If non-whites suck so much then why do the gooks do okay?

If non-whites suck so much then why do the gooks do okay?

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>chew gum
>get thrown in solitary

Because the gooks are honorary whites.

High IQ

they are superior to whites

Insects make amazing structures too, so what?

>asians are so smart
>fall for communism everytime

We keep supplying them with a constant amount of new inventions, can you name one thing invented by a gook past ~1600?
They are just smart enough to use and replicate what we invent.


Obviously, it's the easiest way to create an absolute dictatorship which is top-tier government.
The reason Asians do it so much is their notorious lack of empathy for their fellow countrymen.

East Asians have a higher average IQ than whites, and are thus capable of building and maintaining advanced civilization. However, their cultures, values, and general behavior are far different from those of western nations. This great divide manifests itself most noticeably to whites as things that whites find repulsive, such as the barbarism with which cats and dogs are butchered, the eating of aborted fetuses, and pervasive government surveillance and authority.

Just to be devil's advocate you realize the west created Communism.

Uh, sweetie, Asians are better than whites in most aspects
As soon as China and others go forward with their gene editing stuff, they'll consume everything and everyone.

Because the Chinese hates leftists

>Jews created communism

They don't, they have no back bone and don't have a real economy. When will Sup Forums learn what truly makes great nations... it isn't communism, a spineless populace and copy cats.

Communism was devised by Karl Marx, a Jew. It brought about in the west not by European Revolutionaries, but primarily by Jewish forces. The doctrine is entirely alien to European culture and way of life, and its adherence resulted is the mass murders of millions of Eastern Europeans and a great erosion of Eastern Spirituality and culture. The Soviet Union itself was largely controlled by the Jews that constituted so much of its bureaucracy and secret police force.

Literally the technologies we have know are mostly from whites.
Logic goes like this, chinese = gunpowder, white = innovated.
White = technology, gooks = utilization.

Russia is still controlled by kikes and so is china.

go move to a gook country, no we won't care

I'm not too knowledgable about Jewish influence in Russia and China, but it at least seems like their leaders and governments are able to act in the interests of their own people and industry. To what extent would you say that they are under Jewish control?

he won't because the reality is outside of Japan every good country is 90% impoverished losers and 10% god tier rich fags either working for or tightly connected to the government

gooks, despite being impoverished by the state, still want a bigger state
collectivism is in their brains and collectivism does not create wealth.

You forgot miniaturize.
All of Sony's inventions are simply smaller versions of pre-existing technology.

The gooks do okay and there are commendable aspects of their culture but they are hive people. I don't have a any problems with them but they are inscrutable to me. I can understand and predict the ways of the beaner and nigger far better than I can an Asian termite sperg.

Fully 100% both are controlled.

Phone posting so don't have my original links, i found this with a quick google search. lorddreadnought.livejournal.com/37272.html

Here is a youtube video on russia/ europe pay extra close attention.

Everyone knows Asians have a higher IQ.

Why are Italian's so smart?



i got nothing against slants, theyll be siding with us when the marxists come after them for having skin thats too white as well.

we need to join up

Jews won't be able to do anything if the Chinks genetically manipulate for themselves even higher IQ.

this is HK not SG you retard

China is fascist
>single party state
>private property exists but is controlled by the government to serve the interests of the nation
>the nation has its own internet to keep out foreign influences
>propaganda is everywhere and military marches are routine, instilling a sense of loyalty and pride in the people
>the Chinese government is attempting to bring back Chinese culture after communism destroyed much of it
>scientific progress is highly valued and the nation is making great strides in the fields of AI, genetic engineering, and space exploration
>foreign elements such as Islam and Christianity are suppressed or controlled by state churches
>the nation values military strength and is making efforts to ensure that its security is defended through military power

This is why they are developing so quickly, and why they will overtake us.

Whites invented the modern world. Gooks are just living in it.

Surprised nobody hasn't mentioned that asians can't invent or innovate. China had the same standardized test for thousands of years.

>asians can't invent or innovate
Paper, printing press, gunpowder, rockets, etc.

ATTENTION. As we know the Asian countries have enormous populations (china). The Asians you see in America are the successful ones that were smart enough and the work ethic suitable for success. The Asians that are in western countries are the handful of smart and successful ones that could make it here. in simple terms

>Have high IQ
>let muslim/mexican imigrants to flood your country

take one

It's because they worship the cock and not the vagina.
This keeps them level headed.


Karl Marx was an anti-Semite if you actually read his essays.

Communism was founded upon European enlightenment values and it's "intellectual" heritage is entirely European. Not a single idea from the Talmud in it.

Fucking Baizuo

Honestly, we simply can't understand the things white people do for fun. It usually involve extreme risk taking and destructive behavior.

Because they emulate the whites. Japan was a backwards shithole before they started copying Europe during the Meiji Era. Hong Kong was built by the British, South Korea by the Americans.

u have no iidea how very orrect that is.

in gookland, men lead

africa and india e.g is the polar oposite with matriarchy. the literally live in the dirt there

but most and foremost, communism is written by woman and psychopaths ( one may argue where the difference is there ). E.g. marx was a text book psychopath like in the textbook for clinical psychology.Mr molineux made a wonderful videography on marx which displays it perfectly. one doesnt have to be studied to recognice from thereof, the marx was an anti-spcial and narcisstic personality, a klinikal psychpathc, commonly one would say a notorious, liar, a parasite, lazy, addicted to gambling and (it appears drinking), stole money everywhere, exploited each and every single person in his life, etc ...
had very bad attitudes.

so basically communism is just psychopathy elevated to an ideoogy.

it therefore literally is sick btw.

Low inbreeding quotient on North Italy(lombardians)

>whites are so smart
>fall for the jew everytime

I've seen enough Drunk Hong Kongers to know you guys do it as well. Not as much as us though.
Say how's Lam liked so far?

Take a tour of their countryside.