The problem with young men these days is that we are mostly just grown up boys...

The problem with young men these days is that we are mostly just grown up boys. We have never experienced that moment that our brains register the fact that we are now men and should behave accordingly. Taking charge of our lives and taking responsibility for our circumstances.

This vital component used to be achieved through "rights of passage" such as confronting something terrifying, taking a long difficult journey, going through a series of trials etc. After going through this the boy knew what it was to be a man and at the same time knew that he was now part of society in a different capacity.

In this thread I would like to discuss possible solutions to this issue and ways that ourselves and other young men might set up a sort of ritual of our own since our society has neglected to encourage this crucial event.

My suggestions for ourselves and others

1. Take a solo camping trip for one week with limited supplies. Hunt/fish/forage for your own food and bring no entertainment other than a journal to track your thoughts. Keep cell off unless emergency situation calls for it.

2. For a whole month talk to every woman you find attractive. You do not have to hit on her. Just talk to her. Make up a reason. Get over your hate/fear of women. Remember to try and hold good eye contact as much as possible since this is good advice for any social interaction.

3. Figure out a fear you have and face it. Afraid of heights? Go climbing or skydiving. Afraid of the dark? Walk through the woods at night with a shitty flashlight. Fear social situations? Go out to a bar or club on a busy weekend and talk to random people. You get the idea. Identify the fear and face it down. The objective is to do it until you become numb to it or even enjoy it.

I am looking forward to your suggestions anons.

Let us do our ancestors proud and bring back this forgotten tradition.

tldr but bump for effort

Most people on this board probably wouldn't get a bid but for normies, frat pledging works as a good substitute for rite of passages. Military service is even better.

I agree with you.

But if it was easy to make people "man up"(for lack of a better word) everyone would. Some people either by design or consequence cannot become functioning adult.

>We have never experienced that moment that our brains register the fact that we are now men and should behave accordingly.

speak for yourself. the death of my father and my passage into the oldest of my male line did it right quick.

went from a degenerate drug using slob to a very in shape college grad w/ a career.

however, there are better rights of passage than watching your father die.

I have an idea that really helped me, but was difficult to do: Quit drinking and stop joining in on the party culture. It weakens your mind and body.
>then start reading some books. May I suggest Culture of Critique for anons that can bear academic reading and Star ship Troopers if you want a good novel.
Also start exercising 4 or 5 days a week. (Only for 40 minutes to an hour. No need to go crazy. You are going to be doing this till your like 90 or dead)

National service.

how does a camping trip make you more of a man

most likely you will spend all your time on cell phone with beer and weed


Become a parent, being responsible for another life will make you man up real quick

2 more things:
(1) don't waste your efforts doing crazy dangerous hobbies (ex. Climbing Mount Everest). Why? Because we need food soldiers for the white race and don't need them wasting money and possibly getting killed chasing thrills. Make yourself useful and don't make high uneeded risk. Your days of defying death (or getting killed) will come when we finally start to mobilize more White men.

(2) abandon promiscuous party women. From my experience, girls that party only want to party, and they will constantly try to drag you to more bars and degenerate drinking festivals. You can fuck women, but don't start harming yourself or your potential just to get laid.


>We have never experienced that moment that our brains register the fact that we are now men and should behave accordingly. Taking charge of our lives and taking responsibility for our circumstances.
wouldnt this be projection? if not projection - what makes you think there is a sole moment where this "click" happens? i've never heard of it or longed for it. never heard anybody talk about this at all.

living in the woods, talking to chicks, or facing fears isn't going to give you some "click" of "ok, now you're a man"... it'll probably give some character or at least a decent memory but i think you're over romanticizing things.

I'm a first year law student and I actually feel like a man now. It is because I have matured, since I am biologically no longer a kid in any way, and also because I work like a man. I put in about 50 hours a week for school, 5-7 for the gym, I watch what I eat, I am emotionally controlled, and I now do things because it is what I am supposed to do instead of being a lazy cuck.

there's something about a mission of survival using only what you got that makes you a man, its some real tribal animal bullshit but its kind of true, even doing urban survival being homeless will sort of grow you up and challenge you to survive

in other words, time moved on and you grew up. as any boy grows to be a man. i think the OP is going on because a lack of self esteem.

Or or could challenge yourself by
>becoming a productive man,
>educating yourself about race realism (I actually mean reading academic books),
>ignoring all the crap and eventually finding a young woman to have children with,
>raising those children correctly and providing for them
>being an effective member of the white nationalist movement,
>and keeping yourself in shape
There. How is that for urban survival and challenge.


Blame your father for not setting goalposts user. He wasn't a man therefore you aren't

this is the bottom line
you want boys to become men again?
artificial hardships aren't real hardships that'll build character
you'll need real shit to go down to see who's gonna become men and who'll be fodder
what I'm trying to say is only a real war can fix this situation.

Thank you for useful replies.

To those that think this is some strange projection and that men should just be men.

Look. I openly admit to being a grown boy. I think most people here are. Just because you have a man's job, look like a man, and perhaps even have kids. Doesn't make you a man.

This is something almost spiritual in nature.

I am talking about ritual.

We lack ritual.

That is why I started listing certain tasks. It is not necessary, but it is desirable to have these things.

Does anyone have suggestions for actual tasks that might be considered right of passage worthy events a young man can go through?