This is for discussing the institute for the study of globalization and covert politics...

This is for discussing the institute for the study of globalization and covert politics. More specifically I want to discuss the ongoing war between the four establishments and their agendas. The nation wrecking agenda we see today will irreversibly change Europe for the worse.
First let’s get a lay of the land. This list is based on the most extensive re-search ever done on the subject. Thanks to isgp and the incredible work they have accomplished.
>pilgrims society
>1001 club
>bohemian grove
>JASON group
>American security council
>AFIO and OSS society
>Le Cercle: Opus Dei
>Le Cercle: David teacher
Do not mistake this thread for being poorly re-searched or attempting to divide and conquer my beloved Sup Forums. This is the closest picture we have on how the world functions. This is the first of many threads I will make to counter the shit tier larps and plain disinformation that is being spread around.
I will provide you all with the re-search this is based upon. I will start this thread discussing the Third world immigration campaign we are all suffering right now. And provide you with the factual information that proves its malice.

>this is all based on isgp re-search

Other urls found in this thread:

Very interesting facts: all of these organizations are predominantly Jewish

>global ethnic IQ`s
>Black crime numbers
>Jihadi muslim polls
>Pro-immigration NGO`S
>Dutch muslim harassment
>Street rape in Norway
>White guilt tactics

Bump the thread if you are intrested and feel free to add the things you want to discuss from ISGP re-search.

I will start with global ethnic iq`s.

>Opus Dei
>predominantly Jewish
I know you burgers consider Catholics worse then your greatest allies, but please don't talk bullshit.

>global ethnic IQ`s

On the link you will find the re-search needed to grasp this subject. I will provide the links for each part even though its easily searchable on ISGP for archiving purpouses.

This is one of the big taboos today. We are not allowed to discuss these iq diffrences in debates anymore. Mostly i would argue because of the politicly correct climate & insane stupidification we have been forced on during the last 30 years.

Post. Im waiting

the dutchman who makes this site is based desu

he's a bit weak on Jewish influence though

>Black crime numbers

Im quickly posting a post for each one of the subjects. So i can move on to the propper subjects related to this.

Black crimes numbers should be easy to grasp.

>Jihadi muslim polls

>Pro-immigration NGO`S

>Dutch muslim harassment

>Street rape in Norway

This is the one that made me want to do this in the first place. I can personally attest that this is very prevelant in Norway. You will not survive in any debate climate if you prove well re-searched on this topic.

>White guilt tactics

That concludes the background i wanted to bring forth.

Read the subjects and spread them WITH a link to isgp. This is the first step in making Sup Forums somewhat decent again.

SAGE anonymouse5 larps. And SAGE obviouse race baiting threads by /leftypol/.

Time is running out. This fight is all but over soon enough. If you master these subjects noone will ever want a debate with you on immigration. Dont mistake the mass immigration from third world countries as anything but an agenda set forth by the global elites.

We are dying Sup Forums.

Now that we have a somewhat decent background to begin the discussion. I will ask a few questions.

>Which ngo`s are mostly responsible for the European stance on immigration?

>Is there time to fight back? If so, how do you propose we counter attack.

>The way these ngo`s have been so succsefull in setting the Agenda is by local think tanks. Do you have an idea on how we can expose the power & controll these think tanks have on setting the talking points agendas in every country?

Right now Sup Forums. We are the resistance. But we have been divided on the most stupid subjects and facts.

Sup Forums might be C*ucked. But this is still where we fight out an agenda to fight back. It has been so for years now.

This is what the ISGP thinks should be done.

ISGP's Center for Responsible Immigration, which is primarily focused on the European situation, is working to see:

• a (positive) propaganda campaign to up the national birth rates for native whites from 1.3-1.7 to 2-2.5, with the government setting up social programs to support this effort;

• publication per country of full ethnic crime numbers for every type of offense, as well as religious extremism;

• inclusion of 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants into these statistics;

• productive political and economic debates on these statistics;

• a ban on immigrants from countries with greatly inflated crime numbers compared to the West;

• the immediate extradition of all immigrant criminals and neighborhood disturbers and their families for the first two generations at the very least;

• lethal force against belligerent Third World immigrants trying to get into Europe;

• economic sanctions and even military force against North African and other Arab countries who refuse to stop refugee streams.

• a particularly close cooperation with East Europe and the Far East on population issues, including, where possible, with Russia and China;

• a cessation of white guilt shaming and the promotion of the fact that the white race has been the most diverse, the most concerned with the world as a whole, and is an example to the Third World.

• a major reversal of Third World immigration into the U.S. (whites will become a minority here around 2040) from anywhere except the Far East where crime numbers are lower and IQs higher.

He is very based.

I have not read a quarter of his work yet but i do see that he has alot on the zionist groups.

Not doubting that. But passed their heritage. What can be done?

There are no "four establishments." There is just the establishment.

he's good on stuff like the israel lobby but he doesn't talk/know about stuff like jewish influence and immigration.

with that said I'm much more sympathetic to israel and iran in that region than the fucking arabs. at least if you separate the jews and have them live in israel, they will still produce talented scientists and so on. same with the iranians. the arabs are just a black hole as far as achievement goes.

I like the isgp model of a four-establishment Model to understand western politics.

It makes it a thousand times easier to comprehend the process of globalization.

He believes the holohoax and "not all Jews." He's a tard.

He's right about the NGOs being of higher importance. But this is not multiple establishments. Just the same establishment operating through different methods.

I can agree with the latter. Have not read enough on his zionist\general jewiry work.

He is far from a tard. He distanced himself from the 911 re-search for years because of the stigma associated. He was working on it in secret and published it all when he was done.

If you expect people to comprehend the holohoax let alone back the claim. You are in for a world of hurt.

There is no change without compromise. I have never seen anyone more educated on the subject then isgp.

I suggest you look up the spyops on misinformation and spych warfare. Especially cunts like dr steven greet.

Well it can be that. We need to understand the inner workings to be able to counter it.

The word establishment loses no value in the context you describe. The same establishment can still consist of 4 diffrent classes etc

This thread failed. I will write more directly in the next one. More spesific data etc.