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have fun walking back up the continent fags



He literally just did though


Why do illegals think that it's their right to live in the US? Genuinely curious as to where the outrage from this clear-cut, black and white issue comes from.

If you're not a legal citizen, you go back to where you came from. They don't get to be angry. They're the ones in the wrong.


They are enabled by fake do gooders who want slave labor but want to feel good about it.

>Genuinely curious as to where the outrage from this clear-cut, black and white issue comes from.


>only 450
Yeah think we'll let that slide.

I am outraged. There should be a few zeroes behind that 450

I came.

Also, what the hell is a sanctuary city

Don't tell me it's exactly what it sounds like, a place that legally protects illegals

Actually, sanctuary cities illegally protect illegals.

Outrageous!!! Double Dutch DRUMPFFFF!!!!

Please tell me why this is actually a thing that exists. Its existence is literally an oxymoron.

>sanctuary cities

How is the wrath of the nation not coming down on these things?


They should start opening fire on illegals, put fear into them so fewer try to sneak in. They deserve to be treated as the invaders they really are

Liberal states try to use their "state rights" to practice immigration laws. Ironically enough these same liberal states are the same ones that dismantled statehood.

Same thing with marijuana. Federally illegal, states making it legal. Only people actually care about deporting illegals

>>tfw you're not sure who's going to do the landscaping now

Corporations want cheap labor and exploit liberals into being their personal army through racial politics.

Local police refuse to cooperate with immigration officers. I.e. if they arrest someone who winds up being an illegal, they won't notify ICE or detain them so they can be picked up.

Trump is trying to crack down on them but they're resisting tooth and nail. They're protecting the illegals so they can get lefty votes from them.

>state rights
I thought those got abolished in the civil war

>nearly a year in
>sanctuary cities not stripped of all federal funding
I am angry. Angry about lawbreakers.

Drumpf (der um ph) [noun]
1. A word used by smug butthurt losers to show disdain for
those that BTFO of them.
2. The sound made by a Democrat just prior to shitting its pantyhose.
3. A general shitposting of shit in some shitty thread started by a shithead.
4. The noise your mama makes when she takes you up the ass.

That's one of the most vile things I've ever heard. How are these people not being hanged for treason? Or at the very least being charged for harbouring a criminal or obstructing justice or something, ANYTHING.

It’s the law

The only reason why they exist is because the federal government is too pussified to just use martial law to bring those places back under heel.

I don't agree with it, but wasn't there a court ruling that declared federal funding couldn't be withheld on that basis?

People equate illegal immigrants with immigrant of yesteryear, like irish or chinese. These large cities have plenty of stooges ready to fight and die for this garbage because they think Trump is deporting non-white because he's racist and hates brown people.

Already did, faggot.

I doubt it. States aren't entitled to federal funding in the first place.

This doesn't make sense. If laws are being broken, why aren't these police chiefs or city officials being arrested? Laws are literally being broken, so why aren't people going to jail so they can be enforced?

This. They've been doing it for ages.

I hate this planet

Only the really good ones.

Better to try and be a little more subtle than trigger massive riots, at least for now. At the moment Sessions is trying to bully them into compliance by denying federal funding.

What President wants to be known as the man who starts the second American civil war? Because the government doing this might ignite it.


I don't know. There is no excuse. Trump should use Obama's policies to send in the military and arrest these politicians on the doorstep of their beaner-havens.

If you think that's crazy, there was a sheriff (high appointed law officer) in Arizona that was sent to jail for enforcing the immigration laws. Trump recently used an executive order to pardon his sentence and release him from jail.

The left doesn't play fair. They never have and repeatedly ignore laws in America. It's a mess

but I have

The situation is probably too far gone to go full-iron fist without triggering a massive shitstorm. Obama and his predecessors did their best to pretend immigration laws didn't exist in the first place.


The argument is that state troops can't be forced to do federal duties, which is dumb and undermines their own "immigration is a States rights issue" argument but oh well.

"Well the time it is coming for them to get a message of their own, Donald Trump is the ultimate punishment and WE ARE HIS FUCKING EXECUTIONERS, I think it's quite conservitave to say that Tens of Thousands of Men are anxiously awaiting for the words to fall out of the right persons mouth telling us the wait is over, and we can fulfill our purpose in life by competing to see who can kill the most Communist. We are not weak or gentle or unaware of what is being done to us, we are the same ruthless monsters who mastered the art of warfare before your favorite demographic discovered the wheel, but neither are we the dim-witted Communist Revolutionaries or the Islamic Jihadist you fight over today. We are a disciplined, calculating menace waiting for the time to strike. Luckily for us who are anxious for the chance it cannot be far off. We have seen Terrorism, Race Riots, False Flags and Now shots fired, we are not going to sit here and watch you topple an elected President waiting to see what Democrats prefer to Democracy. We will smash, stab, shoot and bomb you in a manner that will make the Islamic State look civilized by comparison. We'll slaughter your males, rape your women and leave your children in the company of the pedophiles you've set free upon our streets. If anyone is going to impose an UN-elected Government on the continent of North America it's gonna be us and the only thing we're going to be more liberal with is the fucking death penalty!"

Christopher Cantwell, Libertarian, Political Prisoner.

Leafs and Strayans ITT don't understand the extent to which our government is controlled by Jews and big business. Both groups love third-world immigration, so it happens no matter what the voters want.

Thankfully the supreme court is conservative now. One day maybe we'll be a country that enforces laws once again

>Raiding San Francisco
Is this the new WoW expansion?

I was happier when I knew less about this.

>No videos of the huge raids



Politics and the concern of public relations. Imagine the federal government sends in legions of agents to arrest locally elected officials. It would be a media circus. The feds have chosen to withhold money instead in hopes of coercing these lefty districts. It's tied up in the courts but will eventually trickle its way up to the supreme court where Trump has restructured it and comprises of majority conservative judges.

All we do is win win win no matter what MAGA!

What are you going to do, OP? Suck a bunch of random dicks?

Trump is trying to avoid what Obama did, which is to ignore congress and just use executive powers to get what he wants.
Unfortunately for obama, executive decisions are easily overturned by new administrations.



Our system is designed to be decentralized. The federal government constitutionally have nearly no power over the states so it's tough to force them to cooperate locally. What ICE has to do is go in completely alone and do all investigating and arresting alone.

American cities are products of white flight.
Whites don't live in American cities, unless they're really rich (and live in the center in some posh apartment). They live around cities, in white areas. They don't have to look at or think about spics.

This is obviously a huge problem because it puts whites in a bubble where they think, "Hey, my neighborhood is nice, and yeah there are some dangerous parts of the city, but that doesn't affect me."


Pretty sure there wasn't, but even if there was, the Federal government is so bloated that even if sanctuary cities passed a law to such an effect, and even if it wasn't immediately challenged, the Feds could easily find another reason to withhold funding.

For example, the Federal Government has the explicit power to regulate inter-state commerce, which has been used to justify almost completely withholding infrastructure funding from states that don't submit to Federal pressure on things like drunk driving and speed limits. It wouldn't be hard at all to legally argue that illegals have a negative impact on commerce. In short, sure, Sanctuary Cities can't be forced to identify illegals that are sent to jail, but the Federal Government has the right to use that as justification to absolutely fuck up the entire state's infrastructure if they want to, this will bring the governor down on the mayor hard, (in most cases.)

>six days till DACA end date

>B-b-b-but what if they were children when they came over?

>Why do illegals think that it's their right to live in the US?
Because they're told that by politicians that literally call their jurisdictions sanctuary cities.

These illegal immigrants also get free health care, are the highest conductors of identity theft; using someone elses identity to buy a house or car they can't afford to claim their tax return. They claim SSI, which is somewhat of a universla basic income for these people now, they hand it out like candy in California. In some states you can't get SSI unless you're sick or really poor, but in Cali you can be depressed and have 400 thousand dollars of private assets. Their gangs are the number one cop killers right now. They drive without licenses, can't read English, drive drunk, drive on the wrong side of the road. It's hell on earth in Arizona. I can't imagine how bad it truly is in Cali.
the aristocracy comprised of wealthy politicians run the media and strong arm small county movements for change.
And then the illegals vote in favor of these people to maintain gibs, by keeping them in power. Dems bus them in, San Fran has over 60 languages on their voting ballots.

Spics BTFO

Email this to the white house. Give Trump any sort of advantage he needs to skullfuck these traitorous cocksuckers.

Free Cantwell

That's how it works, leaf.

And there are people, natural born Americans, who defend this? How could anyone in their right mind step to the defense of something like this? Anyone with a basic understanding of what is right and what is wrong should know that this is wrong

I don't understand, and I don't think I want to understand.

>Posting an address

I know of a place to deliver a bunch of CS gas

The Democrats in America use them as voting blocs.

>And there are people, natural born Americans, who defend this? How could anyone in their right mind step to the defense of something like this?
abloobloo muh poor Mexicans! They are POOR and want a better life! We're a nation of immigrants, you racist! Remember what we did to the Native Americans and the blacks! We owe it to the Mexicans!

Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

Besides, who's going to be my sharecrop- er, pick the fruit?

Yes there are traitors. Usually naive youth, easily influenced by teachers who preach things they can only exist outside of the real world, in academia. They don't grow aware of the true situation until the next generation outnumbers and replaces them.

>reading comprehension

i'm quoting the mindset of the typical white American Mexican defender


Not only that during Kang Nagger they were very clear that my state Texas did NOT have the right to protect it's borders that anything immigration was a FEDERAL issue in full control of the executive branch. It is like pottery watching Trump fuck them so hard and they don't know what the fuck to do about it. I am beyond smug.

wow negative 450 illegals in the usa now add that to all the Dreamers in the USA which is almost a million people and its nothings

Gotta start somewhere

Please be california. I hate this place.

I'll be happy when there's a couple more zeroes on the end of that number


US Illegal Alien Crime Report


Illegal Immigration Costing Record $135 Billion A Year


Every Legal Mexican Immigrant Sponsors Six More To US


DACA Amnesty Would Bring 1.4 Million Foreign Nationals to U.S., Trigger Never-Ending Chain Migration



Because normies are idiots plugged into the Infotainment matrix.

People SHOULD be protesting and throwing these officials in jail but they fucking don't and often just reelect them.

I love how Trudeau said everybody who doesn't feel safe if Trump is elected can come to Canada, and now he's reneging on that.

He's a full cuck. Canada isn't even a real country so it's not a big deal though.

Don't worry, Cali gotchu covered on them illegals.

>DACA Amnesty Would Bring 1.4 Million Foreign Nationals to U.S., Trigger Never-Ending Chain Migration
Cant they just make them second class citizens or something? Give them a work permit and a SSN, thats it.

Video or it didn't happen

it happened you idiot