Was surprised to know what many western people didnt know what Germany during WW2 was genociding USSR people like jews...

Was surprised to know what many western people didnt know what Germany during WW2 was genociding USSR people like jews. why is what? coz of cold war propoganda? US didnt want their people to see USSR as victims?

Just to know USSR lost ~10millions soldiers and ~17.9 millions civilians. Germans killed more civil people in USSR than soldiers (!).
Dont forget what please. It was a genocide war against russian people. war for destruction. nothing like the war like on west front.

Other urls found in this thread:


Most people don't know that the soviets raped their way across europe on their way to Berlin in the most barbaric act in human history.

Shut the fuck up, nigger.

at that point it was justified

The raping of hundreds of thousands of civilians is not justifiable. We did the same thing to a lesser extent after the war. Patton came down hard on it before he was assassinated.

>implying most of the civilians killed weren't militia analogues

If the USSR would have given up like France, you would have been spared all the deaths.

You also would have been better off under fascism than Communism.

The word "genocide" only applies to humans. You could call it a slaughter, though.

Most people don't know that Germans rounded up women for slave labor and also raped them.


>Since about half of the adolescents were female, Ostarbeiter were often the victims of rape and tens of thousands of pregnancies due to rape occurred.[5]

tell it to the people who seen nothing but deaths and horror in last 4 years.

and the important difference - the crimes of soviet soldiers on enemy land was punished by their command. the German genocide,rape,torture on USSR land was justefied by they command. the german soldier didnt go to tribunal for killing a russian civilian.

Jews, gypsies, niggers, homos have repeatedly destroyed every civilization. What Germany did was justified.

Sweden won't be a country for long, so not like your opinion matters.

Bolshevik Jews genocided 40 million Russian Christians when they took over. There is nothing more hateful and wretched than a Jew. They truly hate and envy white people.

okay sven. i will remember what word.

Many Russians joined the Germans. Doesn't seem like you know that either. And the Russians killed when they got their hands on them.

Slavs aren't people.

It would literally have been better if Hitler gassed you all, and filled the lands all across the Urals with Germans whore were constantly breeding (actually part of his plan).

Imagine a world with over 1 billion Germanics who had been practicing eugenics for decades. The Chinks and Poos wouldn't stand a chance.

Instead we got shitty (((communism))) that literally is based on giving bread and circuses to the lowest possible retards, and Soviet scientists literally denied genetics for decades because the idea of certain humans being superior to others triggered them. Now Russia is a worthless shithole full of FAS retards who inject krokodile and have car wrecks constantly.

All of Russia's civilization came from Swedes and Germans who formed the upper-class, and you genocided them all at the command of your Jewish Bolshevik overlords. You're all just maggots feeding on the corpse of a once majestic creature.

i know what.

you need to go back

Their command told them to do it, kike.
This is how shills slide these days.

Hitler viewed the Russians as inferior and subhuman because they succumbed to Jewish communism.

Who here doesn't view communists as being subhuman? They are subhuman.

What is one supposed to do with communists? It's a plague and it must be stopped, or else everything wil be destroyed. The only cure to communism is death. It sucks that it happened, but that's life. Commies must be physically removed.

Wait what? Call the polish government to get some gibsmedats maybe.

To answer your main question here. The Jews are the most outspoken. 6 million dead is hardly anything compared to other statistics as you pointed out. But after the war they immediately wanted Israel. They put up museum's, Jews wrote books, started foundations, shames anyone that called them out. They glorified their victimization.

yes what's what i am talking about. the huge amount of propaganda on nazi side did a great job and the germans started to believe what genocide is justified against slavs,jews etc.

>Imagine a world with over 1 billion Germanics

Instead we'll get a world with no Germanics in less than 50 years, wew. Good thing we destroyed you then.

dont you think what communism is the worst state for Jews? Capitalism much better for them, no?

And what about Poland,like? You turd. Someone should nuke Russia, Turkey, all Muslim countries and detonate some crazy shut in Africa so only the people die and not the land. You're here talking shit on an English speaking message board, when you could be somewhere else necking yourself.

>many western people didnt know what Germany during WW2 was genociding USSR people like jews
And that's bad, why? If the Soviets were willing tools of the Jews, their genocide is justified.


Show us your flag, shitskin.

we live in the world there anglos won. sadly. what why i am here.

i think they mainly did it because they knew how fucking retarded communists actually were and what lengths they would go to.

Even stalin at his end started to realise how parasitic jews were.

coz always better to know the truth.

There was no genocide my freind. You still live.

after watching idi i smotri, I get your point, but the germans were trying to halt the spread of communism with brutal efficiency.

many atrocities on both sides, but germany's intentions were more noble imo

well you need to read operation "ost" then.

"Muh Civilians" Argument is the most beta cuck argument ever. Spoils of War faggot. I didn't see any civies out in the front, therefore any civilian, German or Russian deserved to be raped for not fighting.

Don't bother arguing. Hitler wanted to steal land and Russia fucked him hard, this is all that there is to it, Germanic niggers getting their proper treatment.

Enough. You're only still here because some diseases never fully dissipate.

someday, someone will invade your country and you will reconsider the way of your thinking.

who is "we and who is "you"

Hitler proved the superiority of Slavs and Jews over whites. Of course the westerners would be afraid to admit it.

Just a reminder the SS were cowards. They ran like a horde of wild hogs away from the red army because they knew they would have been shot.

An SS Sergeant in Peiper's ration supply company, Otto Sierk, claimed that Peiper responded in kind: "In the village, the two petrol trucks were burnt and 25 Germans killed by partisans and Soviet soldiers. As a revenge, Peiper ordered the burning down of the whole village and the shooting of its inhabitants".[41] (Sierk's testimony was obtained on 17 November 1944 by the Western Allies, and has just been recently declassified).[42]

On 6 May 1943, Peiper was awarded the German Cross in Gold for his achievements in February 1943 around Kharkov, where his unit gained the nickname the "Blowtorch Battalion". Reportedly, the nickname derived from the torching and slaughter of two Soviet villages where their inhabitants were either shot or burned.[43][44][45] Ukrainian sources, including surviving witness Ivan Kiselev, who was 14 at the time of the massacre, described the killings at the villages of Yefremovka and Semyonovka on 17 February 1943. On 12 February Waffen-SS troops of the LSSAH occupied the two villages, where retreating Soviet forces had wounded two SS officers. In retaliation, five days later LSSAH troops killed 872 men, women and children. Some 240 of these were burned alive in the church of Yefremovka.

In August 1944, when Sturmbannführer Jacob Hanreich was captured south of Falaise in France and interrogated by the Allies, he stated that Peiper was "particularly eager to execute the order to burn villages". Hanreich had previously served with Leibstandarte but was with SS Division Hitlerjugend at the time of his capture.[47] The blowtorch became an unofficial symbol of the unit and was painted on the battalion's vehicles.

We put an end to the unwashed barbaric nazi horde and we'll do it again if we have to.

After they had implemented communism many of them wanted to flee to the US. Or Israel. Communism is only for the goyim. It's just a tool used to destroy their host countries so that the Jews can take them over. Their plan was obviously to rule over the Slavs. But yes, capitalism is more effective. We now have both communism and capitalism - equality is communism. Racial equality is communism. It's dogmatic and anti-scientific. The Jews have perfected cultural communism and poisoned every institution.

I wish Russians hated Jews more. They caused the War and millions of dead. We're heading for another wa,r and we're gonna have to kill a lot of white liberals.

The Jews have put us in a position where we are going to have to kill our own.

>we live in the world there anglos won

Anglos lost, Jews won. Slavs never lost, they only fell behind. Once the Jews lose the future will belong to the Slav.

No I won't because I'll be raping or dead from fighting. You pathetic cuck. Stalin would not be proud of you. Nor is Putin.

You are retarded.

You mean like you did in the middle east all the time, like the US?

Every single Jew that was burned alive during the Middle Ages deserved it. Kys

So now we go from "genocide" to "cowards".... c'mon internet you can do better.

>Just to know USSR lost ~10millions soldiers and ~17.9 millions civilians. Germans killed more civil people in USSR than soldiers (!).
Most of the civilian casualties were not Russians but Ukrainians and Belorussians.

Russkies always act like they were USSR and suffered from the war. When they clearly didn't suffer the most.

for me there is no big difference betwen them. this crimea conflict what happened in last years fucked up our relationships.

Kys, gentile animal.

true, fuck germany (all the south for that matter)
but the commie kikes genocided even more people across the motherland when they overthrew the empire in 1917
the whole point of both world wars was to victimise the jews, so they wind up taking control of the world's banks just like they have
the rus empire was run by very anti liberal, anti semetic people that was the jew's biggest threat at the time
why you think they outlawed the church for?


the empire will be restored

>it's always the kikes

All of Ukraine and Belarus became war zones contested back and forth, fucked at least twice as the front and occupations moved.
Only a relatively small part of Russia saw similar horror, even Moscow was spared.

gtfo of my country kikeǃ

Ukrainians kill each other in Dombass, Ukrainians want to be best friends with Germany because regular Ukrainians want clean toilets in Berlin and rich Ukrainians want EU's money on "renovation" of their "economy".


Pol why did Germans massacre other Germans if race (ethnicity/nation) was important to them? Really stumps the modern day low iq self proclaimed natsoc nutter.

That's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm preparing the tractor.

lol anglos lost , funny guy , why does every shit skin and slav under the sun want to come to the anglo countries if we lost, you stupid retard maggot , if there's a masterrace it's a fucking anglo , i wished we decimated russia with germany instead just to prove how pathetic they were without america or anglos in general.

LOL they kill each other like Russians?


Why did dirty krauts strafe their supposed "brudders" out in the open during the evacuation of Dunkirk? Really shuts the mentally retarded stormnigger up.

> they only fell behind.

hm, that's the definition of losing. Just saying.

Your picture uses pile of corpses from german death camp (liberated by US army) but blaming communists and gulag. Stupid lie for stupid people.

Same pile from other point of view.

Murrican soldiers liberated gulag fuck yeah.

I remember learning about the German campaign against the slavic races back when I was studying history in a Canadian university twenty years ago. There was no cover up. The number we learned for civilian plus military dead from the USSR was 20 to 30 million. The death rate for Soviet POWs (not just Russians) was extremely high. It's all in the book "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich", which was published ages ago.

Because the people in the UK are more civilised than in Russia, because you have more interesting and fairly paid jobs for an engineer, because in the UK one has a future. Russia is a corrupted wild shit hole of a country.

an act like that is never justifiable you subhuman mongrel

Yeah i bet they would be impressed with how degenerate Germany is today then. youtube.com/watch?v=t6o84NU9Ees

Germans were only harsh on Russians and south Slavs

They went easy on central and center-east Slavs. My great gramps help track down couple Jews in his village and then had drinks with the Nazis afterwards. Sure they did some extreme things but only reactionary.

All in all it was a pretty chill occupation in western Ukriane

Picture where "christian children lie dead in Jewish Communist Gulag" is actually dead JEWISH children killed during Pogrom in Ukraine. This is happened ten years before communist revolution if I remember right.

Just like Crimea.

That is the worst answer ever. You got it so easy and I don't. What is the point in that? Low self esteem? I don't even know what to say.

>1 billion Germans

Holy shit, how many Africans would they be importing if that were the case? They would probably get some African breeding programs going so that they can keep up the supply of BBC to satisfy all the German women.

Most soviet deaths are due of red army itself

Crimea recently or Crimea in ww2?

>funny guy , why does every shit skin under the sun want to come to the anglo countries

because anglo countries are shit skin countries

This "civilians" were armed partisans and saboteurs which was against the geneva convention so we killed then on sight.

Lol you will end up taking more than your fair share of refugees don't worry about it

>they succumbed to Jewish communism.
you can thank, er, the german government for that, since they sent lenin to russia during ww1 with the express purpose of fomenting revolution and knocking russia out of the war

hitler was such a dindu. in fact, that quote from the nazis about how jews "cry out in pain as they strike you" applies a lot better to the nazis themselves

I know man, it's retarded that the kids here have been propagandized against actual history.

Yes, the sacrifices of the Russians was heavily downplayed in western civilization. I went to (mostly public until uni) school in Canada, the USA and the UK in the 70's and 80's and the Russian theater was glossed over throughout my education when we discussed ww2, and I only learned about it through my own choices of reading material and from my grandfathers and I did not encounter a comprehensive explanation of the Russian theater within my education until university in elective study.

I don't want to live among Russian ogres and I don't believe that the crime and corruption will cease at some point in this country. The most nice way is to get a work visa in a normal country and move the fuck out.

Every criminal thinks their crime was justifiable.

>Stalin killed much, much more than anyone during that era. historyofrussia.org/stalin-killed-how-many-people/
Ask the Chinks and Flips how the Japanese treated their women and people.
It was brutal times back then.
Ask the Indians how their stint as subjects of the crown worked for them? theguardian.com/world/2007/aug/24/india.randeepramesh

>you will end up taking more than your fair share of refugees

we will never be able to compete with you

Reap what you sow, London is already down to 40% white INCLUDING Slavs

Soon the UK will be a Pakistan colony but somehow you'll still proclaim your superiority

>They went easy on central and center-east Slavs...... All in all it was a pretty chill occupation in western Ukriane

Privet bydlo vermin.

The Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Chronicles 1942-1954 (Part ONE) | release 2015

2:20 Why did the nazi Germans forcefully send Ukrainians as eastern workers to Germany where a portion of them would eventually die as did they with young adults from Belarus?

5:58 Why did Germans execute Ukrainian patriots at the beginning of their occupation, did they pose a threat for the German occupants, weren’t the Germans supposed to be wonderful liberators?

7:50 At the beginning of the occupation why were Ukrainian nationalists considered dangerous IF they didn’t oppose their occupants? Because Ukrainians were to be slaves under nazi German rule, colonized and subdued into submission, viewed as second class human beings.

That is interesting. Does it mean, having a muslim as a major shitskins are welcome because shitskins are the muslim people? Everyday I read muslim isn't shitskin exclusive. There are 2 billion people being muslims. But then, when a shitskin is a major it becomes ocupied by muslims is like "hey it is ours now"?

Civilians die in war, it isn't automatically genocide because your feels.

Just how retarded are you?

Obviously occupation is a bad thing, my point was that they went easier on centers like Slavs than they did on eastern Slavs because of the harsh resistance the eastern Slavs put up.

and that's the answer

>Anglos won
Americans won. We killed ourselves.

Jewish Bolshevik "atheists" genocided 12-20 million Russian Christians. Plus Ukraine Holodomor.
Any blowback that any Jews received in WWII was hotly deserved.

Whores like you are to be kept under surveillance because you might pose a security risk to the eastern european ethnosphere during turbulent times.

In setting up the educational system, the same principles apply to both Eastern territories and any other colonies. We do not want any of this enlightenment nonsense propagated by an advance guard of parsons ! What is the use of talking about progress to people like that? Jodl is quite right when he
says that notices in the Ukrainian language "Beware of the Trains" are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or two more locals get run over by the trains?

Page 589 of “HITLER'S TABLE TALK, 1941-1944 His Private Conversations Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens

The foundation of St. Petersburg by Peter the Great was a fatal event in the history of Europe; and St. Petersburg must therefore disappear utterly from the earth's surface. Moscow,
too. Then the Russians will retire into Siberia.

It is not by taking over the miserable Russian hovels that we shall establish ourselves as masters in the East. The German colonies must be organised on an altogether higher plane.

We have never before driven forward into empty spaces. The German people have absorbed both northern and southern Austria, and the original inhabitants are still there; but they were Sorb-Wends, members of basic European stock, with nothing in common with the Slavs.

As for the ridiculous hundred million Slavs, we will mould the best of them to the shape that suits us, and we will isolate the rest of them in their own pig-styes; and anyone who talks about cherishing the local inhabitant and civilising him, goes straight off into a concentration camp !
Page 617

"When one contemplates this primitive world, one is convinced that nothing will drag it out of its indolence unless one compels the people to work. The Slavs are a mass of born slaves, who feel the need of a master. As far as we are concerned, we may think that the Bolsheviks did us a great service. They began by distributing the land to the peasants, and we know what a frightful famine resulted. So they were obliged, of course, to re-establish a sort of feudal régime, to the benefit of the State. But there was this difference, that, whereas the old-style landlord knew something about farming, the political commissar, on the other hand, was entirely ignorant of such matters. So the Russians were just beginning to give their commissars appropriate instruction.

If the English were to be driven out of India, India would perish. Our role in Russia will be analogous to that of England in India.

Even in Hungary, National Socialism could not be exported. In the mass, the Hungarian is as lazy as the Russian. He's by nature a man of the steppe. From this point of view, Horthy is right in thinking that if he abandoned the system of great estates, production would rapidly decline.

It's the same in Spain. If the great domains disappeared there, famine would prevail.

The German peasant is moved by a liking for progress. He thinks of his children. The Ukrainian peasant has no notion of duty.

There is a peasantry comparable to ours in Holland, and also in Italy, where every inch of ground is zealously exploited—also, to a certain extent, in France.

The Russian space is our India. Like the English, we shall rule this empire with a handful of men.

It would be a mistake to claim to educate the native. All that we could give him would be a half-knowledge—just what's needed to conduct a revolution!"

>Russian wonders why nobody cares about dead commies, and dead commie jews.

They were too busy celebrating to be upset.

find me data that backs up 40% white

You formulated your opinion here exactly on your "FEELZ."

"From all this, however, the Führer has drawn the conclusion that the plethora of small-states, which still exist in Europe, must be liquidated as soon as possible. It must remain the goal of our struggle to create a united Europe. But Europe can only be clearly organized by Germans. There is practically no other leadership. (...) He who owns Europe will take leadership of the world. In this context we can obviously not accept questions of right and wrong to be brought to the discussion."
- Joseph Goebbels, May 13, 1943, Joseph Goebbels Diary

General Erich Hoepner of the Panzer Group 4 stated:

The war against Russia is an important chapter in the German nation's struggle for existence. It is the old battle of the Germanic against the Slavic people, of the defense of European culture against Muscovite-Asiatic inundation and of the repulse of Jewish Bolshevism. The objective of this battle must be the demolition of present-day Russia and must therefore be conducted with unprecedented severity. Every military action must be guided in planning and execution by an iron resolution to exterminate the enemy remorselessly and totally. In particular, no adherents of the contemporary Russian Bolshevik system are to be spared.

where exactly do your shithole slav utopian economies sit on the world scale again faggots?

stay poor as fuck LOL

The soviet union did not sign the Geneva convention and treated their german prisoners with equal barbarism. Therefore the germans were not entitled to give fair treatment to Russian pow's. As for the whole slav sub human thing, I don't think it played much in the decision-making as Russians who wanted to fight against Stalin were allowed to join their very own anti-bolshevik army. Which is something I don't think the krauts would have allowed for any run of the mill subhumans, to their standards anyway.

>Marched into russia
>murdered the jews
>Strangled the women
>Killed the children
>Everyone knows what we bring

- Willy Peter Reese, 1942

And yet on youtube and other websites we have humongous hordes of nazi apologists lemmings running all over the place like headless chickens crying about "muh rape of berlin muddafucka," "muh poor treatment of criminals muddafucka," "the ss dindu nothin!" "hitler fought for europe *although nazism actually destroyed europe*."