Why don't we eat human meat? no one would ever starve

why don't we eat human meat? no one would ever starve.

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I'd rather eat the flesh of innocent farm animals than filthy, sinning foreigners/criminals

I prefer to filter my meat. The procedure is as follows:
>insert human body into the ground
>grass finds nourishment from the body
>animal eats the grass
>I eat the animal

Cool huh? Human meat converted into tasty meat in just a few easy steps

apparently it fucks you up, there are tribes that do it and their brains are now rotting, actually like forming holes in the tissue

Because humans are fucking nasty.

Honestly, I don't see any drawbacks to rounding up everyone with an IQ below 70 and putting them on farms to raise for meat.

Holy shit an /thread on Sup Forums that was informed and practically what I came to say. Fucking this.

This, among others.

There are too many diseases and other problems that can pass directly from human meat to the preparers and eaters. Getting "mad cow" disease is just one of them.


Is it cannibalism to feed dead people to pigs and then eat the pigs? If so, what could dead meat be fed to that would have economic value? Mink? Then wear the fur?

It'd have to be heavily spiced.

Maybe dogfood is best

I don't want to touch a nigger, nevermind eat one.

Would we have "organic nigger" or something?


A fate worst than death

I don't want prion diseases.

What this guy said

I don't suck cocks

Sorry I don't eat nigger.

what is the secret?

So don't eat the brains you ineffable tards.

So liberals and niggars? Prob will taste like KFC grease.



The kikes say human tastes like veil however kikes taste like rat

so are you refusing to use google or are you just stupid?

I'm rubber, you're glue.

How come all these cannibal serial killers like dahmer are alright then?

you apparently don't understand how far down the brainstem and into the central nervous system this can extend. It isn't safe. Take your cannibalism elsewhere.

Holy fucking shit. This site is 18+; go back to fucking grade school, you loser.

Some of us do. Human meat is very tender and light, so much that pieces float.

They all float.

We can't wait to get you down here with us.

Wow, is it really so unlikely that someone might not have any harmful prions? I'm gonna call up my doctor right away.


I have already consumed my own cum.

We all float down here.

And how exactly would you, a regular consumer, know that the human meat you are about to consume lacks this protein chain, especially when prion testing in humans that are alive insofar as testing for prion diseases is already labor intensive, invasive and difficult to perform?

The same way you know your big mac doesn't have prions, it's not freakin quantum physics.

It's chocked full of protein!

There's a fucked up movie called the red violin. About a man who gets the genius idea to paint and to play a violin of his dead wife's blood and then proceeds to kill himself. That's why

No one would survive either because we'd induce world wide earthquakes due everyone getting Parkinson.

>why don't we eat human meat?
some do
Cannibal couple ‘sold human meat pies to local cafe’

Step up your game op.

Bump for curiosities sake

You inherently don't understand how prions work then if you think your big mac doesn't have them.

Well, I've eaten my share of them and I still don't have mad cow disease. I know that much.

Because most of us are not atheist.

good for you, but you still don't understand how prions work as per protein chains that are animal specific and how they infect their own, re: how cows get mad cow disease, how eating humans would affect humans. Once you understand how mad cow is contracted and spread and why its a problem specifically in our country, then its easy to understand why eating humans is a really bad idea.

Btw anyone know what the source on the Ops pic is from, is that from some satire late night tv or something lol?

I don't eat kebab.

>not feeding the animal human meat

cut out the middle man

ITT: Autism

Prions don't just occur from eating the brain, they cover the entire nervous system which extends to just about everywhere in your body. Whilst it is true you may be fine, the risk is there.



Nerger Burger......

how do prions make it through the blood-gut barrier intact?

This - can't sterilize them, even slight exposure causes a domino effect, CJD is 100% fatal and not worth the risk in any case.

Also, our muscle tissue is pathetic compared to the meat animals we raise. A full-grown human would take 15-20 years to raise and provide MAYBE 40lb of usable meat. Not to mention the reason we don't consume apex predators in the first place - toxins concentrate in fat and muscle tissue. The mercury in a tuna would be nothing compared to the shit in a matrix-raised human. Even sharks won't eat a person after tasting them.

because we do so already everytime we go to mcdonalds or similar places




Don’t fall for the prion-JEW!

due to genetic similarities, it doesn't recognize it as a foreign object, it recognizes it as part of the organism, and is able to then pass through gastrointestinal walls easily (and then further elsewhere once in the bloodstream)

It damages the brain. human cannibals run the risk of contracting a fatal prion malady, similar to Creutzfeld-Jacob disease (think Mad Cow), known as kuru

Eating anything that is omnivorous or carnivorous is disgusting. What something eats is what it become and it has an effect on it's taste. That's why no one eats shit like wolves and cougars. Few people eat bear, but their berry heavy diet helps with the taste, unless you get a trash eating bear.

Because with the way the world is today we would all most likely catch the stupid from the libtards.

because then mcdonalds would hire people to kill u and put u in a burger

Prions are not organisms, nor even viruses. If a prion was the size of a human, a virus would be the size of a 747. They are misfolded proteins, and the biological equivalent of "bugs" in computer code. When a cell makes contact with a prion, certain susceptible protein components are transformed into more prions. Doesn't matter where they get into your body, they eventually end up in your blood and make contact with the phospholipids in your blood-brain barrier, where they easily pass through to the neurons and continue the degenerative domino effect.

If a person with a prion disease (eg CJD, the human variant of Mad Cow) ends up in a hospital, they are isolated with absolute airborne precautions and surgeons have to work in HAZMAT gear because literally a single ingested prion (a single MOLECULE) would be enough to start the disease process.

They are honestly the most terrifying infectious vector known to humanity, and it's a miracle they haven't been weaponized.

>Why don't we eat human meat?

Because that's fucked up and good luck having your brain literally rot.

>we are not cannibals

whatever you say, kike.


>they haven't been weaponized
t- bio engy

Primarily because diseases often survive cooking. Otherwise free market capitolists would be on board.

What do you mean nobody would ever starve? How many people do you think die a day?

Nonsense. This thread is utter nonsense.

the amount of energy put in to getting decent meat is far less efficient for the energy returned from it

As you love up the foodchain stuff becomes less and less nutritionally efficient. I can raise dozens of chickens for what it would take to raise a 5 year old

>no one would ever starve.

Uh, there is not nearly enough supply.

>Over 56 billion farmed animals are killed every year by humans.

proteins can't bypass gut wall generally, they need active transport

Primarily decency. If you're looking beyond morals, it's practically inefficient. You have to pick the human to die, and usually that doesn't end well (i.e. you get eaten, family member eaten, etc.). Most cannibal populations die out or stop (and then usually still die out, like native hawaiians are). Nature doesn't take kindly to cannibals, and karma is a bitch.

don't the fibers in the muscle tissue not digest properly and it ends up in your bloodstream and basically slices you up from the inside?

even cannibal tribes only ate human meat sparingly

a good filter has more than one component.

Damn user you are smart. But you know who was smarter than you ? The soviets. They were eating humans before you said eating humans was smart.

who would buy that. I buy packaged meat because it's already butchered you fucking retards

Soilent Green

its a liberal too. you want grass fed meat, not grass smoking meat

Wow a smart leaf-faggot... anyways, you are 100 percent correct... why do you think niggers are fucking stupid? they have been eating each other for centuries... lol

Slide threads

did you get the wrong guy? i didnt say anything about jews not being cannibals.

1 post by id. /sage

But I just want to say that human meat is racoon meat.

You are thinking of kuru, and that shit is only in Papua New guinea