
I smoked a few flakes of salvia, then I started to feel bad for people who are rioting. Then I started thinking of stupid shit like what people regarded robin hood as in his time, even though he was based, many hated him and thought of him and his group similar to how we see antifa. Or how the founding fathers scared the British empire and was labeled as rogue but they had the right idea and were willing to riot and cause disorder for the oppression. (please correct me if I am off).I started wanting to teleport both sides of this eternal conflict to the place that makes them the most happy, and was starting to find logic in some of the shit I was trolling fags for thinking. Still do not agree with it, however I am willing to consider all ends of the argument since I smoked this. As opposed to wanting to put people to the guillotine for thinking stupid and holding back society, I now have this fuck sauce stuck in my head.

Is this herb not for me? Should I consider the feels of the enemy or opposition? Does anyone have similar experience? Will I regret this outburst tomorrow morning? Am I just fucking high or is this something to consider?

(reason why I posted this in Sup Forums is because the effects did nothing to effect anything else but my political stance and beliefs and I know people with sense on this board can explain things in this regard better. )

You should go make a sandwich, eat it, then tie a noose and hang yourself.

Make sure you do that in the opposite order from the way i posted it though.

>this drug made me a pussy

So hang something eat a noose and make a sandwich?

>founding fathers
>being taxed over fucking everything

>"I need Communism because I can't make money with my gender studies degree"

A good idea, but people might be sad and shit. Plus seppuku is a much better way to handle my dishonor.


from what i've heard, it sends you to a hellish version of flatland with demons. i'd like to try it sometime.

>Should I consider the feels of the enemy or opposition?

I just for some reason started feeling like everyone suffers and needs comfort and aid of some sort without bias, like even scumbags should get a chance to explain why they are shit. I never felt this nonsense before and will not try this shit again, fuck this burden, I am scared straight.

Robin Hood is a book character. He never existed.

He was basically a glorified nigger anyways.

You are right, the idea of something like that speaks to our souls when we read it though. He immediately becomes a hero to us, I wanted to know why for the first time ever. "Rob from the rich, give to the poor" That is totally an act of treason, those people earned that and now it has to go to people who didn't work a day for it, seems elementary now but a few hours ago it blew my mind.

Not me, made me hear what I thought was singing whispers, and it felt like everything had eyes and was watching me for the first hour. But I did not do a large amount, and I was not able to hold it in long either.

Well when you put it that way.

you are wrong about british.]you never should have left.
british empire was nearly ready to end jewish finance, but then you fucks had to get all uppity and get money from jews to rebel with france. forcing us to get money off jews to fight you. dumb amerilards never know this profund truth.

what the fuck is this Sup Forums
>letting a memedrug control your worldview

did you feel a change in the direction of gravity? this seems to be a pretty common experience.

i've thought about ordering some just to try and knock myself out of a funk whenever i fall into one.

all that happened when I smoked salvia is that I became one with the futon and could feel the friction generated by my being being pushed through time and space tear across my skin and hear the bellowing disembodied voices reply to my question, 'is this really happening' with a resounding YES IT IS and everything had a striped aura around it and when I came down I got a massive headache

LSD and mushrooms made me feel more camaraderie with the human race, but it did this by dissolving my sense of self and making me believe anything was everything

>Robbin da Hood
Still a traitor, and a hero to degenerates --a bad influence
>defaulting toward the left just as soon as you consume a meme drug

Yes, like up and down no longer matter, and if I closed my eyes I felt like I was moving but was totally still. I also eventually had to kneel down for a while because it felt a bit much, I just assumed it was because I didn't sleep much, but I was just being told it is effects from this herb.

I keep hearing and reading that smoking a lot of it can make you feel like you are in a different world completely, and it does seem like that can definitely happen if I had more of it. But the feeling other peoples pain thing, fuck that, I thought I had my shit all figured out until this night.

That is it, like something entered the room and is with you the whole time and talking in response to your thoughts (for me the voice sounded like it was like trying to sing while whispering if that makes sense) with visual outlines and borders over everything, but I haven't got a headache yet but I do have the buzz I feel when I smoked weed stems which does lead to headaches. Similar indeed, I have not tried anything more than this and mary jane, unless you count coffee addiction as relying on a drug.

Robin Hood was stealing from a government that was taxing the fuck out of its citizenry. There is no modern comparison that comes to mind and it sure as fuck ain't ANTIFA.

"I smoked a few flakes of salvia,"

Stopped reading right there.

Salvia is completely degenerate.

Yeah I understand your sentiment now after smoking this shit.