Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100

>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100

>For the eighth year in a row, women earned a majority of doctoral degrees awarded at US universities in 2016. Of the 78,744 doctoral degrees awarded in 2016 (Table B.25), women earned 40,407 of those degrees and 52.1% of the total, compared to 37,145 degrees awarded to men who earned 47.9% of the total (see top chart above). Women have now earned a majority of doctoral degrees in each academic year since 2009. Previously, women started earning a majority of associate’s degrees for the first time in 1978, a majority of master’s degrees in 1981, and a majority of bachelor’s degrees in 1982 according to the Department of Education. Therefore, 2009 marked the year when men officially became the “second sex” in higher education by earning a minority of college degrees at all college levels from associate’s degrees to doctoral degrees.


Are you numales even trying?

Other urls found in this thread:


>doesn't say what areas of study these degrees are in

and yet men earn more than women.

More female earned doctoral degrees in
>arts and humanities
>biological, agricultural sciences
>health sciences
>public administration
>social and behavioral sciences

men earned more doctoral degrees in
>mathematics and computer sciences
>physical and earth sciences

In before, everyone starts saying the fields they study are shit, getting a degree is easy - it's just about "memorization", college degrees are worthless.

I want to be a stay at home husband. More power to women I say.

70% of /pol can't even do basic elementary mathematics or one-dimensional physics.

If you're scientifically illiterate, you're degenerate.

>women earned 52.1%
>men earned 47.9%
delete this cisnormative FILTH. there were thousands of nonbinary graduates last year.

who invented the doctoral degree in the first place

Women are getting in with lowered scores. Then go back to flipping hamburgers.

well, a doctoral degree is not just memorization, and also subjects like mathematics and physics require understanding of the required methods.

Without having a deeper knowledge, I would guess that doctoral degrees in humanities often are just remixes of what has been written previously; they bring no new insights; what might be different in other fields

Women are never going to go for this situation lol

>tfw I'm a stay at home dad

It's okay at first, you go a little insane though.

Non-STEM degrees 'are' easy though. It's just reading and writing. Women lack the IQ to get degrees in fields of actual importance, and when they do, it's only because of affirmative action. A person with a degree in English or sociology should not be considered college educated (let alone gender studies).

You're reading comprehension is nigger-tier. Is it really that hard to interpret statistics when they format it so simply, it is impossible to not understand it? What part of the table doesn't make sense to you? Do they have to change the font size of the genders next time because you're so dumb?

Maybe it's just me, but FIELD - MALE - FEMALE - FEMALES PER 100 MALES seems to be a pretty simple table.

i remember in elementary school girls were obviously smarter than the boys and got better grades. at some point men just muscled their patriarchy boys club into college and higher learning but justice is balancing it out again

>the majority of people wasting their time and everyone's money are women
shocking. what's the percentage in productive fields like STEM? 10%?


How many times does stuff like this need to happy before they'll stop screaming sexism?

Then they wanna have children and take some off work and the system collapses.

no wonder most US universities can no longer produce real science and engineering like they did in the 1980's

women doing doctoral studies is pure dysgenics

That doll looks like Chrissy Hynde.

Uni is completely useless though. I say this as somebody who has been in uni for years.

Quality trumps quantity. What use is a doctoral degree in Gender Studies or Intersectionality or similar crap?

>>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100

And how many of those are gender studies, art, and other useless shit?

Yeah but their major is art, human services, and philiosophy.

Easy garbage stuff.

Enjoy being near the poverty line for the rest of your life. Going to college doesn't automatically mean you'll get a good job but you have a lot more jobs to choose from if you have a good degree as opposed to just a high school one.

We are misdirecting our educational resources in civilisation now so much. In few decades we may realise the true cost.


College degrees are the measurement of:
> Ability to spend borrowed money
> Freedom from life in a manner to allow 4 years of discovery

Of course the coddled gender will outperform numerically in this category.

Muhammed, ad hominem is... not an argument.

>earning degrees

How about their actual contributions to society, not what they paid for.

>135 to 100
That's at least lonely 35 lonely cat hoarders per 100 men because we all know women don't date down.

>Going to college doesn't automatically mean you'll get a good job
Or any job. I'm 4 years NEET with a biology degree kek

Biology degree as well, ended up building a half decent admin profile as an MOA. Eventually took contracts for Quality assurance and regulatory affairs after getting a certificate. Avg 50-70k now.

>obviously smarter
>got better grades
Related but nowhere near the same thing.

Lol. You took a field dominated by women. Even as a genius in that field the cards are stacked against you. There are so many more women that are competing for jobs that you want but they get affirmative actioned into the job instead.

What are you even rambling about? Did I offend you?

how is this bad

My ex did a masters and a doctorate in a worthless social science because she couldn't find a job and the government giving her free student loans was her only way of having any money.

I have a bachelors in engineering and found a job before I graduated.

A truth no one will ever admit

> Women lack the IQ to get degrees in fields of actual importance

You don't know what you're talking about. IQ has nothing to do with explaining the gap between female and males in STEM fields. I'd expect most people by now, should've learned that the gap is mostly explained by behavioural psychology and human biology from the James Damore controversy.

> Sociology shouldn't be considered college educated

Again, you don't know what you're talking about. College is and has always meant to be a place to study higher education. You saying sociology is not a legitimate scientific field is wrong.

I don't know what your interpretation of what Science is supposed to be, but for any college educated person it's meant to be a way of understanding our nature by scientific means.

You critique sociology simply because it doesn't fit your narrative when fields like Gender Studies pop up. I do believe Gender Studies is unscientific, but to claim that Sociology is unscientific even though it has helped in many ways to explain phenomena of criminal behaviour, why societies work and etcetera is ignorant, to say the least.

What field user?

I don't think my insult was meant to be seen as an argument, nice try though OP.

Swedish roastie detected.

It's friday night, aren't you supposed to suck abdul's cock at the club while your boyfriend watches and masturbates?

Electrical eng

there are only 235 people in grad school?!???1?

Her field was some bullshit, something to do with social policy

Men make up the majority of criminals, uneducated men the majority of them.

By pushing men out of higher education in a society that increasingly values education you are creating generations of uneducated men with nothing but free time and no hope for the future. If you want less wars and violence then this is a bad thing.

typical sweden. >;3

I believe Humanities should be considered important. I can understand why people despise it now. Before it became a post-modernist circlejerk, it was a crucial part of western education.

Western education has always embraced being well-rounded in all fields. How can you quantify what it is to be a westerner without knowing anything about its history or the remnants of our ancestors?

If you are truly a western educated man, you can't be illiterate in great western art, music, architecture and philosophy. The right love to say it's important to take of our heritage, but a very few of them actually know what western civilization truly is. Richard Spencer is a great example of a civilized man, educated in Humanities and who truly understands the value of western values.

Shame we let the Marxists take over that field.

We've got to regulate the burgers, they are retarded beyond belief.

> Muh freedom
> Muh murica

They are a shame in comparison to the right in Europe.

Yeah, social sciences DONE CORRECTLY are really valuable, and impressive.

The problem is that so much of the research is poorly conducted and accordingly valueless.

It's really hard to conduct a well controlled, properly tested and analyzed research study.

Socials sciences/psychology used to be impressive as fuck and run by literal geniuses.

Now it's devolved into being run by gender/ethnic studies and that seems to be the skew of most of the studies.

Keep hiding behind those favicons, I can feel your presence burger.

About what I was expecting.

Non STEM degrees are extremely easy to earn, it's like four more years of high school.

A BS in Chem is as hard or harder than a masters in English or something.

Men like making money, doctorates are useless for making money.
It's 3-6 years of uni payments and potential income you piss away for a piece of paper, men who go for a doctorate do it because they need one, women do it for the prestige they don't even want.

This is the face of the MGTOW.

I get the more realistic looking dolls but that doll just looks sad.

Oh it's definitely harder than a masters in anything non-STEM.

The not so-secret truth is that Master's programs aren't that difficult. Most of them are a year long, and a lot of them are usually just evening/limited classes. It's like a fifth year of undergrad combined with job training. The grading is also lenient to the point of irrelevance.

They're too easy to earn in the soft sciences.

My friend did thesis on corporate suicide in modernized economies. He had longitudinal analyses, intensive analysis, and expert interviews.

He got docked by the six person panel of professors who reviewed his paper for saying suicide is a male-dominated issue - when that's the absolute fact of the matter statistically. He said he wouldn't delve into the gender politics in his paper's thesis, but the panel kept pushing feminazi questions on him. He finally mentioned the theories he came across from experts regarding the gap, including different expectations and women's capacity to seek out help, like how women seek out help more even in a "suicide attempt," because it is a call for help rather than an honest attempt to end their lives. They told him his thesis should have focused on them more. But his paper was trying to describe why these suicides were happening in the lives of these victims (mostly men), not why unsuccessful attempts happen, because unsuccessful attempts were unusual in the group of businesspeople who killed themselves.

The other people in his cohort did shit on psyco-drugs among native americans, how Christianity causes racial tension in Brazil, and why refugees need to be accepted in Europe. It was all horse shit, and the professors were all happy.

It turns out three of the professors in the panel didn't even read his thesis paper.

Fuck the soft sciences and fuck higher ed in USA.

nosotros si estamos al horno, la sminas ya nos superan ampliamente en economia, abogacia y hasta en ciencias exactas

I did biomed research for a few years, NIH grants basically required you to always factor in gender. This is actually a good thing to consider in your research of course, but I get the sense that his panel was pushing it for the wrong reasons.

>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100
Wonder why?

Sociology fucking sucks dude. The field has never produced anything of value.

Because they want to meet successful men.

>women are earning more than me
>women still want men to be the breadwinners
I want a wife who works so I can be a stay at home dad

It used to be for upper-crust intellectual gentlemen to posit interesting ideas about the world and society

Or maybe because the field they choose is easier and requires less brainpower. Many female-dominated fields are simply useless and a waste of money.

And now women have latched onto it and turned it into some field that promotes multiculturalism constantly.

Pretty reasonable and logical. Too bad women dont work that way! Turns out they always want a husband who works.

AFAIK none of those ideas are very good. Can anyone come up with a significant finding by sociologist?

Yet women contribute to the "Doctor leave" phenomenon, especially after they have kids.

I worked with a lot of lady docs

They were so miserable.

>Becky with a stupid business degree just married the man that was SUPPOSED to marry me!
>Dr. Chad is dating a hot 22 year old, how disgusting!
>If he was a real man, or he'd marry me for my brain!

men are working, women are busy being career students

>Women earned majority of doctoral degrees in 2016 for 8th straight year and outnumber men in grad school 135 to 100
>in completely retarded non-academic subjects elevated to degree courses to conceal the unemployment rate
Yeah, when women work full time between the age of 22 right through to 60, we'll feel threatened. Right now the number of "professional class" women desperate to become housewives is reaching sucidal levels of mania. They can't express it like this, so they make pretend there's a "shortage of good men" instead, like there's been a land war and we all got shot up.

>Are you numales even trying?
Why waste 4-12 additional years of my life and possibly thousands of dollars when I can make a comfortable living with a skill that'll let me open a business making a damn good living after around 3-4 years?

they literally pioneered social research and application af polling methodology and statistcs back when it was new. It took a downward spiral in the 60s when it got taken over by leftist ideologues and overshadowed by other growing disciplines like psychology, social psychology or evolutionary psychology.

Haven't you heard of Max Weber? The guy is a classic of western humanities for a reason.

Let's see how useful those collage degrees & "superior education" are when it comes down to a woman keeping a farm,or digging a trench,or doing any type of real work of which the have never even considered yet rely on for survival.
Women are privileged to be ahead,the act all smug & superior about it, thanks to the sacrifices of thousands of faceless men that made society as we know it possible

Technically, the evil as all fuck Tavistock Institute was OG sociology, which means all the practical, "useful" parts of the field are now occluded from Joe Public whilst manipulating them relentlessly.

The *only* reason the social sciences suck is that they're primarily controlled by very left leaning people who refuse to fund/publish studies that show the realities of things like race and gender differences. There's a reason why men have abandoned fields like psychology for neurology and it has nothing to do with how psychology can't be as hard of a science. It's all fucking politics.

Hell, what's really hilarious is sociology is literally racism by the numbers, but sociologists obfuscate the fuck out results and do everything they can to make excuses for/hide results that do not match their narrative.

>Haven't you heard of Max Weber?
I don't get. What was so great about what he did?

>Weber is best known for his thesis combining economic sociology and the sociology of religion, elaborated in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, in which he proposed that ascetic Protestantism was one of the major "elective affinities" associated with the rise in the Western world of market-driven capitalism and the rational-legal nation-state. He argued that it was in the basic tenets of Protestantism to boost capitalism. Thus, it can be said that the spirit of capitalism is inherent to Protestant religious values.
This is stupid to me. Am I missing something?

That's not what he's saying you dumb Somali. He's saying they didn't talk about the field of study, only the level of degree. A doctorate in education is not the same as a doctorate in physics, and doesn't take nearly the effort to obtain.

Eventually the NEET gets used to not having employment


He was a solid social thinker who wrote well researched thick as fuck books on how cultural norms coming from religious doctrines influence economic success of a community.

You wanted " a sociologist who made any contribution" so have a guy who invented suicidology - en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Émile_Durkheim

modern sociology is mostly a meme especially in the west.
XIX cent sociologists were sometimes pioneering thinkers as there was little methodology in social sciences back then. It had to be invented and people like Durkheim, Vilfredo Pareto or Weber contributed significantly to it.

The problem is that university has become more of a vocational schooling rather than an institute of higher learning due to the hyper-specialization of modern scientific and engineering endeavors. Add to this the pressures on academia due to the proliferation of (unwarranted) advanced degrees, and you run into degree inflation.

During my PhD, apart from being surrounded by foreigners (thus, implying cultural differences), I noticed that the breadth of most candidate's education was limited to their narrow field of study, i.e., it was non-existent. This does not imply that I think an excess of resources should be dedicated to the sole pursuit of humanities studies, but they do have their value. Look no further than the founding fathers of modern physics, many of whom (e.g., Pauli) took interest in the metaphysical (Pauli was a good friend of Jung) as well as physical ramifications of their work. They were almost always well-rounded and intelligent people capable of discussing several fields, which I believe gives individuals advantages when it comes to parsing and interpreting their results and its scope. Well-rounded, intelligent people also make for good citizens, another beneficial side effect of higher education.

Unfortunately, the notion of the Renaissance man is no longer in fashion, as foreigners from developing nations view advanced degrees (for the most part) as a means to an end (more money, life in a more stable country, etc.). Coupled with declining interests in Western students towards advances degrees and an academic institution that caters degree programs towards these people, you have the results you see today.

>sex doll named Roxxy
>was introduced in 2010
>this was a year after Boxxy
>looks like Boxxy

Yeah, it's frustrating how many immigrants come purely out of greed. They take up valuable spots in all levels of education, and either go back home to make more money, or plan on staying, to make more money.

>We've got to regulate the burgers
Sweden, 2017

My sides will never be the same again
Other flags should screencap that and get some mileage

>some girl I know is going to grad school for some sociology shit

Never wewed so hard in my life. Bitch has like 6 figure debt already haha.

What the tax payers fail to realize is that their money is paying for the degrees that foreigners get at Western institutions via grant funding and other sources. This amounts to what is, essentially, a tremendous form of foreign aid given to developing nations... yet nobody ever speaks of this.

I'm not necessarily against taking the best and brightest of the world, I'd prefer academia to be strictly egalitarian and meritocratic, but sadly that's not what's happening and the whole system is duping the general public into thinking it is.

Tenes data en esto?
mi hermano esta en ingenieria y me dice que la mayoria de los que estan cursando son tipos