In a debate with a guy who says race isnt real, I need some help

In debate with guy who says black race is a social construct, need help with finding peer reviewied articles that say otherwise

Dude says that the black race is a social construct and that there is no real difference between people other than skin color.

If there are any Austists out there who would know of any peer reviewed articles or studies that can help make the case that race is real and would like to lend a hand it by sharing it, well it would be appreciated. I'm already working on it now.

Other urls found in this thread:,8599,1993074,00.html

If race isn't real then there's no such thing as racism.

I don't care about your bait Reddit and Memey url.

You would have to prove a negative
Cut the root off at the stem and attack the postmodern ideological source of his argument,

Don't bother. People that peddle this crap are too far gone, its a waste of time.

Look into organ/blood transplants. There's a reason they don't work between different races.

>arguing with people on reddit.
>using reddit spacing

Tell a democrat that there's no such thing as race. then they have nothing to run on. I say: "I don't believe in races. That's because I'm not a racist like you who believes in races."


Fuck off Reddit

FBI crime statistics

A simple argument is that it is now possible to send your DNA to 23andme, Ancestry, or some other DNA-sequencing firm, and receive information on your genetic ancestry.

That's still typically due to cultural/social influences. Criminality isn't inherently genetic.

Sickle cell/AIDS for spades.

i guess racism isnt real then.

call him a nigger.

Tell him that science deniers belong in the Trump administration.

>Criminality isn't inherently genetic.

only blacks can get sickle cell anemia

blacks and asians have issues digesting milk, whites do not

checked nd kekd

tell him polar bears are the same as russian brown bears so why should we care about saving them?

why is saving one more than the other important? there is plenty of brown ones? the polar bear must stop being racist and white polar bear supremacist

There's only one race on planet Earth that I know of. Human.

Biology trumps your precious 'evidence'.

>Criminality isn't inherently genetic
of course it isn't
that's why the richest black neighbourhood in the U.S has more crime then the poorest white neighbourhood in the U.S

Well the so called "white" "black" "asian" race is a social construct.

But humans arent all the same race. Race is a lot more than just skin color.

lower iq average and higher pre dispostion to violence certainly makes you more likely to be a criminal user,govt crime stats dont lie

>peer reviewed study proving race is real
Sorry bro, I wrote my thesis to prove water is wet.

>There's only one race on planet Earth that I know of. Human.
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Birds
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Gorillas
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Dolphins
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Fish
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Arachnids
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Insects
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. bacteria
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. plants
>There's only one race on a planet Earth that I know of. Trees


The burden of proof lies with the other guy. If his claim is that there's no other difference than skin color, then he is obviously screwed.

You quit talking to him. You say sorry you are as sub human as them and I do not debate subhumans.

>Criminality isn't inherently genetic
2R allele

>Criminality isn't inherently genetic.
Genes have a great deal of influence. Don't even try to deny it.

Tell them to look up the drug Bidil. It's only approved for black people. If race doesn't exist why doesn't it work for other races?

Tell him to get a bone marrow transplant from a black man if he's so confident that race is just a social construct with no basis in biology.

AFAICT when someone says that race isn't real and that it's just a social construct, it means that the person is liberal and has a difficulty with the notion of abstractions. Perfect abstractions are often impossible. We all know what a chair is, right? How do you define a chair? Is a beanbag chair a chair? Gee, chairness doesn't exist and it's just a social construct. The same debate comes up in gender and even, among the nuttier types, biological sex (because in

tell him to support eugenics and it would stop being real. we need to start purging all people with shitty genetics, getting a select handful with the most healthy and genetically fit bodies with superior intellectual capability, and then breed them together to create a new generation of strong, hyper-intellectual humanoids that would also start creating more super babies out of their own genepool, and these stronger generations of super humanoids would develop technology to transfer our consciousness into a singular, ethereal entity either through computers or something we haven't discovered yet and bend reality or do some crazy shit that our current minds can't even comprehend

Scientists can determine a persons race by their bones.
Also, some races are stronger than others, others are faster. Tens of thousands of years of evolution dividing the races.

You fucking retard. r/rickandmorty is pretty much the politically r/t_d

Probably your best source

Also: you accepted losing conditions, you can't "prove" a concept like race with a scientific study. It helps to think of *race as a shorthand for ancestry*. Ancestry is something that evidently exists, whether or not you have peer reviewed studies to confirm it. Reframe the debate, get him to accept the concept of race as a "loose shorthand for people of common ancestry".

Look into *taxonomy* and the centuries-long debates over subspecies to show that concepts don't have to be clearly defined to be useful. This will throw them off and they probably won't have the necessary background knowledge to respond coherently.

You can conclude by referencing the importance of *race as a quick rule of thumb* in determining someone's ancestry in medical situations. Use the accuracy of self-reported race as evidence (I don't have the studies handy, sorry).

*Watch this video*, because Contrapoints brings up all the stock arguments your debate opponents will likely use, and Falk gives you a response to each one of them:

You really shouldn't get into debates though if you aren't able to defend your position. "skin color is the only difference" is stupid on its face. Tell that to doctors assessing sickle cell or tay sachs risk.

If race is a social construct, then why is race a factor in bone marrow and stem cell transplants?

forgot some things
Doctors prescribe different medicines based on race. It is a factor in organ replacement.

Black do not have neanderthal DNA. Whites and Asians do.

Here you go

Send him this and tell him to stfu. Also get real mean about how gender isn't real if race isn't real.

>That's still typically due to cultural/social influences.
Then why is the same pattern observed across every country and culture?

If race isn't real, why are black people more susceptible to sickle cell anemia than any other group? Why are Ashkenazi Jews more susceptible to Tay-Sachs?

Race really isn't a scientific concept though.

The fact that it can be mixed disproves it. What race is a mixed race person?

If I'm 70% black, and 30% white. Am I black or white?

What if I'm 30% black and 70% white.

What effects what race I am? The 1 drop rule? That's not scientific at all, because that would mean 1 drop of non-black blood = Not black.

Most people aren't pure anything thus, most people aren't any race because of all these 1-drop rules bieng triggered excluding them from races. If we're just judging on skin color, or even skull shape those are phenotyipcal decisions. A person can have a black skull shape but white skin. Or visa versa, so are they white or black?

This is why it's more of a social construct we as a society deem niggers as niggers based on what we use to judge niggers. We can use science to identify skulls etc as people having certain features. But other members of the same 'race' wouldn't have those same features, we're just playing a probablistic game.

The victim was PROBABLY an asian male in his 20s. He could be finnish kid in his teens for all we know.

>australian arguing semantics

i expected better from you Steve. thats romania level shit

How many whites have sickle cell anemia?

Tigers can breed with Lions. I guess species isn't real.


When my pol browsing ex would get stuck spouting unacceptable things in public, like the autist he is and he got stuck because someone asked him something that was never answered on TRS, daily Shoah and etc he would grasp his head and look stressed and sometimes he would be like arghhhhh, euggghhh, *sighs*.

I think he though he was to intelligent.

Better hope you don't need an organ transplant,8599,1993074,00.html


Just kill yourself

>In a debate with a guy who says race isnt real, I need some help

Walk away, don't waste your time or energy


>race isn't real...
you can't win against that guy
SJW is a Religion, not logic

First you need to find out what he would consider proof to the contrary.

Second you need to get a commitment from him that if you find such proof then he will change his mind.

Ryan Faulk has made reams of videos about this topic, with citations.

the skin, hip ratio, arm length, bone size, ankle placement, even the nose, lower jaw and hair are completely different, how one would look at them and say "yawp dey eqwal, dey da sam" is confounding
one of the main reason black people can't swim as well is their bone density
"Several authors have examined data from the Health Care Financing Administration and noted that fracture risk, particularly risk of hip fracture, is higher in whites than blacks in both sexes; the most recent published data reported an age-adjusted annual incidence rate for hip fracture of 10.1 and 4.1 per 1000 in white and black women, respectively, and 4.3 and 3.1 per 1000 in white and black men, respectively. Other analyses estimated the actuarial risk of hip fracture of persons age 65 by age 90 to be 16.3 and 5.3 percent in white and black women, respectively, and 5.5 and 2.6 percent in white and black men, respectively. This lower incidence of fractures among blacks has generally been explained by greater bone strength among blacks
Mortality rates were higher in men than in women in both racial groups: 33.7 and 17.2 per 1000 in white men and women, respectively, and 33.5 and 22.9 per 1000 in black men and women, respectively. While mortality rates did not differ by race among men, they were higher in black than white women. These relative differences in mortality rates persisted even after stratifying by age at time of hip fracture and by number of comorbid medical conditions.
Racial differences in bone mineral density at the proximal femur and lumbar spine in men were examined using data from the Baltimore Men's Osteoporosis Study (16). This study was a longitudinal observational cohort study; men with either bilateral total hip replacements or who self-reported weight over 300 pounds were excluded. Bone mineral density was significantly greater at the femoral neck, lumbar spine and total body among black men even after adjusting for possible confounding variables"

Google brain size world map

Not really an academically supported scholarly opinion, but I find the metaphor of colors works well in this situation. Maybe it can help you in your argument.

Most people will not deny that orange, pink or any other mix of primary colors exists. Just because there is a blurred line between red, orange, and yellow does not mean that any of them are not real, or cannot be identified and named.

Different peoples and cultures may identify or categorize colors differently. Take Russian for example. There is a distinction between different shades of what the Anglosphere refers to as "blue": гoлyбóй" (light blue), and cи́ний (more navy blue). In this way, it can be said that a person's PERCEPTION of colors may be culturally or socially influenced, but that in no way disproves the existence of color, and in no way means that frequencies of light with vastly different wavelengths should be perceived and referred to as the same in all contexts.

People paint things with broad strokes. That is how the world works.

>le next level troll

>le filthy faggot

This has to be bait

Dude it takes time to find two identically structured but different colored individuals, but I can assure you that it can be done.

Here you go OP

>Race Is a Social Construct

>At last, we’ve reached the final argument! Some people say that race cannot be a valid biological concept because it is socially constructed. My response to this? Of course it is socially constructed. Like I’ve been saying this whole time, scientific categories are tools which we invent in order to predict and explain things. The fact that we invented them tells us nothing about how well they do either of these two things.

>Now, some people will say that we invented racial categories for really bad reasons (oppression, racism, etc.). I don’t think this matches the actual historical records of where racial categories came from, but even if it did, that still wouldn’t be relevant. If the Nazi’s, or the commies, created some useful scientific information for evil reasons, would it therefore be invalid? No, obviously not. Similarly, the intentions behind the creation of racial categories is irrelevant to their ability to explain and predict human differences.

social construct?
all you need to do is be in a room with one for 15 minutes till you smell his wafting negro scent...

this, just ask him this
Were we not human, the different races would be classified as entirely separate species, but for political reasons such a classification is ignored.

Also cite the likelihood of medical conditions by race, worldwide distribution of Lactose intolerance, skull shape, IQ statistics, brain size, genetic variation between races and compared to other mammals, etc...

Then he can read this:

Heres your rebuttal.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

This is from a scientific paper about how the races developed physiological differences to cope with their surroundings. With all these differences it would be crazy to think that no psychological differences developed either. In fact, the largest difference between the races is in their nervous systems.

i used to go along with the idea that race isnt real until i realized its something only told to white people.

>there is no difference between golden retrievers and pitbulls
>one race, the dog race

>there is no difference between tigers, lions and house cats
>one race, the cat race

>there is no difference between orcas and bottlenose dolphins
>one race, the dolphin race

If race isn't real then maybe police are shooting niggers for other reasons like disobedience

Just ask him to name a species that is identical after being separated thousands of years

Honestly, this. Ryan is probably the leading race realist on the internet today. He's been doing this shit on YouTube since 2007. Him and Spawktalk (rip in peace) were waaaay ahead of the curve back then, and fringey is a confirmed autist with plan. In fact, the entire althype website is a goldmine and honestly believe it to be the ultimate race realist source, and damn near impenetrable in its research and logic.