Mfw i realized jews are to white people what white people are to niggers

>mfw i realized jews are to white people what white people are to niggers

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>jews arent white
you're thinking of christians

It's true and whites need to take back control instead of acting like niggers and saying "Muh Jew" for everything.

Are we white or are we nigger?

wait, what? You're just NOW figuring this out?!
Where the Hell have you BEEN?!
better late than never is suppose.


>blaming jews for all your problems
man up, pussies

That's right, no white brainlet will ever reach the heights of Einstein, Sagan and Neumann.

what exactly are white people to niggers anyway?


>white people came into jewish countries then asked for gibs while rioting and looting

that's a perfect analogy user, great job

>jews are to white people what white people are to niggers

It isn't quite analogous, and for several reasons.

1). Jews fled/immigrated to white countries historically, whites have not done the same
2). Jews (Ashkenazi anyway) are ~1/2 white. Whites are nowhere near half black
3). Whites have contributed more to humanity than Jews. Yes, I know that per capita it may be the other way around, but this still counts as a difference.

btw see lists below for last claim:

thats a common jewy trop and it's false , jews are to whites what niggers are to whites, just another degenerate criminal subhuman

Jews are also to black people what white people are to black people, they just keep blaming us because the jews tell them.

name 1 jewish scientist or inventor who isn't einstein

>if I put on a white supremesist meme flag they won't notice I'm shilling

Black men are the white people of black people


Am I a man or am I a muppet?


not true. white people help blacks out whereas jews trip whites up.

Yea except niggers need white people.
And white people certainly don't need Jews.
Something to think about.


>Sagan wow
kikes are bullshitters and einstain was one stain of a plagiarist fraud, neuman, omitting Gauss, white brainlets, kikes you are basically a fucking dumb dishonest commercial race, accept it, ferengis

Didn't kikes go after that actor? He pissed off Spielberg.

Women are the black people of white people

Sure thing like. Pls explain why gentiles outnumber Jews in kappa phi at Harvard when Jews outnumber white men at Harvard?

The most disturbing thing about this chick is that she:
1) came from a decent family
2) was a fairly normal, run of the mill teenager until she got to university
3) got to university of Berkeley and went completely off the rails (hair ruined, piercings, tattoos, porn films)

It's really quite sad what we're doing to the young women of our countries


>Mfw I realize Anglos are to Jews what Jews are to "whites"