Why do working class republicans vote against their economic interests?

Why do working class republicans vote against their economic interests?

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>inb4 300 replies, again

taxation is theft

Seriously though, now would be the time to start paying down debt and not to cut taxes like crazy.

but democrats tax more to pay for nigger gibs

They don't. You just don't know what their interests are. Or if you do you actively work against them.

What specifically are my economic interests?


Did this faggot really use sup son?

Ok I am going to ask you one last fucking time libshit and you better fucking answer me. What.. are...our economic...interests. You preach it so I am listening.

You voted for this, retard.
>Trump's military buildup is free
>Trump's perpetual war is free
>Trump's bloated government is free
>Trump's transferring billions to Israel is free
>Trump family's personal security in ten different locations is free

It's in your interests to have your job opportunities legislated against, unskilled immigrants flooding the job market to lower wages and put pressure on the amount of jobs available, and to be forced into a welfare state that punishes you if you attempt to rise above your station but rewards those that abuse it.

Why do Democrats pretend they have the working classes interest?

Because they don't want to see their taxes go up to pay for the massive social programs Dems want to roll in. Anyone who says their taxes wouldn't go up is damn near retarded, you're not going to be able to tax the rich enough to pay for universal healthcare and four years of college for everyone.
Working class people have also taken a huge hit over the past couple decades. They are a shell of their former selves, and their towns are deteriorating. Why the hell would any working class man or woman vote for someone who says they don't know what it is like to be poor or disadvantaged? Why would any of them want to vote for someone who calls them "flyover retards" who need to just go die off? For more government handouts that would amount to far less than a real job would give them?
Fuck that. Democrats haven't given a damn about the working class in decades.

They don't. They vote for what's the sane thing to do for everyone.

Schumer's lying, like always. It's his people that want the tax cuts for themselves, like to increase national debt, and want old white people that know too much to die.

Because they're retarded and racist.

we use brown people taxes for that

It's called the greater good, fag. We want the economy to work well so everyone benefits, not a bunch of gibs that create class warfare

Because the Democrats tell me they want to kill me for being white.

You do not, nor have you ever, understood what my interests are.

Given that Trumps plan essentially allows the people to earn twice as much without paying taxes you'd think the Dems would be all over it. It extends 0% well into the lower middle class now giving actual working class people a much better deal.

What you dump niggers don't realize is any vote we cast is against our economic interest. At least this way we subsidize cool shit like nuking rice niggers instead of tyrones seven kids he's to busy fucking to feed.

Where do I sign up!?

sage all commie flaggot threads

At the nearest polling booth and the other 12 nearby. Remember to tell the poll workers that you don't have ID because "dats raciss"

N-Nuh uh. They want to literally kill old people and brown people and stone gays in the streets

Why do Jews always piss off everyone? There are only 12 million of you left. Haven't you learned your lesson yet?

but they weren't voting for hillary

>Because they're retarded and racist.
Yep, that's what I was fucking expecting. Cannot come up with a better idea lets call them a racist or a retard. Gee I wonder how trump fucking won.


Your message was the political equivalent of a guy asking a girl out by saying, "Date me you dumb cunt, or else you're just a stuck up, fat piece of shit!"

Um, I don't think so *sweety*. Middle class will be receiving a nice tax break with Trump's plan. I will be saving more than 2,600.

Reminder that Drumpf didn't win the popular vote and will be impeached soon anyway.

A true Democrat would be put off by using such a meme featuring the disgustingly racist and homophobic Pepe.
LARP fag


The only tears I’ve seen so far are from liberals

>will be impeached soon

Because they're voting for their social and cultural interests, which in this case is more important than the economic one.

Also why the fuck are an overwhelming majority of liberal women fat cows?

sadly he wont be impeached. he will probably get re-elected



Every communist, every time.

How is it against my economic interests to lower the cost of my insurance and tax's?

Burn in Hell kike.

Are my posts so digusting they're hidden?

They don't. They vote for the lesser evil.

It's quite simple. Liberal ideology says if you're not a white male, other people are obligated to respect and support you. There are no caveats to that. Not even if you do absolutely nothing worthy of respect or support.
Staying in shape requires at least a modicum of discipline, so naturally leftists avoid it. Why would you ever put effort into something when people are obligated to respect you anyway?

Why wouldn't you want to double the standard deduction?

All of a sudden he's worried about the national debt? After 8 years of no budget passing Obama/Reid?!
Oh my sides.
What a shylock fuck.

Who should they vote for? Explain how they're going to help the working class. How many times a day do you post this thread? Sage.