If pornography is bad then why does it give me a boner?

If pornography is bad then why does it give me a boner?


Its Christian to be ashamed of your body.

fact: Christianity was founded by a JEW

Your reward system doesn't know the difference between the real thing and the simulation. The reptilian complex and paleomammalian complex part of your brain are dumb. You have to use the neomammalian complex part to marshal your decision making process and delay gratification to achieve a later, grander goal. Or spend a life time asleep spiritually.

Are you implying I'm one of the lizard people?

>t. lizard-person
Shouldn't you be rigging elections or making laws instead of posting on Sup Forums?

Fact: The new Testament declares that you CANNOT get to heaven except through Jesus therefore all Jews worship a false God and will burn for their whole lives and in hell

if skinning teenage girls alive and dancing in front of them while wearing their own skin is wrong then why does it make me laugh so hard every time I have done it

We're all serpents under the skin, it takes a deeper humanity to ascend it

Checkmate atheists

Porn is bad because it's just fuckin dirty and degenerate and makes me hate myself afterwards and lowers my humanity.

are you sure that's the pornography it might just be because you are American

>an ancient text that has been translated many many times and heavily edited says this so it must be true!
Keep believing those jewish lies goy


If raping swedish lolis is bad then why does it give me a Boner?

What the fuck Japan.

Christianity was not founded by Jesus.


That's why you should come to Allah

It programs your brain to relate sexual arousal to images rather than real acts making you bad in bed and likely to have a bad sex life

Everything in balance user

It's not bad if you're Algerian in Sweden, even the Swedish government knows this. It's only bad if you're a white Swede

If you're talking about Chrisianity, it's because we are sinful, plus sex is not inherently sinful. However, sex misused is a sin, just like a knife misused to kill a neighbor is also sinful. Obviously that's a terrible analogy, but it will have to do for now.
And with the whole sinful thing, it's just like that thrill you get when you steal something, or successfully lie. You should be more in control of yourself and making better life choices. Just because it feels good now, doesn't mean it's healthy or good for you. Just as eating too much will make you fat and crave food all the time, so too does porn to your sexual desire. And just as with any addiction, the more you consume, the more you need for the high.
In any case, that is why, to my knowledge, porn is bad even though you get a boner from it.
If you are a Christian I would advise you to bring this to God, but as I think I've gathered, I doubt you identify as such. Thus, do what you want. I can't stop you, it's the internet. Go crazy what do I care.



Dayyuummmm. BTFO by gook.

meth also makes me full high energized and enthusiastic

Should i become a meth addict now?

If sugar's so bad, why did Jesus make it taste so good?

Oh sure, it's nice to give your penis an involuntary response to a fetish you may not understand but then you watch nothing but pr0n, and don't desire the touch of a real woman (or man if you're a degenerate). Before long your long time fetish isn't enough to keep the little solder standing at attention and you go from feet to bdsm to face sitting to face shitting over night. After a while your cock gets board again and you feel before to long you either end up looking up child porn or you swing they other way just to get some excitement in your junk once again.

Okay, so it's likely not going to go that far, but if you do watch too much porn and end up getting a real woman in bed, have fun with the erectile dysfunction.

Alcohol isn't bad, but drinking too much of it gives you a shitty hangover and is bad for your health. It can also make people so stupid shit. With porn, too much is just bad for your mental health, and the more degenerate you get, the worse you are.

Because boners are for sinners and faggots repent you little fucker degenerates are baby fuckers
