How do libertarians expect park benches to be made if the government doesn't pay for them?

How do libertarians expect park benches to be made if the government doesn't pay for them?

dude parks are a waste of a perfectly usable field that could harvest human organs. who needs a park bench when you have 10 lungs?

What r u talking about park benches already exist duuuh fucking republicants are so stupid, of course you and the russians HACKED drumpf into office

McBenches are a thing.
Put in retractable spikes, or AIDS needles and they can be like quarter for 10 minutes.

>retractable aids needles
Libertarians everyone

Jesus christ.

Tfw stupid post

My thoughts exactly. OR, corporation owned, you must purchase a weekly or monthly pass.

you know those placards on benches saying they were donated by people?
might work, you just need to allow people the freedom to initiate the betterment of society and shake off the yolk of statism

by giving out little girls to head pat when you give one to the community

Most park benches are paid for by charitable donations, OP.

Notice how they often have a little plaque on them somewhere saying "In loving memory of Shlomo Shekelstein" or something?

Libertarians are too busy trying to have (moral and legal) sex with that child to think about where park benches are going to come from.

did you get this pic from Sup Forums at 12-5 in the morning ? or are you the pedo poster?

FBI at your door

shoo, or I'll use my leafblower. Go lbow your dog.


Neighborhood HOA's

ain't nothing illegal about cunnyposting


ancap memeballs are my favorite

Boy scouts

But what if the park bench consents?

she's hot

Fund park benches with loli-prostitutes? Duh. It's like you guys are retarded or something.

>I did that

bored old people with nothing better to do

>Sup Forums is extremely anti-degenerate
>yet they all drool over little girls
makes me think

Everyone's IP has been forwarded to the authorities.

Please report to your local police station for processing.

I wonder what her sweaty bum smells like after a run

jdi spát klaune

>65 to 150 grand to build an 8 ft staircase

I can do it don't worry guys I got this

To be fair, he did a fucking terrible job on those stairs.

> impregnating white girls early for a breeding head start against other races is "degenerate"
It's strategic goy

nothing wrong with cunnyseurism

That girl is asking for it. She's practically BEGGING for it. I'd be more than happy to give it to her too. I'm talking full force in the mouth, pussy and ass.

Free market wins again

Fuck you you blue pilled cuckold

yes and they spent money to have those stairs torn down

Nemôžem, pracujem.

co děláš takovej job chci já tady ponocuju zadarmo

afaik there were stairs, along with an opening to the lot, just a few feet away

also the crap he built was extremely dangerous

State owned bench in public park, argument invalid.

Children like sex.

It's stairs for a park, I don't expect them to be the same quality as the stairs for the Vatican.

But is it up to code?

fuck toronto is crooked as fuck I miss rob ford so fucking much

>m-muh safety
>muh regulations

>Shlomo Shekelstein

how's that user?

How do Socialists expect food to be made if government is in charge of it?



'web consultant', sedím na riťi, pripravujem stránky a posielam návrhy.

>mfw goddamn hippies don't understand libertarianism


If I owned the property id. ust set up a coin operated park bench that drives spikes up your ass if you sit on it longer than the coins you've inserted allow.

Give a libertarian financial incentive and he'll make anything.

that sad part is that you're not lying.

Oh good. Just one less place for bums to sleep on.

>leaf poster

Every time.

>some basic steps
>extremely dangerous

WTF is wrong with people these days? Have you seen the shit that people used to have for steps 100 years ago?