Why was this banned?

Why was this banned?
Is it any worse than the hateful non-political garbage posted here everyday?

What is THumP? Can I get a quick rundown?

are the all seeing eye.

gotta sell the idea more my dude
drop an archive link to your article

Maybe it was deleted because you're a schizo freak that can't give a straight answer? Spit it out. That symbol reminds me of the thelemic thing.


Nice get you frogposting frog

this thing?

THumP = the Humanity Party, a political party organized in 2016.
They seek a new Constitution that guarantees all people the five basic necessities of life, like the pic says. Interesting parts of the new Constitution include mandatory consensus of unanimity...
A consumption tax to replace ALL taxes...
and prohibition of personal ownership of firearms.



its not worse than the other slide, bait and bullshit thread, but its still another bullshit slide thread that deserves to be deleted. like this one

>mandatory consensus of unanimity...
For Congress.

So a bunch of anonimoose larpers with a retarded political platform
How interesting

that what I thought it was too

Unicursal Hexagram. Thelema.
Crowley stuff

The Seroquel is wearing off.

So not only are they larpers, they're also thinly veiled satanic larpers.

But there's only three basic necessities.

>prohibition of personal ownership of firearms.
Yet another seemingly lofty idea wrapped around cancer.

Bury it.



VOA = victory over anarchy / voice of anonymous

Bump for THumP.

God, guns, gibs?

they forgot about oxygen

>mental care

Water, food, and shelter. All other needs extend from these.

When your logo on you outfit is 99% the same as the sigil of Azazel, I think you need to rethink your movement. Using the symbol of the fallen head watcher that was responsible for furthering corruption of mankand should be a warning.

Holy Crap!

I thought that looked familiar!

Thanks for the knowledge bomb.

Freaky Fran! Freaky Fran! NyanahaNAH! NyananahNAH!

Because Anon5 is a fucking retard.

It wasn't Anon5.
It was me.

>A consumption tax to replace ALL taxes...
lol retards

CIAnigger pet project that went absolutely nowhere because it was too gay for literally anyone to take seriously.

What do you propose?

THumP board of directors attempted press release with major outlet but was rejected for association with Anonymous movement. THumP is no longer associated with Anonymous.

>A consumption tax to replace ALL taxes
You can tax Tuberculosis?

No. No TB no revenue.