Commie Cuck Spencer


he is an avowed socialist isn't he?

yes he has claimed multiple times to endorse socialism and the Soviet Union. He is obvious shill for Russia/Bankers at this point and it's embarrassing that people still follow his cuck ass around

Spencer is a cuck for Marx

Dude even if you disagree with him, larping as a racist Bernie bro is probably the best way to make sure "natsoc" is being represented without pinning yourself in the 1488 box

He's now attacking Anglin because Anglin said that American white nationalists need to rally behind American symbolism/flags, that there is no hope for some perfect Alt Right leader that will save the day singlehandedly, and that people in the Alt Right shouldn't take to infighting and punching to the right when we have bigger enemies. I see nothing wrong with what Anglin said. Why would Spencer do this to him right now for saying things that should be common sense?

>big government creates subsidies and regulations that lead to a corporate slave state for all americans and westerners.
>people get angry (mostly the left) and decide that the solution to this is to give MORE power to government to control our lives and just "hope that they'll make everything better".
>refuse to acknowledge that government is inherently corrupt, so this can never work.
>act totally surprised everytime socialism and communism fails, then try to pretend "it wasn't REAL socialism / communism though"!
fucking socialists man, fucking socialists.

why not just deregulate everything? because without subsidies and regulations on the little guy big corporations can't compete with small business owners who work for themselves and actually give a damn about their business. history has proven this time and time again :(

capitalism destroys culture

He's a nationalist socialist.
There's nothing wrong with that.

>neo-nazi supports socialism

quelle fucking suprise

He's one of the few smart people in the alt-right and will hence never become actually influential in a movement full of idiots.

>two jews try to fight one another
or maybe you kikes have realized Spencer is blemished and the Alt-Right movement has lost its PR campaign so you're trying to now kike American Nationalism?

>taking quotes totally out of context to make them look like something they aren't

Haven't seen this shill trick before. Seriously, how fucking gullible do you think people are?

Because anglin is literally retard tier sometimes and he needs to get called out on it.

Developing the alt-right brand took a long time for Spencer and he's not eager to abandon it. Anglin said that Alt-right needs to take over "American Nationalism" brand because it's how they will attract more people. I think many people are worried that the reverse will happen, and the identitarian movement will die from the very thing it's against.


>capitalism is a egalitarian force
How can peole still call this moron intelligent? I highly doubt that he's even a CIA plant, he's too stupid for that.

>Its another anti-spencer shill episode

>Anglin said that Alt-right needs to take over "American Nationalism" brand because it's how they will attract more people
i hope Anglin realizes if they use the same talking points theyll simply lose the American Nationalism people just like they lost Sup Forums. What will they ride on? How based Israel is? Good, then everyone will know they're insincere Israeli propagandists. Anglin should take a step back and wait before acting. Just for a couple days.

He's saying that we should work towards making American Nationalism synonymous with White Nationalism. Not whatever cucky shit you're fantasizing about.

d o n t t r u s t h i m
