fully correct in saying there's no such thing as a "moral atheist", and any self described "atheist" that claims to be able to logically justify morals under no god is just too stupid to understand the lack of logic in such a claim.

>murdering your children is more intelligent
>castrating yourself is more intelligent
>fornicating and catching a disease is more intelligent
>being a faggot is more intelligent

Yawn. They're also genetic dead ends.

There's only one God, if you believe in multiple Gods you're a retard. They need to be locked in the asylum because they're delusional and dangerous to our society. All Hindus, Buddhists, Muhammedans, Sikhs, talmudists don't belong within our borders unless they're locked in the asylum.

i still believe in god

One of the two is a main category whereas the other is a subcategory. It isn't theism vs atheism. The study would be comparing religious vs. atheists.

Atheists vs. a specific religious group of specific sect would be more accurate. Just note that when it is done that way, atheists are not the most intelligent group.

It's also depend on WHERE they choose to search the groups, easy to claim the atheist one is smarter if you select a bunch of scientist and confront them with a bunch of 80 years old grandmoms from Nebraska.

The first ones will be smarter, but not because they dont believe in god.

>pray to magical fathers
You were christianized? Sure buddy.

Atheists feel exactly the same way except Christians also make the list.

I forgot to mention, not all religious people are theist.

>there's no such thing as a "moral atheist", and any self described "atheist" that claims to be able to logically justify morals under no god is just too stupid to understand the lack of logic in such a claim.


1) Morals are personally defined.
2) Atheists are people.
3) Therefore there is such a thing as a moral atheist.

Wow that sure was was hard to disprove. Took me all of 30 seconds.

>tfw brainlet
>meme flag
into the bin it goes

No but all theists are religous.
Non thiest religous would fall into the atheist category.

Fucking magnets how do (((they))) work?

People are atheist not because of Kierkegaard or Dostoevsky but because they see how ridiculously stupid americanized Christianity is. Nobody goes against Islam because of some Sufi mystics but because their followers are inbred animals. The medium is the message.

As a mooslem I am very upset!!
This is islamophobic!!!!

Doesn't matter what an atheist thinks, when an atheists opinions get turned into action you get the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union. Do you want another USSR?

No, morals are defined by God he put the law into the hearts of everyone

You know it makes me wonder if the brain isn't programmed by language in a similar way-- i.e. Jewish discourse as a kind of air-gap virus.

Yes as a Catholic.

Just because Dostoevsky and Kierkegaard are relatively more intelligent than their fellow retarded Christians doesn't mean their justifications of their false beliefs are any less wrong. Both are 100% wrong.

Intelligence is not as straightforward as that. But the concept of "average" is. Ask your religious friend who passed elementary school math to explain it for you.

Atheists are far worse with their cultish dogmas they bash Christians over.

I find it amusing that there are posters on Sup Forums who are unironicall Christian. Literally a semitic religion that stemmed from Judaism and in the same class as Islam. Also it's by far the most cucked of the three. Lmao.

who cares about intelligence, they promote moral decay and subjectivism, im an atheist myself and i hate most of them. i envy the faith believers have

Woah, you just btfod centuries worth of writing and debate on the matter at hand in 30 seconds on a basket weaving forum.

How stupid are you that you can be so confident in the shit youre spewing?

"Moral atheists" are just theists that are lying to themselves.

Christianity is not Talmudism, Jesus rejected the Talmud and told us not to follow man made doctrine over the commandments of God and because of this the Kikes murdered him.
It can't be compared to Islam because Islam started when satan sent a demon to possess muhammed

If that were the case, everybody would have the same morals, but they don't so you're wrong. Not that I expect you to understand logic, being a theist and all

>Doesn't matter what an atheist thinks, when an atheists opinions get turned into action you get the Bolshevik Revolution and the Soviet Union. Do you want another USSR?
Jesus fucking Christ cunt conflating communism with disbelief in a fucking god. State sanctioned irreligion is just as bad as state sanctioned religion. Communism sucks balls, but so does a theocracy.

>Well statistically speaking there has to be a few outliers.
Religious people are well-known to be out-and-out liars.

Morals don't exist.
It's all make believe.

>tfw too intelligent to not be a pickle

But I'm sure Dunning-Kruger is rampant among intelligent Atheists

Atheists wouldn't bash religious people if religious people kept their nonsense out of the lives of civilized people.

An Atheist can act morally, but he's a fucking idiot for doing so. You have no reason to.
You can't run a society like that. People will just cheat each other and be egoistic shits.

Christianity is broken its the only abrahamic religion that doesn't allow multiple wives. Jews, Muslims and even Mormons get multiple wives Christians do not.

Yeah I did. You'd have to be a real brainlet to need to spend centuries debating what an internet atheist can figure out in 30 seconds.


>If there is no God, everything is permitted.
Except what you won't permit yourself to do and what other people won't permit you to do.

Wow this guy sure was smart!

Now make the case that "progressives" are more intelligent than religious people

(you can't, because they're both equally as retarded)

They don't because they reject God and give in to their satanic desires. They ignore their morals, which is the word of God in their heart. Why do you think for example faggots try so hard to justify their lifestyle? Because deep down inside they know it's wrong.
The world would be a better place if everyone believed and followed the bible
No it's not, God made all morals

Call me when these intelligent people find a way to fund their bullshit research without taxing the people they're "smarter" than. Then I'll definitely be listening.

t. works in a research company where I'm literally the only atheist

>non muslims more intelligent than muslims

Wow wasn't expecting to read that one in the Independent

>receive daily dose of magnet-induced brain damage
>become open borders-Rick and Morty fan

Wow an autista is a bit more inteligente than a retardo
How shocking!!!

Because that's adultery, Jesus clarified that one man and one woman will cleave together. If you add another person to it, you'd have to commit adultery against one of your partners every time you're with the other.

Psychopaths typically have high intelligence.

>If that's the case why do atheists push leftists bullshit so hard?
Because it's the smart thing to do, apparently. Sorry, somebody like you wouldn't understand.

do we need to abandon pepe and take over pickle rick


The world of christianity is far more civilized then atheists and pagans. the only atheists of today are simple minded stooges eager to belittle the moral foundation of their world, and eager to watch it crumble, all for Internet brownie points.

Acting morally is subjective. What you mean is acting like a Christian. Not sure why someone is stupid for abiding by 'do not kill' or 'do not steal'. I'm self aware to understand what those behaviours would do to my fellow humans, so I don't do them. They're also illegal.

what makes you think Sup Forums is religious? most of the christcuck shit is larping.