Disarmed Enemy Forces

Did you know?
After WW2 the german soldiers that surrendered were given the special designation of "Disarmed Enemy Forces" instead of "Prisoner of War"?
>Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF), less commonly,[1] Surrendered Enemy Forces, was a US designation for soldiers who surrendered to an adversary after hostilities ended and for those who had already surrendered POWs and held in camps in occupied German territory at that time.[2] It was Dwight D. Eisenhower's designation of German prisoners in post-World War II occupied Germany.[3]
>Because of the logistical impossibility of feeding millions of surrendered German soldiers at the levels required by the Geneva Convention during the food crisis of 1945, the purpose of the designation, along with the British designation of Surrendered Enemy Personnel (SEP), was to prevent categorization of the prisoners as Prisoners of War (POW) under the 1929 Geneva Convention.

So basically the US/allies couldnt (/didnt want to) feed all the germans, and thus made up a special designation that excluded them from the Geneva Convention and enabled them to let them all starve without repercussions.
However when the same was done to jews by germans, in times where the germans couldnt even feed themselves properly anymore it suddenly was called "Holocaust"

Really makes me think...

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Yes. The Americans intended Genocide of the German people.

I read about this. It was quite the war crime and Truman and Eisenhower should have been put up against the wall and shot for it.

well, its too late now for that i guess. im all for taking clinton, obama and co. in their stead though

And yet a bunch of Nazis were tried and executed....

And don't forget what happened to moderate Italian fascists.

man, the allies really were stupid as fuck. thats not how you hang people

>Geneva Convention
Nuking Japan by the USA or Carpet Bombing Germany by the brits, mass rape by the soviets? Looking back, only the Axis actually uphold the Geneva Convention but the winner wrote history and thus had to invent death camps and mass gasing and shit.

This is one more reason, why all those Allied Nations won't come out with the truth. It's not just because of (((them))) but the shame and guilt all those Nations accumilated.

they had it coming desu

well, every rational thinking person should see those today have no blame in what happened back then. admitting it would be guilt on themselves. however willingly keeping the lie alive is what makes them all guilty.
at this point its probably more about that when people realize all the lies of WW2 they will be more sceptic of what is right now. and you cant have an indipendently thinking population, right?

>mfw the only real death camps were run by the allies

Well, it's more complex though. If they'd acknowledge germany wasn't evil or guilty for that matter then decades of reparations germany paid, expoitation of german workforce, and most of all the soil of the german reich taken couldn't be kept like that.

true i guess.


where did you get that from?
eitherway i can confirm the translation is accurate

Some revisionist website. I don't recall. It lines up with what that guy on RT said about the CIA controlling the news in Germany.

Isn't it a known thing in Germany that Germany is still under American occupation?

I recently watched some Japan street interview shit, and they mentioned something about the army, and the Japanese guy didn't understand why Japan isn't allowed to have an actual army but just a "defense force".

haqua bread?

Yeah, but not so much the media part. I've heard people try to debunk that pic because of West and Central German reunification in 1990, which is obviously bullshit.

yeah, it certainly fits the current situation, but i just doubt they would make a contract for it since i doubt they would go to court for it either way since it would blow it open, and thus a contract would be meaningless and just possible piece of evidence.

however regarding CIA controlling germany:

mendeleev also talked about "men in black" but more regarding the UFO phenomena. wether its the CIA or some other organisation doesnt even matter really though.

You only have to see who owns what though, it's almost all public, although obscured through various foundations and daughter companies and shit like that.

Take Serbia as an example:


mate, you cant expect random plebs to know their shit. most people dont even know that germany doesnt have a constitution and that the grundgesetz is just a substitute to manage the time until we get a constitution. there is also some debate if the grundgesetz even is legit since the reuinion of west and east germany

Damn anglokikes are truly brutal. Hope nobody follows Geneva rules when WW3 happens seeing how your nation is going to be portrayed as the responsible of another 6 gorillion no matter what you do.

Same thing with nuclear weapons
>it's ok when anglos and jews do it

I pray we do JFK proud.

yeah. as i see it he was probably the second last president to not be a jew puppet, and the last one to actually be on the people side.
the other one who wasnt a jewpuppet seems to be nixon, but from how i see it he basically just wanted to build his own empire rather than help the people.
trump could possibly be either of those. too soon to tell. he does some good, but also kisses jew ass. but i would kiss jewass too for the time being to not get JFKd


>posting worst girl

>Really makes me think..

Not really. Might makes right, that's how it's always been. It's only a war crime if you fuck up and lose, if you win there's no one left in any position to judge you.

>Worst girl
Absolutely horrendous taste

> It lines up with what that guy on RT said about the CIA controlling the news in Germany.

Don't even need any tinfoil hat to consider that one to be real. They are quite open about it with the Atlantikbrücke and our media is pretty much just a carbon copy of the US media with a couple months of delay before they start pushing the same agenda.

i myself like megumin but "sometimes you need the rainy days to appreciate the sunny ones" - dane cook


>muhhhh eisenhower death camps

Oh boo hoo they were in an open camp for a couple months before going home. How the fuck do you feed a million prisoners after you just got done rationing for your own troops? Not our fucking fault the Germans rushed in to surrender to us because they knew if they did the same to the Russians they'd end up in a gulag. Fuck off you dumb naziboo faggot, those camps were literally the best choice they had.

>Damn anglokikes are truly brutal.
One of the main reasons why Nazi Germany's military actions spiraled out of control into a world war was because Churchill really fucking hated the Germans and wanted to see them all wiped out.

it is if you want them to suffer for hours.

>starving millions is okay since the other guys would have done worse
rocksolid logic there
day of the grill when?

Shut up Kraut kike you would've had no idea how to fucking feed a million people 8000 miles away either in such a short time either. During the war the periodic German prisoners we got were sailed back to the US and paid the same salary as a GI, worked in crafts programs, started businesses here with their money. The POWs loved it so much they even volunteered to fight against Japan on our side. No German was treated better than the ones who came here to the mainland as prisoners. Now you tell me how the fuck do you expect to ship millions of people on those same boats designed for a couple thousand.

You don't have a fucking solution because you're a retarded teenager. Do you know the logistics behind feeding an enemy force of millions of people?

>muh poor germans
you deserve it all and more you scum

>calling me kike for defending nazis
now you could win a goldmedal in olympia with those mental gymnastics mate.
also i wouldnt bomb everything unrelated to the war to shit, wouldnt get involved on the wrong side of the war. the US together with the other allied forces caused the whole mess in the first place.

>i wouldnt bomb everything unrelated to the war to shit
oh fuckin really? How about all those civilians in 1939?


stay mad that your country got wrecked after killing german civillians on rightfully german clay. go and steel a car or something instead of shitting up the board

tl;dr don't lose a war

Kraut butthurt is the best.

they were already dead when they got strung up, that was just for show

says the burger that lost against literal ricefarmers :^)

That's rich coming from a nigger cock enthusiast who hasn't won a war in over a century.

If Burgers indeed starved to death German POVs then I love Burgers now. Such a sweet irony.

2 wars we were involved in, and both times half the world had to unite to beat us, and still we had a better deathcount then the rest. thats totally the same as losing to ricefarmers lmao. also which was the last war you won? korea? afghanistan? vietnam? afghanistan again? iraq? or is it non of those while simultaniously just making the global situation worse and worse?

How many died as a result?

Kek, they had weapons from the USSR and training from Spetsnaz, while we had a tiny portion of our military on the other side of the planet led by the least competent president in our history. The real "rice farmers" were our "allies" who ignored their training and deserted faster than we could recruit new ones. Also,
>we kicked your asses

You're quite happy to force OTHER countries to honour international treaties, Amerikike.

>After the DEF designations were made in the early summer of 1945, the International Red Cross was not permitted to fully involve itself in the situation in camps containing German prisoners (POWs, DEFs or SEPs), some of which initially were Rheinwiesenlager transit camps, and even though conditions in them gradually improved, "even the most conservative estimates put the death toll in French camps alone at over 16,500 in 1945"

they even didnt allow the red cross to help

yeah, you did. totally without any help whatsoever.

>Illiterate peasants all supposedly received spetsnaz training
Also the weapons they were supplied were mainly outdated surplus from china

>implying our allies in either war wouldn't have been fucked without us
The Viet Cong were incompetent as all fuck, all they did was get killed and cause headaches for arty spotters. It was the regular NVA that won the war, and only because we never invaded North Vietnam. Instead LBJ tried to bomb them to oblivion, despite them having a steady supply of the latest Soviet SAMs.

Polacks are literally kikes. Subversive shitposters, that deny the truth while living off of german gibs for decades.
You remind me of Israel, gibs, not taking refugees, liars, thieves and degenerates.

Think about it degenerate version of a kike.

Go to bed Angela

This literally looks like shit from the Middle Ages.

>>implying our allies in either war wouldn't have been fucked without us
no, im implying you wouldnt have won either without help.

Don't you have to go watch a Somali rape your sister or something?

>implying im not that exact smali myself



history is written by the winners, user

thats why the good guys always win

>actual deaths between 3-10 thousand out of 5.25 million POWs
>only one "historian" (Bacque) claims a million, has been completely discredited by literally every other researcher an historian on earth

Yeah and over a million German POWs died of starvation, exposure and lack of medical care in Eisenhower's Rheinwiesenlager. It wasn't just because the"talent" and "brave" allies couldn't feed surrendered soldaten. No, it was also so thousands could be sent to clear mines as slave labor in Denmark and France among others, or sent to England to be tortured in the"London Cage", heated and tortured at Dachau. Did you know that Auschwitz stayed open after the war to house German civilians? A Jew even wrote about the horrific conditions (starvation, beatings torture) courtesy of newly Americanized jews or Soviet Jews who had left Germany in the years before the war and returned to wreak hell on earth on any German they could lay their hands on. My then 17 year old opa labored for 2 years in France all while not knowing whether his Mother and sisters were alive given that they had been expulsed from their home in Breslau. Of his 2 sisters and 2 brothers, one died in Leningrad, the other one in Africa, one sister just disappeared on the march west. Fuck the Allies, the worst war criminals the world has ever seen.

>Russian politicians from any era in it's entire history
>giving anywhere else on the planet shit for shadow government and puppetmaster style conspiracies

This is the book written by a Jew detailing all the horrors that were visited upon any and all Germans, old or young, civilian, surrendered soldier or refugee.


see 10k is extremely underestimated when the lowest in france are already 6k more.

i truely wish i would have asked my grandparents about stories. but when they still lived i was bluepilled regarding nazis and WW2 and dint want to bring up any bad memories. now i really regret never doing so

to be fair. putin was former KGB, so its likely that he himself is the shadowgovernment stepped into the light. either way i would say that he at least knows his shit

> did you know
> germans were shooting russian civies
Nah, it's just propaganda mate. Sage, get over it and suffer. Also no refunds.

I guess you shouldn't have had a bitch made military and you wouldn't have been treated like the bitches you are. You don't get to complain when you're the loser Hanz, put up or shut up. You didn't put up, so guess what your other option is?

yeah, actually it turned out russians disguised themselves as germans and wrecked their own villages to strengthen support against the germans. also germans were reported to protect russian civillians even and never leaving them behind

I only heard a few of my opa's stories, if your opa was anything like mine and like most of the Heer, they possessed a certain quiet dignity despite the hell they went through, and never looked for or asked for pity or glory.
Check out a film called "Land of Mine" its based on the young boys that were sent to clear mines by hand, in Denmark. It was so fucking sad and enraging that I legit cried like a baby.

>We hate the jews
>They are filthy and vile and terrible and responsible for so much troubles in our country.
>We need to get rid of the Jews
>So clearly let's put them in camps, feed them and house them until the war is over....and then be stuck with the Jews we emphatically wanted to get rid of.

What the fuck was the point of putting the Jews in concentration camps if it wasn't to get rid of them?

Fuck you, the Germans treated all allied soldiers with respect and to the letter of the Geneva conventions, while the allies behaved like the fucking kikes they served.

I guess that's part of what made them bitch made. You win a war by killing more of their people for their cause than yours for your cause. They didn't do that; we did. Boo hoo, war is hell.

concentrationcamps were only the first step. the goal was to get the jews out of the government so they cant jew around anymore. so they were put in camps (there were also a lot of jews allowed to live outside of camps by the way, since they didnt try any jewery or showed themselves to be actually on the germans side)
the next step was to get them out of the country

put each and every jew and jewenabler in that country, ie. israel, and when that happened they cant jew around in your country anymore and if israel, or where ever they were put (madagascar was another plan) keeps shitting up everything they have to suffer consequenses as every other nation would. the problem we face is that not all of them are in israel right now

To concentrate them away from important things they could sabotage with the long term goal of deportation.

Yup... Stalin's order 0428 (the Torch men order) by which retreating Soviet soldiers were to burn every house, barn, chicken coop, etc all while wearing Feldgrau to make people believe it was the Germans' scorched earth policy and not Stalin's

How proud you must be! How very gallant and brave of the "greatest generation".

Well, yeah. We proved we could kick the world's ass.

Ok, and then when the war is over you let them right back into society so they can continue to conspire and work against you?

Why Israel? Why not some regional ghetto zone in the wide open steppes? Why do you take an enemy you define as the greatest evil the world has ever seen and politely and kindly let them emigrate to their own country? A country they have wanted to see independent and free for literally millennia? Why are you rewarding a people who your own leadership defined as the great scourge responsible for communism and the loss of WW1 and so many ills and sins on the German people? Why Israel when that is going to inflame tensions with the Muslim world? Are you that enslaved to them that you would piss off a quarter of the world to reward the Jews?

If you're arguing "it wasn't 6 million" that's one thing and entirely reasonable. But the rationale for "We hate and detest and loath das juden but we really wanted what is best for them and to let them have their own happy nation"
is such a mealy mouthed cowardly crock of shit. If the Nazis really didn't want or intend to wipe out the Jews after scourging them as the public enemy #1 and mastermind of degenerating the German people then they are history's greatest fools. Think about how ridiculous your arguments sound placed in a different context: "Armenians are scum, they are traitors they are vile they conspire with the Russians to rape our proud nation. They are a fifth column. So clearly what we need to do is reward them with their own independent country"

t. ooga booga nigger

also designated some troups to shoot anyone who just does as much as retreat for reformationing
>The first use of the barrier troops by the Red Army occurred in the late summer and fall on the Eastern front during the Russian Civil War, when commander Mikhail Tukhachevsky was authorized by War Commissar Leon Trotsky of the Communist Bolshevik government to station blocking detachments behind unreliable Red Army infantry regiments in the 1st Red Army, with orders to shoot if they either deserted or retreated without permission.[1]

also denied evacution of stalingrad since if people live there his troops would be more motivated to fight to protect the city. truely detestable

Despicable is the very essence of communism. At least that filthy kike Trotsky died a lingering, painful death.

Shut up you fucking idiot.
>Hurrrrr he don't share muh opinion Hurrrrrrrr he's black
No wonder you Krauts are dumb enough to flood your own country with sand niggers. You can't even formulate decent arguments, you just choke on guilt like you choke on Muslim cock. Your country was so weak, your capital was communist red until AMERICA stepped in.

its not because you disagree with me that you are a nigger, but because of the way you think in general mate. no empethy, no honour, all nigger. simple as that. your skincolour doesnt even matter at this point

only reason i can think of is pretty much #notalljews

they certainly though some jews can be good guys, and they probably didnt want to kill innocents. and i agree. if there is one guy in a thousand, does he deserve to be punished/killed because of what the others did even though he didnt participated the least and maybe even tried to stop it?

Shouldn't have lost the war. Also y'all fucked with other people are now you're crying when you got fucked with? It's damn hard to feed large amounts of people and allied soldiers and civilians get priority.

If I were in charge of Turkey I would "reward" the Kurds with and independent state to be rid of them.

Germany is being flooded by sandniggers and niggers directly because of America, if you aren't as illiterate of global realpolitik as the majority of our fellow Americans you should know this.

Please enlighten me as to when exactly it was that we stepped in to liberate "Red" Berlin..

>kills tens of millions civilians
>but muh soldiers weren't treated right
Stalin should've erased your cancer country from existence.

>Skin color doesn't matter
Glad you're such a shining beacon of progress Germany. Keep up the good work. Soon your Ubermench genes will be muddy with sand niggers, and you won't think twice about it, because hey; skin color doesn't matter.

I know why Germany is being flooded with sand niggers. Throw a few bombs at their sand houses and they have to move. No shit. I'm not sure what your point is.

>>kills tens of millions civilians
didnt happen

>Germany is being flooded by sandniggers and niggers directly because of America, if you aren't as illiterate of global realpolitik as the majority of our fellow Americans you should know this.
this. US is funding "moderate rebells"as well as ISIS, causing wars and chaos everywhere there creating refugees and inciting hate towards the west which also creates the terrorists which then get send over here. pretty much same is happening in africa just not as much.

whats up today? are shills working overtime? are we flooded by leftypol and reddit currently (well, i guess we are 24/7 for months so...)

Shouldn't have lost the war? Perhaps America shouldn't have armed the Soviets, perhaps we shouldn't have allowed FDR (filthy cripto kike that he was) to listen to the kikes that owned him just like they owned that fat, disgusting, drunken, fellow crypto kike and war criminal Churchill or to fuck up this country.

More you read about history the more you realize that everything the nazis are accused is just Allied forces projecting.

*yawn* oldest load of crap I've ever scene.

Why are naziboos so dumb? Western allies have documented concentration camps and hooliganism by the Nazi party. It's not some grand conspiracy. You are rejecting and twisting facts to get off on being some contrarian.

I bet you would argue about anything and say edgy comments as loud as possible just to get a reaction out of people. Everyone you know IRL probably already doesn't like you. You are a definite schizophrenic if you aren't meming.

And yes. The german regime was evil.

noone denies the concentrationcamps retard. its the systematic massmurder thats made up.
also attacking ones mental healt, yeah, definitely shill. my last (You) for (((you))) :^)

this pretty much

Du bist gay.

German soldiers and civilians have documented working for extermination camps as well as hearing stories during the era.

We should have slaughtered you all

What scene by the way?
I don't even how to respond to such blatant ignorance of historical truths given that no one has engaged in ad hominems except for you, nor have I espoused pro Nazi sentiments.
In any event, who's denying the existence of konzentrationslager?


im sure you can believe all those stories mate

3 people get caught lying to profit. Humanity is awful. Evident by Germany doing evil shit in ww2