I genuinely don't understand Sam Hyde

He can be funny, I guess. But how is he some kind of alt-right figure? I seriously don't get it. What am I missing?

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He's very aware of the Jews

Sam Hude alt right ?
Nah man he's a comedian l, he doesn't do politics

He's so contradictory that it really is hard to get him. He often goes on about the importance of western values like family, and then other times shits on people just for having parents that aren't divorced. I think the poor fella has a certain level of insecurity from lacking a father figure, I hear he was a class clown in high school too and that's usually a dead giveaway.

Also he tanked his show just to name drop Sup Forums memes and put in subliminal message wall of texts of legitimately Sup Forums tier content.

You're wither too dumb to understand the references in his videos (JQ, white genocide, etc) or you simply haven't watched enough of them.
There's a reason ((they)) removed so many bumpers from world peace. youtu.be/KDUqO5WZlgI

He's a character yeah. The post irony is his shtick, but they're mostly his real opinions . He is anti cop, generally anti establishment in general I guess more accurately. The left is the establishment and he's going after their sacred cows because everyone else is too scared to truly push that boundary.

scientists are still struggling to understand the man right now

>implying you wouldnt do the same if you had a show on the electric jew
honestly i admire his integrity he could have gone on to be someone making massive money if he sold out

>He's a character yeah.
Not quite... that's what he says for normies to digest his stuff easier.

What is Alt Right? Is that some sort of indie bookstore?

Definitely has some father issues hah. That's why he's always giving advice and encouraging masculinity and shit like that. Probably doesn't want his fans to fall down a path of being a loser or wants to help them like his father didn't or some other Freudian faggotry.


Because he's Jewish

kek at the 1st comment

You clearly haven't watched a mega fuckload of mde like I have. Just don't make a thread about it next time.

So why did his fellow Jews at adult swim cancel him?


you are to much of a fucking tard to get it

I love Sam, I ain't gay but I would suck dat dik do. I should've never give taht nigga money

If you don't understand the style of humor it just won't be funny to you, it's pretty niche satirical shit

Have you seen his rutgers video?

Fucking the best shit ever

he is the most right wing comedian in the world right now......thats the reason....

Sam Hyde is secretly a nigger in white man makeup. He's as dark as the day is long under all that dermablend. Don't trust him.

Heebs will not divide us!

There is no Alt Right. It was a psy op gone wrong. The fall guy and punching bag that Hillary was suppose to knock down, but she was so frail she ruined it. Trying to place focus on a cartoon frog rather than set up why her ideas were good or even what she stood for.

I still don't know what she campaigned on.

He's not Sup Forums's guy. He is trying to make a buck or hundred off the nazitards who have glommed onto his brand of humor. he was visited once by the FBI, which he claimed was something to do with a romantic dispute. who knows what the truth is, but you can be sure that the handlers of Spencer and Anglin smack their lips and drool when they look at nazibait like Hyde. And he looks like a joo to me, famb.

He peppers his comedy with subtle redpills and pro-white sentiments.

Watch more and you'll notice it, pleb.

>I still don't know what she campaigned on.
vote for me because i have a vagina, don't vote for drumpf because he hates the brown people

He is very smart and perceptive for sure, which is why I think he is playing his alt-retard fanbase for the fools they are.

she campaigned on getting away with fraud, murder, political sabotage, voter fraud, treason, pardoning pedophiles and stealing white-house cutlery and furniture, while being investigated, caught, and beyond proven guilty for it all and never indicted

I like sam but often his shit comes off as projection

He still will. He would've got tops 2 more seasons and all of Sup Forums would've turned on him. He was in so deep, the twitter headquarters gay bashing stand up he did, he had a good chance of getting cancelled and cucked. I'd have done the same as him.

he wasn't meant to be political. Then he fucked it all up by doing just that

Some class clownery

Yiss it eez

You're certainly not. Or you just haven't seem much of his stuff. Why the fuck would he be so open about the pro white ideas he presents, make no fucking money, and get cancelled from adult swim if he was some kind of plant or greed driven jew?

If he really is some fake asshole then you shouldn't call him smart, because he threw his life away. His comedy career has basically been the equivalent of swimming up river rapids so far.

hi sam

Stephen Miller is also hated by Jews for no reason.

>talking shit about sam
pol really is full of autistic contrarian virgins

Oh, you know the state of his finances how? Cuz he said in a youtube video he was poor and dresses like a hobo for the camera? You ever hear of this art form called acting? He got kicked off Adult Swim for pushing the envelope, that doesn't mean he believes any of that shit.

You probably think michelle obama is a man too


Sam Hyde and his fans are probably some of the biggest anomalies I've ever seen. They appear to despise modern degeneracy and decadence caused by post-modernism and like to satirize it, but the primary venue through which they do so is by utilizing post-modernism. It's almost like they want to be puritanical Christian reactionaries but they know that in doing so they'd essentially have to give up having fun, so they don't go all the way.

That being said I love his material.

>no reason
The guy's an American patriot who literally wants to ban all third-world immigration to the US. That's about as anti-Jewish agenda as you can get.


Yeah you got it pretty much. He does utilize a lot of post-modernist techniques and similar aesthetics to more "left" scenes like vaporwave and tim/eric and he'll even occasionally say something anti-cop or anarchist. Probably comes from him being an art school student and getting involved with that whole thing. That's why MDE attracted a lot of those "ironic" memer kids and lefty internet musicians like Bones, John Maus, James Ferraro, Tyler the Creator, Gibby from Icarly as fans I think.

It's because not everything is black and white you liberal fuck.

got trolled by 2015 Sup Forums, got internet fame, got featured on reddit and got his shill network going.

he was controversial enough to get his show on adult swim which boosted his cancer community to off chart levels. The same people who tell you you don't understand Reddit & Morty because it's 2deep4u genuinely think this guy is funny and artisticly gifted.

I'm not a liberal, but if you analyze the cognitive dissonance of the average MDE fan it's usually pretty astounding. They come across like dude weed lmao type 90s liberals who also happen to be woke on the JQ.

The reddit fanbase is cancer

There is no cognitive dissonance man. You just have a very narrow view of what is acceptable behaviour.
You actually think a person can't make comedy and satirise stupid modern society shit?
The only thing you are having difficulty with his comprehending that people would ridicule "progressive" liberal society and pop culture.

Oh look! It's those fags that shill unfunny Sam Hyde for free! Hi faggots!

fanbase alone is a legit reason to never even associate with it. There's like 2 scetches of him that actually adress something or have a punchline.

Otherwise he's just Filthy Frank without making inarticulate noises every 10 seconds.

Maybe society moved so far left that the dude weed bros of the 90s are now the new fascists

You people take shit to seriously. Watch his standup where sjw attack him. It's golden because it shows that sjw monkeys shouldnt be walking around freely in society.
How come everyone else in the room can laugh but one cunt has to start chimping out.

>hurr it's 2deep4u, it's just ironic man, don't take it too serious

That's definitely true, but like I said, some MDE fans seem to actually be fascists, or at least want to be.

Pretty much

He is a full blown white supremist now and has been for two years.
It was funnier when he was dogwhistling to be honest rather than just openly being a nazi.

Majority of people on here don't even know what a fascist is including you.


>trying to associate brain dead Sup Forumson reddit trash
>with Sup Forums home grown comedy group

>adult swim shill thinks there's a noticable difference for the distant observer

I hate western cartoons faggot. I only watch Miyazaki.


He isn't homeless, but he isn't doing very well either. He's said that he has a few employees working on various shit, but he's in trouble if none of it takes off

I hope you realize that doesn't sound any better.

I'm with you, he's obviously redpilled and in our community I just don't find it funny. It's like authentic values but presented as shit and being coated by a layer of ironic humor.

I don't really "get" it, as in I don't find much of it funny, but a lot of it feels like psychotic mindrot.

Anime is perfect.

That is because it is. He says so himself. A lot his shit comes from frustrations from falling for the college meme, not understanding creative process sooner and having shitty relationships.

Part of the humour is knowing the reactions from people that don't get it. All the little anti-pc messages fuck with libtards minds.

Most of the people who liked him were weirdo outsiders all over political spectrum until he started lurking pol during Trump campaign and become a mouthpiece pol and spewed out nothing but unoriginal pol talking points and lost a huge part of his fanbase.... now altright soyboys flock to him and are oblivious

He's funny though, he grew up with a dad so I can excuse his confusion

Hey faggots, just think about this...

No matter how much of the political cesspool you fill your minds with...

Someone out there can dance with much more spirit than you and pleasure your wife much more than you can at the moment.

Just let that sink in...

> ib4 buh buh I'm so red pilled

No one gives a shit... If you can't cook your own food, fix your own car or create music in some way... what good are you in this world other than a whiny faggot sitting on the other side of the spectrum, screeching at the opposite which you blame so much for your misfortune.


edgy Tom Green 2.0 has never done anything funny

prove me wrong faggots

Um... wrong sweetie. you dont know anything...

MDEs humour is more similar to british humour. It might be why some Americans dont get it.
Deep intellectual jokes, irony and satire disguised by absurdist or offensive humour.

Yeah his subtle hints were pretty funny

Now he openly donates thousands of dollars to stormfront and tells journalists that they are going to be gunned down some day.

Went from funny to dark

Darkly funny

Sam Hyde is literally mentally ill

He's pretty alpha for somebody with no dad.

I think he called himself the "King of betas".

People who are saying he's never done anything funny...his fucking Ted-Talk was unbelievable.

But I find almost anything that comes out of his mouth funny

Growing up without a dad usually goes two ways: complete beta soyboy or hyper-dominant and competitive beta (never alpha, not possible)

Watch this.

ayy postmodernism lmao

You're sounding an awful lot like this copypasta:
>To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.



a real alpha.... with a fucking tranny? jesus christ.

I really do not like western cartoons dude

Wonder if he still has all his black friends

Goes to an Anime conventions and roasts Weeaboos

Real question is how does he keep getting away with it?

That was clear when you said anime was perfect you fuckin weeb. That wasn't even my point. You're doing exactly what the copypasta is doing.

>only smart intellectuals can understand the humor I like
>this humor is very sophistica- SAM HYDE IS THE SHOOTER EVERYONE

I'm not a weeb i just really like anime.

He's perfected the art of psychological abuse. People say that Russia influenced the election but I feel like it was just Sam Hyde's videos that caused the depressed weebs here to hate themselves enough to either kill themselves or vote for Trump and try to turn their lives around


I like his shit and wish him the best. Sup Forums should stop being so edgy and jaded towards /our guys/ all the time, especially those willing to use their highly competitive creative venue to drop our memes. That took real moxy.

Most people here love Sam. The new video was 10/10

I've looked several of Sam's shit you guys have posted on Sup Forums and even tried to watch his Adult Swim stuff when it came out, wasn't a fan. But this clip... was actually pretty funny.

>stay tuned goys!
Kek. And they wanted to air this on national television. The balls of these guys. Imagine the meetings with executives where they had to explain all of their content choices. To be a fly on the wall...

He ended a skit by randomly looking into the camera and saying "David Duke".

He also tried to do that skit that said "Jews Rock", but it was originally going to say "Jews Rule".

I guess the execs didn't like that