Why can't more racial realists be like Jared Taylor? Someone who talks smartly...

Why can't more racial realists be like Jared Taylor? Someone who talks smartly, calmly and politely about racial differences. Seems like most people who are well known for talking about race, are cringe-worthy Nazi larpers that wave swastikas around.

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Because most of them are retarded and Taylor is smart.

I can stand the way he pronounces "white".

Want to know how to get people to listen to you when they are ranting?


As if you know any other race realists.

We need another 40 years out of Taylor

because jared doesn't apply his line of thinking to ethnocentric jews. I don't think that's being intellectually honest. that aside, he's pretty good, but unironic nazis are better as long as they're not trying to resurrect nazi symbology. nazis with plausible deniability are god tier


Taylor is an important stepping stone to the Jew. So is Colin Flaherty. They provide knowledge on the race issue for people who aren't comfortable with the whole truth yet.

>I don't think that's being intellectually honest.
There's nothing inconsistent about taylors position.

Your problem is in ASSUMING what his position is based on what he hasn't said.

A lot do. They just don't receive as much attention.

Richard Spencer also does this, but everyone hates on him for some reason.


I only started watching his videos after Youtube started censoring him. The Streisand Effect is real. He's a great guy and I wish him the best in his quest for a white homeland even if I don't agree with identity politics on principle.

A white supremacist who is not antisemetic serves Jewish interests.

Because people just want to be the next Hitler, not save the white race

Then explain why jews are so quick to put all the antisemitic white supremacists on television.

Why do they give a spotlight to the people who, according to you, are spreading the message that will destroy them?


Jared Taylor has served his purpose, he won't be relevant in the rapidly approaching ethnic cleansing phase of the movement.

Richard Spencer is a fed plant, and everyone currently sucking his chub is going to spit out his cum in disbelief when the news breaks, even though they were warned 6-gorillion times.




You've been visited by the conehead nationalist




how is it not inconsistent to go about redpilling people on basic group interests, naming specific groups like blacks, asians, and hispanics, but always avoiding the JQ? surely if he were intellectually honest he would see evidence of jewish ethnocentrism and namedrop it in passing at some point, supposing he wasn't trying to avoid any associated stigma or connotations that would get him called a nazi or something. jared says some degree of collectivism should be universally afforded to people and of course those people must be differentiated from one another in a way that preserves homogeneity. but jews don't mix in like that in white society. so I don't care if we don't fully know his position; not taking one is enabling the people who do, and we're pretty sure jews take an ethnocentric position. whites certainly don't, so he's abetting the jews to some degree.

>huwhite pride


It would definitely help their case, although they are living in a dream world.
We have a black and a jewish justice.


Huh. Checkmate shill.

these cunts will never listen anyway


Jared tries to appeal to people's sensibility. Unfortunately people are not sensible, they are emotionally driven.

You faggot. I didn't say what you think I said. There are plenty of dumb ass antisemitic white supremacists who serve Jewish interests. Why don't or haven't you seen Jews promoting WLP or someone with more sense such as E Michael Jones?

>Why don't or haven't you seen Jews promoting WLP or someone with more sense such as E Michael Jones?

I don't even know who those people are. Why don't you tell me why those people aren't promoted.

what's your point? jared says there should be a jewish state and a white state, so what? he never goes any further than that. like I said, to avoid taking a stance is tantamount to letting jews go on pretending they're white to D&C whites and shapeshifting back into their jewish form when it serves them. jews benefit from his refusal to discriminate against them while the same decision is injurious to deracinated humanitarian whites.


He's talking about jewish ethnocentrism. That in their case, it's of course natural they should have an ethnostate, but that is not allowed for whites.

Let Dr. Pierce explain it:

tl;dr freaks more interested in venting their frustrations and not actually interested in changing minds and winning

>I don't even know who those people are
Newfag detected

Him saying white is the best thing I've experienced.

that doesn't necessarily mean he thinks jews aren't white.


hes the best

shut your dirty whore mouth its charming as fuck

you mean

evidence? strange how you shills never post any

Talk about moving the goalposts.

Taylor doesn't talk about who is white and who isn't. It's not related to his discussion at all. Why would that come up?

Met Jared Taylor a few months ago, he is by far the most polite and well spoken man I've ever met.

Jews are white though. But nationalism is more than just race, it's culture as well. Bosniaks wouldn't fit in America as it's meant to be. Neither do Jews. That being said, there are a lot of subversive Jews and as Jared says, judge them by their beliefs and that'll weed them and liberal whites out.

Jared Taylor is doing what we ought to be doing, working with nationalists of all stripes against a common enemy. Jewish nationalists, Japanese nationalists, black nationalists, and even Palestinian nationalists..we have a common goal of separate homelands against a globalist class.

yes he fucking does you idiot. he differentiates blacks, asians, etc. from whites all the time, in terms of crime rates, politics, achievement, and so on. he doesn't differentiate jews from whites, this is what I have said from the beginning. are you fucking illiterate? discrimination is an inherent quality of white nationalism by definition.

Racial realism is the truth, natsoc is commie shit

Found the kike faggot who thinks he's subversive. Jesus Christ go back to your gay forum you fucking degenerate.

Fuck off you Jew faggot. You're not White.

jewish nationalists can be stealth hypocrites though. they're unique in that they can pass for white, and they abuse that fact for political, social, and financial gain. besides that though I agree nationalists have a lot in common and can work together surprisingly easily. if we could create more black nationalists it would definitely lift our burden and work in our favor.

>yes he fucking does you idiot. he differentiates blacks, asians, etc. from whites all the time, in terms of crime rates, politics, achievement, and so on.

Blacks are blacks. Whites are whites. You're asking the equivalent of saying "are irish white?"

And in that video he specificially points out jews in contrast to whites.... So what the fuck.

"Jews have an ethnostate, why can't whites"

"Blacks have an ethnostate, why can't whites"

correct, blacks are black as opposed to white. white nationalism is advocacy for whites as opposed to advocacy for nonwhites. but when it comes time to define terms like "white" and "nonwhite," jared doesn't meet eye to eye with people like Sup Forumsacks and kevin macdonald for example. what jared said in that video doesn't mean jews are a different set of people altogether. he can say all that shit and believe jews are a subset of whites, but if they were, why do they not even identify as white? why do they call themselves jews? they obviously don't mesh with whites if they don't even say they do.

>what jared said in that video doesn't mean jews are a different set of people altogether.

They're not different altogether. They're genetically very similar to italians, who are also whites.
Many jews DO identify as white, even if many don't. Many whites convert to judaism and their children go to live in israel.

Remember we're talking about jared being intellectually honest... Not whether he agrees with the people you like.

>Many jews DO identify as white, even if many don't.
>even if many don't.
there you fucking have it. jews think of themselves as jews first and whatever else second. that CAN NOT work in a white ethnostate or a white homeland, and the fact that jared has not addressed this shows he is intellectually dishonest. he knows about the JQ, he knows what you just admitted, but he won't admit that doesn't DIRECTLY CONFLICT with his ideas about the hypothetical white homeland.

directly conflicts*

>Many whites convert to judaism and their children go to live in israel.
also, no, fuck you idiot, you can't just convert and go live in israel. they explicitly state this in their law of return. you have to be the descendant of a jew.

jew != white. period.

>ITT american "whites" becoming utterly confused

>there you fucking have it. jews think of themselves as jews first and whatever else second. that CAN NOT work in a white ethnostate or a white homeland, and the fact that jared has not addressed this shows he is intellectually dishonest. he knows about the JQ, he knows what you just admitted, but he won't admit that doesn't DIRECTLY CONFLICT with his ideas about the hypothetical white homeland.

No, you're an idiot. Many whites Identify as christians first and then whites second. Many americans identify as americans first, and whites second. Many britons identify as britons first and whites second.

Identifying as jews/britons/americans/christians/atheists/faggots first doesn't mean they're not white.... and it has nothing to do with jared's point.

Jews aren't white, idiot.

>Jews are white though.
Neck yourself you must

It's a murky distinction. It's not as clear as you david duke autists like to pretend.

>Why can't more racial realists be like Jared Taylor?
You mean controlled opposition Jew shill

Jared TaySachs does take a stance. His stances is that Jews are "men of the west" and fully white. Nevermind the fact that they are actually not white and not "of the west" in any way.

>Many whites Identify as christians first and then whites second.
yeah? ethnically? they say "I'm not white, I'm christian"? they tick the "christian" box on an ethnicity survey? can you find me one fucking instance of this?

because, right now, we know that in your words:
>many jews don't identify as white
and on official ethnicity surveys, jews are expected to check the "jewish" box TO THE EXCLUSION OF white identification. and israeli jews don't think jewish converts are real jews. for fuck's sake dude, you're not fooling anyone.

Except Jews aren't biologically white either. They are closer to sandniggers.

We all know his secretly a Nazi. Avoids the question every times he's asked.

"my movement has nothing to do with European history"
"There is not doubt he was trying to get rid of the Jews'

Why wouldn't he just outright say kill the Jews? Or condemn Nazism.


also this I don't usually post things like pic related because I can't explain them well but jews do cluster differently from european whites with PCA.

>being this delusional

There will never be a 'day of the rope' or ethnic cleansing of any kind. The vast majority of whites, even those that believe in racial differences and/or are right leaning, would never stomach outright genocide. Civil discussion of the sort Jared indulges in is far more likely to produce results than the insipid assumption whites will some day go on a collective genocide crusade.

>30-70% MENA, 2-4% nigger

>he won't be relevant in the rapidly approaching ethnic cleansing phase of the movement.

Says the increasingly nervous Nazi LARPer


Saphardi jews are arabs.

Ashkenazi jews at least descend from whites. Looking at the image, if you say slavs are white, it makes sense to also say this group of jews is white. It's a mongrel mix between the two.

Now, whether you call it one way or the other.. .it's still a murky distinction that taylor would have to go to lengths to justify. Like do you want him to pull out this diagram like an autismo and point to where the ashkenazi are??
This is such a pointless detail to the thrust of his argument that it doesn't make sense to push one way or the other.
Taylor has never addressed the question of whether slavs are white. --- but that doesn't matter because it doesn't relate to his argument.



>and on official ethnicity surveys, jews are expected to check the "jewish" box TO THE EXCLUSION OF white identification.

Yea, just as hispanics click the hispanic box... even though many hispanics are white. This is because of how the government categorizes people... not because of something real.

Many hispanics don't Identify as white, and many do, and many are.

>fully racially European

>Jews including Ash

right, and hispanics in general are not white. jews in general are not white. jared explicitly advocates for whites, to the exclusion of nonwhites, except in the case of jews. there is no "slavic" checkbox because slavs are literally europeans, to which the word "white" refers. so in general, jews are not european or white and they don't think of themselves as european or white. so how in the name of fuck are they still white to you?

Ashkenazi jews descend from europeans. They are a mix. Hence it's up in the air where you place them as a category. It's a murky distinction.

The picture you made colors them green, but that line is somewhat arbitrarily drawn since they are a mix.
Since they are a mixed bag, with many of them actually identifying as white, it doesn't make sense to lump them all as enemies. It's a grey area and it doesn't make sense to make more enemies than you have to.

Ahskenazi Jews are minimum 30% sandnigger and 2% nigger. As White as Obama

What do you mean it's arbitrary? Even Ashkenazi fucking Jews don't generally identify as white. It doesn't make sense to make more "friends" than you have to. You get conflicting group interests. Source? Jared fucking Taylor, except when considering Jews.

>It doesn't make sense to make more "friends" than you have to. You get conflicting group interests. Source? Jared fucking Taylor, except when considering Jews.

Taylor believes that jewish culture is compatible with white christian culture. He also believes that a big factor in why race is such a dividing line is because of the way the different races LOOK. In other words, when you see a black person, you immediately know he's not on your team. With the jews, it's not necessarily the case. Jared says "they look white". So it doesn't necessarily create the same fissure.

Yep, conflicting group interests are universal except in the case of whites and Jews, who have never thought of themselves as white and still don't. White nationalism is an ideology of advocacy that terminates along racially white boundaries, except in the case of Jews, because hey, Jews look kinda white. Race and ethnicity is skin deep after all, when it comes to the Jews. Why the Jews? Just pure coincidence. Completely nonintuitive but it makes sense if you don't think or talk about them being or behaving as a separate nonwhite population.

>Ashkenazi jews descend from europeans.

>Hence it's up in the air where you place them as a category.
They don't fit in the white category. That isn't arbitrary, it's just a fact if you want have a definition of "white" that doesn't include bastard sandniggers (because that's what Jews are).

They do though, at least partly. They're the product of Jewish diaspora mixing with locals.

he's a fucking creepy weirdo

Jared Taylor is a brilliant man
It's a great shame that most racists are low IQ white trash who have nothing to be proud of but the colour of their skin
Intelligent race realists like Taylor infuriate the socialist trodgolites that call themselves redpilled

>Seems like
you're not very bright, are you

>The choices for ethnicity are:
Hispanic or Latino. A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term “Spanish origin” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”
Not Hispanic or Latino
>The choices for race are:
American Indian or Alaskan Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.
Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Phillipine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the black racial groups or Africa. Terms such as “Haitian” or “Negro” can be used in addition to “Black or African American.”
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.
>White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
>White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
>White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.
what box should a Jew check?

>t. occ.gov/static/community-affairs/community-developments-newsletter/summer05/cd/ethnicityandrace.htm

Shut your fuckin' faggot ass up you leaf piece of shit.


Those who do not name the Jew will suffer the same fate as the Jew on the day of the rope.

>Richard Spencer


His wife is literally a shitskin from Caucasus

Am I the only one who loves it when he says 'hwhite'?


Spencer says some smart things but usually spergs out whenever he's doing some kind of public/conference speaking role. You'd never see somebody like Jared Taylor say cartoonish shit like that.

Amy Winehouse was a a really good singer . RIP
