Do Vaccines cause autism?

Do Vaccines cause autism?

Other urls found in this thread:,29&q=narcolepsy vaccine&btnG=


What if autism causes vaccines?

>Posting this kike cunts videos

here's a lecture regarding the complexities

nice reddit-tier pop science video

She isn't Jewish...

No, posting on Sup Forums does.


>implying ashke(nazi)ism correlates with kikery
Step up, porch monkey.

What makes you think she's a Jewess?

Healthy young op goes to Sup Forums, does tons of shitposting, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM. Many such cases!

Glysophate does (round up). Guaranteed

every time vaccinations are added to the schedule, cases of autism skyrocket

things that make you go hmmmm

How can anyone give a definitive answer?

The causes of autism aren't fully understood and vaccines change a person's immune system and brain.

How could anyone rule out vaccine's as a contributing factor? At best, it seems like people could only say, "We don't know."

I'm against vaccines, by the way. They're a scam. Medicine for the healthy? Bitch, please. I'm sure the pharmaceutical companies would love it if people bought medicine for the healthy. They're trying to sell you stuff.

the literal truth, MMR will be this generation's thalidomide

No, old eggs do.

is that a tranny?

What makes you think that I was referring to her nonexistent Jewessness when I implied she was undergoing the act of kikery? To take part in the kikous act does not require the individual to be a Jude themselves, but to merely indulge in the subject and promote it.

What's thalidomide?


got tl;dr version?

Main cause of autism is lack of human interaction when infant and small child. Before television, the baby sitter (whether mother, grandmother, nanny, whoever) would spend considerable time playing with the infant/small child every day. After TV, the amount of play time dropped and instead, babies/toddlers/small children are stuck in front of a TV to keep them quiet (entertained). This lack of basic human interaction means their brains do not develop the activity centers for communication (particularly their own expression).

Interaction early in a child's life is very important. Don't skip over it, even if you think it is trivial interactions (playing peak a boo, talking about their toes, etc).


In fact, so many studies have been done on the relation between vaccines and autism, we now know that vaccines are the only thing that DOESN'T cause autism.

If you dont get vaccinated you are human garbage
People in underdeveloped shitholes walk hundreds of kilometres to get their children vaccinated because they live with the alternatives (malaria, typhoid, whooping cough, measles) in their life constantly. People that don't want vaccines are people that live in areas where these diseases seldomly exist but can make a comeback if vaccinations cease.

First world nations have higher rates of vaccination and autism than the developing but the two aren't related, its because these dropkick soccer mums not vaccinating their kids are having kids in the theirs late 30s and early 40s which has actually been linked to autism. It's not vaccines, it's the stupidity of middle class women.


just skip around
goes through the history of vaccination, public health, and the hygiene revolution (sewage & waste management systems & knowledge of germ theory) is largely responsible for the eradication of certain diseases not vaccines.
Then examines the basic principals of vaccination & the immune system, introduces topics related to the complexity of the cascading mechanism at play,

you can kind of get the gist by looking into the widespread development of narcolepsy due to vaccination,29&q=narcolepsy vaccine&btnG=

basically in genetically susceptible folks, certain vaccines can elicit specific autoimmune responses causing the immune system to attack certain neural tracts causing behavioral deficits and other downstream effects
the adjuvants used also elicit system-wide inflammation and in the 80s/90s doctors were giving infants multiple vaccines at a time, inducing aberrant immune responses impeding neural development etc etc

(pic related) Carol J. Baker, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Molecular Virology and Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas at a conference on increasing vaccinations

This explains a lot. I wasn't autistic when I was younger and now I have trouble with social norms. This didn't start until I got the vaccines.

Vaccines are good....if properly prepared, preserved, prescribed and untainted.

The first polio vaccines (1955-1963) were prepared with monkey cells and were contaminated with SV-40, SV40 is a potent tumour virus with broad tissue tropism that causes cancer. 98 million people were vaccinated and a NCBI study found that increased rates of ependymomas (37%), osteogenic sarcomas (26%), other bone tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those injected.

MMR (Measles Mumps and Rubella) vaccine is a combination put together more for marketing reasons rather than for medical purposes. The vaccine mix along with the adjuvant (adjuvants help antigen to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response with less antigen, thus saving on vaccine production costs) could produce unintended body reactions, such as excessive immune responses.

There is no incentive for vaccine producers to maximize safety and minimize adverse reactions: they are protected by US law so they cannot be sued for any reason if their product cripples, harms or kills a patient.