Gavin's recent podcast

>Gavin's recent podcast
>talks about how his neighbors think he's a Nazi and don't want to talk to him

Poor guy.

Does Nazi have any meaning to it anymore? The left use it as an insult whenever someone disagrees.

He should build walls around his house so he doesn't have to talk to them.

He should offer his neighbor a buttplug or dildo as a peace offering

maybe just show up at their door and flash his asshole at them

Serves him right. I hardly see him make an appearance anymore in which he doesn't bend over backwards to denounce the "alt-right." Stupid faggot, the Leftists and PoCs don't give a shit. If you're not an utter cuck, they want you dead, and all the disavowal in the world won't change it. Even if you are a cuck, they want you dead, but you get to die last.

Also, he married an Indian woman.

gavin would be the leader of the alt-lite if he could refrain from spreading his anus and shoving objects into his anus
if not for these things he would be the safe guy who will never mention jewish racial supremacism and also do the whole pro-male anti-sjw schtick that collects a lot of views

in other words, if he didn't shove things into his anus he would be like a paul joseph watson only with a drastically-smaller audience

>an Indian woman.


race traitor*

No she's a feather not a dot.

And a gross Canadian one athay.

Gavin has a larger audience or presance than PJW I am sure. Much better show too.

Also, alt-light is better than the Spencer shit.

Maybe they got tired of him practicing his penis puppetry act on them?


Doxx the neighbor and send Nazi propaganda to his house.


What is gross about her?

i'm sure she's a nice lady, but race-mixing is soft genocide and any white person who engages in it shows that they fundamentally do not understand the world.

hey gavin
doubt it
but good luck on your new life! im sure the proud boys is still a movement. im sure even at its peak the bulk of them didnt fucking despise how cucky and weak you are. keep getting those views, my man!

who the fuck talks to their neighbors?

>the more you cuck yourself and denounce nazis the more people call you a nazi
that's the libtard death spiral, the moment you show weakness they double down on you.
It's just funny that alt-liters like gavin don't realize that.


Gavin is a degenerate and I hope he gets AIDS and dies.

At the very least I hope the alt-light learns they're going to get called Nazis no matter what so they might as well stop tiptoeing around the issues and just go full white pride.

People with Trump hats nowdays get called Nazis.

This is the single most important lesson to take from this. It's finally over and people are going to just stop caring once they see that nothing they do can matter.

His free podcast is super comfy. I'd recommend it to anybody who likes Gavin.