How do we're determine how many shit skins are in France?

French laws deemed illegal to react census according to race/ethnicities

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You have to guess from other statistics.

Round them up, city by city, and count them, before deporting them, and consider that, your statistic.


Extrapolate from these numbers. I'd say there's 10%-15% shitskins.

And just to clarify on that pic:
1. It's not just brown or blacks, even some parts of Europe can get sickle cell, so they might get tested.
2. They might test more people than necessary, so for example in a Paris hospital with many nogs they might just say "fuck it, let's test all the babies".

Read this if you're curious:

kek. underrated comment


How many sandnigger and nigger have you?

Thanks, will look into it

Drepanocytose is bullshit
La grande majorité de ces naissances surviennent en Afrique subsaharienne et en Inde. Elle est aussi fréquente autour du bassin méditerranéen (particulièrement Grèce et Italie) et au Moyen-Orient.

The vast majority of these births occur in sub-Saharan Africa and India. It is also frequent around the Mediterranean basin (especially Greece and Italy) and the Middle East.

Yes, I said it can happen even in parts of Europe. It's not an accurate stat, but it's something.

based britany 8 %

All of them.

we have accurate statistics on foreigners:

"Foreigners resident in Italy at 1 January 2017 are 5,046,994 and represent 8.3% of the resident population. The largest foreign community comes from Romania with 23.2% of all foreigners present in our territory, followed by Albania (8.9%) and Morocco (8.3%)."


Tell the krauts to invade, once they have reached paris anyone holding up a white flag is a real Frenchman. Everyone else or mostly what you would call "refugees" would have already looted out the french houses while the frog army was camping at the maginot line. Afterwards fleeing with their loot to Germany, long gone.
>Children born in France to foreign parents are automatically granted French citizenship
>between 80,000 and 100,000 people to enter the country illegally each year
>People born abroad and living in France can acquire French citizenship if they satisfy certain conditions. In 2009 the number of naturalised persons was 135,000

So lets say they naturalised 100k since 1960 and have 50k illegals since 1960 and 3 foreigner children per foreigners. So that's like 3500000 illegals and 7000000 naturalised and 15000000 foreigner children.
French foreigners:
- 5500000 foreigner
- 3500000 illegals
- 7000000 naturalised
- 15000000 foreigner children
31000000 foreigners
So France is 50% non-French.

France is at least 50% foreigner.

there was a guy who made statistics based on the name of the new born babys, in a few years we're done.


>Ile de France
God fucking damned

I for one am proud that my Muslim brothers and African sisters are on our way to become the majority in France.
The nation is broken and it needs a good Islamic revolution to fix it.

Being a Muslim is not that bad, you can keep to what you love doing but just not in front of the extreme religious.

Sickle cell is ''common'' even among european meds, not a clear indicator.

Around the 3% of the population.

>we have accurate statistics on foreigners
No we don't. That's only about foreign citizens, not immigrants that now have citizenship. And under PD we gave roughly 200k citizenships

Bullshit. They were 7% in 2008. Counting illegals we are probably around 12%

Yeah with them we're roughly around 10%