Race-relations expert Jared Taylor sits down with (((Vice))) over chinese food and schools them on the disposession of...

Race-relations expert Jared Taylor sits down with (((Vice))) over chinese food and schools them on the disposession of whites in America.


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*A Hwhite nationalist

A huwite advocate*

*A huwite chadvocate



>those comments


I actually saw normies share this on facebook. Don't push trailer trash retards like Anglin or goofy fucks like Spencer. Push articulate people like Taylor or someone creative like Sam Hyde for public outreach.

Anglin is great. Spencer is a goofball.

Don't take Anglin at face value. Look at the shitstorms he causes.

Jesus fucking Christ. Where did Vice find this chigger? They need to start talking to non-whites who agree with Taylor.

He is a good troll I'll give him that kek. I even like the guy and what he's doing, but he's not the guy for the mainstream pilling. He should stick with TDS and attract the internet crowd.

e michael jones is an antiracist who thinks everyone being (((catholic))) would solve the world's problems. he's papist trash who thinks he has all the answers for a fundamentally uncatholic, and for most of its history, ANTIcatholic, nation. he's also a depressive, backbiting faggot.

I went on the face book vice page about that dinner..holy fuck the self hating whites.

Notice the video editing every time Jared goes to make a response
This is the same shit they did with Cantwell

lol cantwell did a fine job making himself look like an unstable nutjob even without the editing.

I Fucking hate that fat chink trying to act like a black rapper. Chigger.

if the USA had a strong natural population growth, there would be no immigration allowed. Fact.

So we have to go extinct because we aren't having 10 kids a couple like brown third worlders?

You could tell Jared probably had a few drinks because he's a lot more animated and combative than usual.

Made the same points as always, you'd think these civcucks would come up with some new arguments, it's almost as if they don't actually listen to what he has to say

If Americans had 2.5 kids, the elites would have constantly trouble with making sure everybody got work and there would be overwhelming social pressure to block any kind of immigration.

I like this guy's voice.
Where'd he get that accent?


These fucking comments.
Are they satire?

Hearing Chinese talk about how everywhere needs to accept Chinese migrants when becoming a Chinese citizen is all but impossible and they have a HAN ETHNIC EMPIRE that was conducting complete physical genocides during the 19th century and is trying to wipe out Tibetan and Uyghur culture is a bit much.

They believe what they want.

The comments ALL are 100% convinced that whites did in fact NOT built America

How is this delusion possible? Taught in schools? "Taught" online? This is extremely worrisome to have your own countryman denying they built the country their ancestors built (and immigrants claiming THEIR ancestors in fact built it).

This is a "peaceful" takeover of America, make no mistake of it

I dropped that shit three seconds in.
>China invented gunpower but were too benevolent to use it as a weapon
Absolutely disgusting.

Wants to make his point. "Look."
>gets cut off

the chinks arguments are infuriatingly retarded.

actually the elites here in the usa were memeing that overpopulation would become a problem so have less babies, goys, from the 1970s through the 2000s.

Turns out it was just a lie like everything else.

They are the typical argument you learn at school and university. No wonder the leftists are for censorship.

They were importing Mexicans so that your social security system stays solvent. That is basically it.

No, you're incorrect. The immigration act was sold as a mere virtue signal during the civil rights movement. No one who passed it expected it to massively change demographics.
The white working class got replaced and are unemployed. You don't know what you're talking about. It's only white liberals who live right outside of cities who are in favor of immigration.

They just make it up as they go along. Their version of reality is "whatever I want to believe/whatever serves my group".

It's white genocide actually. If they wanted SS to be solvent they'd have encouraged births.

>tfw too moral to invent guns and prevent my civilisation being taken over by steppe people multiple times

"The 95% of people didn't build the country. They just lay around. It was the 5-10% POC minority that worked so hard that it produced 20 times more than every privileged lazy white."

The infuriating part is twitter thinks his arguments were actually better than Jarad's.
It's like they weren't even watching.
Blacks and Chinese were, what, 5% (being generous) of the population in the early days of the US?
And he thinks they built the country?

The ridiculous claim that whites stole technology from everywhere.

"You have to wait 20-25 years for babies to become productive."
"You can import working, low-paid adults right now."

The diversity narrative was invented to shut up those who would oppose what the managerial elites decided was a productive and sound plan.

>But how can you be so into facts
>If you voted for Donald Drumpf
I am how a #HildoDildo

But they did use it as a weapon. They basically invented missiles/rockets.

Yes I know. Hence why I proceeded to close the video rather than listen to blatant lies and propaganda.

>the managerial elites
that's a very jewish way of naming the jew user

they invented little bottle rockets and never used gunpowder in war

the germans invented gunpowder powerful enough to propel projectiles and the guns to contain the pressure

war rockets were invented by a brit

Smart move. Don't take the bait.

There's zero chance I can listen to this, even if it's entirely Eddie Wang getting fucked on for the duration, because there's no way I can listen to that fucking gook talk about how gooks and niggers are like totally bros and everyone was totally racist to him in Cali growing up so he (gooks) and niggers just totally bonded and rap is sick and shit and also check out my faggot ass gook restaurant where I pretend to be the gook Ramsey.

I dont know why he would sit down and do an interview with vice, i dont know why anyone would go on a tv intereview. They edit the video and make it seem like you're some lunatic or stupid.

They had a rocket that they used gunpowder to propel into the air, where it would release a bunch of arrows over the enemy. Like a cluster bomb but with arrows.

Many of them are Jews, but you have to consider that most are (and in the past ca. 1965 100% WERE) White non-Jews and you have to explain their thinking and planning.
My conspiracy is that White non-Jews in bureaucratic managerial positions did not consider the negative effects of mass migration. People just do what is profitable today, and ignore the costs and catastrophes that might happen 20 years later. "It works NOW, it solves our problems NOW."
I would mostly accuse them of treating their fellow Whites as pawns and resources in a greater production plan.

they had rockets, bombs, and fire lances. fire lances evolved into the first hand cannons aka guns in the 12th century.

literally later than roger bacon and european artillery

nah they were jews user, jews did WWI and WWII, you really need to educate yourself

start by reading Philip Dru, Administrator

all post Roger Bacon

Suddenly have an urge for ice cream.

Think ive seen huang before he is just a gook nigger that tries to lecture whites.
He should huang himself

I guess there would have been many immigrants from Europe in the revoloution, most if not all white of course.

i would buy all three of them ice cream

two scoops

He is insufferably unintelligent.

I've seen him in two things, one was an interview type deal where he talks about doing ted talks, the other was on Hot Ones and I stopped at like wing #8.

There was a Huang that used to post hentai gore and rape fantasies on ESPN messageboards. He was the #1 representative of China

Why is the interviewer some chink who wants to be a nigger?

Jared Taylor was controlled opposition.


There was a reason he was chosen as the first "limited state" video on (((YouTube))) and all the press coverage that would generate. (((They))) were as usual, trying to control the opposition.



kekekekekek this is gold

>Because the jews hate him so much that the ADL decides to censor him before anyone else, that means he's controlled opposition

Holy shit you feds are dumb as fuck. Your reasons for trying to make us hate every WN who is even semi-public are becoming stupider and pettier every fucking day.

WW1 was a mishap of catastrophically optimistic militarists. E.g. "short campaign, it will be over by Christmas." and "What if we use this opportunity to crush our competition?"
It was supposed to be maneuver warfare, but it became attrition warfare.

I think he meant the reason the allies got involved in WW1 was the jews.

yes. these shills are lame

but they have all day to shill here and promote them so when real whites like us open a YouTube video and watch them speak for 40 minutes, we are instantly converted.

Nice try shill

Imagine if they'd chosen something like this as the first limited state video


wonder why they didn't, it's far more "damaging".


Well said bru

Anyone who listens to JT for a minute knows he's /ourguy/. Of all the people to shill against, Jared fucking Taylor.

You know who can criticize Jared fucking Taylor? WN IRL namefags who have named the Jew. Until Kevin MacDonald speaks up I am 100% with Jay-Tay

because it's an older video. they want to shut down newer videos, with "bad opinions" brought into a modern 2017 light.

but i guess you wouldn't understand propaganda even if it pulled its way out your own arsehole, fuckin germans every time.

Are chinks white in America now?

This is the most pathetic interview/debate Taylor ever had to endure. This chink hits him with nothing but high school level arguments and slogans. what a faggot chinaman.

Damn that is one ugly fucking chankoro.

capitalists always attempt to import cheap labor. some things are more important than gdp. fact

>WW1 was a mishap
No it wasn't, you have to read Philip Dru, Administrator.

>But how can you be so into facts
>If you voted for Donald Drumpf
wtf i love hillary now

>Mexican people, Black people, Chinese people who came and built the railroads....Italian people

These must be 'Sconies or Vermonters.

This shit is retarded. He's basically implying that if everyone is descendant from Africans than China should be African.

Italian American here

I got triggered when he lumped us in with the fucking gooks and niggers


Oh god the comments are atrocious

Holy fucking shit.

>person being interviewed getting constantly interrupted
>person interviewing talks more than the person being interviewed
quality journalism as always vice

child tier emotional arguments by wang for the low iq children who watch vice.
Claiming something belongs to you because your ancestor was a menial labourer on the project is so phenomenally stupid it defies belief.
Why doesn't Israel claim the pyramids as theirs?
Why don't the sons of farmhands ask the farm owner for free gibs?
Jesus, there are so many comments like that.
The brainwashed completely retarded narrative is embedded deep within these zombies.

Milk: It does a body good.

>Race-relations expert

checked and keked

>we wuz all da labor n sheit
>we wuz da slavez, we teknicly built dis nayshun, da white man jus' whipped us
>white man dint raise no finga to build sheit

They actually believe this.

>getting your historical data from a musical


It's taught in the schools, they were infiltrated by Marxists in the 1960s.

If only hey had a Harry Potter musical, they could just orgasm to death and all would be well.

eddie hwang is such a fucking tool

Bless you, user.

For dairy and big titty'd wholesome (or at least outwardly appearing as such) blond women are what live is for.


Oh, don't forget to sign this petition and share it. Help combat the genocide of whites in Africa!

Does Jared have a choice on the JQ? His organization would not be able to survive if he pissed off the (((people))) in power.

the one below is more accurate

Is there a full episode without going to their site? A hook tube or something?

>Europeans did not build this nation
>It was black people, native americans, chinese building the railroads
Holy fuck. First of all Natives didnt do shit to build this country. Do these people really think that our country's prosperity consists of railroads and cotton picking?

>not even a minute in
