What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?
I just finished it and I'm honestly unsatisfied with how it ended.

>Squealer died as a true martyr he is and everyone learned a valuable lesson
How is that a not satisfying ending?

Such a sad series. The childhood the main five experience reminds me so much of my own.

>and everyone learned a valuable lesson
You wish.
Saki is probably sole 'human' who actually got something of worth from the whole catastrophe and it's really uncertain whether she'll be able to do anything at all against rest of scared-to-death cantus user population and ethic committee.
>The childhood the main five experience reminds me so much of my own.
There were talking rainbow slugs and murderous rodents?

The only part I liked was Saki talking to Squealer before putting him out of his misery.
Everything else was just meh, and also the fiend thing didn't make much sense to me.

>the fiend thing didn't make much sense to me
Conditioned/brainwashed people couldn't kill other people without DF getting triggered. Conditioned '''rat''' couldn't kill other rats, that's the whole trick.

squealer did nothing wrong and everyone else was literally gay

>everyone else was literally gay
For like one episode, but leave it to Sup Forumsnonymouses to blow it out of proportions.

at least 2 episodes

Doesn't really matter. It was programed behavior that allowed them to enjoy the benefits of bonobo relaxation sex (which in turn allowed them to exist without turning genocidal) while not going pregnant as teenagers still attending school.
Yet faggots went 'OMG GAY, the sky is falling'

Squealer is shit and not a human

Fuck off Kiroumaru.

If killing a rat triggers DF for the fiend, how come she didn't die when she wiped out that entire colony?

I was the opposite, I was completely satisfied. Normally I experience the emptiness after finishing a good anime.

This time I said, yeah that is satisfying, I really don't need or want to know anything else after the ending. It was a good ending.

What coloney did it wipe out? I'm pretty sure that was double pupils that did it.

>how come she didn't die when she wiped out that entire colony?
Because she didn't.
Messiah only disarmed Kiroumaru's army.
Squealer's rats slaughtered them afterwards.

Because Sqealer's army did the killing. Fiend only took their weapons. Cantus users found clues about that during their investigation but didn't come to any conclusion because fiend's existence was still a secret.

Rewatch the show faggot.

The bonobo thing is what caused their society to stagnate. Notice how their tech was downgrading. Their founders fucked up by going bonobo and squealer was a jacobian shit.

>The bonobo thing is what caused their society to stagnate. Notice how their tech was downgrading.
I won't argue about that because I agree completely.
They're fucked since they wield power too big.
They kill most of their offspring because they fear fiends and one tiny mistake or some random mutation is all that's needed to wipe them out.

Ah shit you're right. I thought that Kiroumaru said that she killed some of his men, must've read it wrong.