This robot taps on your back and gets to do your job, what do you do?

This robot taps on your back and gets to do your job, what do you do?

Turk man is going to prison.

Oooooh I give him muh butthooooe!

>because of thing in the future which probably won't happen, communism today

Ask it, "What came first, the chicken or the egg?"

Fuck it

Get training to maintain robots.

I can't be automated, nigger. Go wash dishes or some shit.

t. Lobbyist.

I say “This statement is false” and it buffers for all eternity.

Ask him to divide by 0.

"Nah, I prefer killing Jews myself" while switching the gas on.
Go ahead and reply how edgy I am. :D

Remind him I'm not presently employed and politely ask for some tea

Ask him to calculate pi in it's entirety.

Idk what ever job kababs do in decent countries seems to me like a trickle down system shit skins do the shit jobs whites don't want once robots take those jobs we take over the shit skin jobs

I go buy one and make it generate profit for me.

Look him straight in the optical receptor and say "This sentence is false" then ask him to think about it.

Wonder why someone would make a robot to replace me at being a neet

wouldnt the massive power draw required for a whole robot body and AI brain cost more than the labor of a human?

Stick a magnet on its head.

Smash him and then get a job guarding robots.

Is it gay to fuck a robot with a robocock?

These. /thread

let him fuck my wifes biopussy and go home and plug into vr/internets.
never to unplug again.

Say thanks and leave

That's why we nuke the enitre world and move underground.

i mean you can still automate shit but its not like Chad Mcmetalman is going to cuck us out of our jobs

break it and wear its housing as a disguise, offer thanks, escape

Robosexuality is a sin!

Engage in intercourse with said robot.


It's all yours Robohomo.

Get pissed that I can no longer stalk Kiira Korpi.

>Get pissed that I can no longer stalk Kiira Korpi.
you too?

Hope you enjoy being a wage slave, Ill go farming.

"Now I can stop watching porn and get a job." Jokes on you Mr. Roboto.

>t. NEET

I'm a programmer. I'll be fr33

I'd be the guy fixing the robots.

I like the way you think ;)

>throw neodymium magnet

how edgy I am. :D

Pic related

I didn't like crash testing cars, anyway. Too dangerous. Actually I have no idea how it was legal, using actual humans.

I'm not slave. Pay me.

It's no different than human-like dildo

Well, I'd put her to work....

If I ever become a beloved science fiction legend, I'm going to leave a lot of money in my will to create a trust fund, that will hire assassins for my son if he starts writing bad fanfiction using the family name.


"Get off my back, robo-aspie"