Should we abandon traditionalism?

Progressivism is thought of as the "pro-science" political ideology, but should we become more pro-science than them? We align ourselves with those who believe that the earth is only a few thousand years old.

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>wasting White technology on nonwhites
Inheritance and bloodlines matter

Yes, because you presumably do not want to abandon technology, which is going to destroy certain traditions, but that is fine. People can adapt, and the destruction of old traditions is worth everything that technology allows us and the future men to experience. What you want to preserve is hierarchy and norms governing reproduction, education, and all kinds of conduct that affect the long term productivity and health of a society.

Science is just a tool to understand things. It is without normative force so being pro-science is just being for a kind of epistemology. You might be looking for a technical or scientific defense of the right in general. I recommend that you read Curt Doolittle.

Who cares if some dummy young earth creationists vote along our lines?

I'm trying to understand transhumanism, but I have a hard time understanding conceptualizing spiritual discrimination. It's a talent I do not have.

>confederate flag btw

This shall simply lead to the Rome effect. People will get lazy and will their lives supported by technology while another nation shall use to technology to up their power instead of comfort and bring down the complacent nations.

>Compatible with Right-wing ideas

Transhumanism is just another tool for the progressive liberal globalist elite to eliminate any form of collective identity. First it was race, now it is nations and gender, next it will be the collective identity of humanity itself.

Also, the right wing is already more pro-science than the left, left wing ideas are incompatible with science and that which is, and appeal to ideas of that what should be and never can as they run contrary to the fundamental principles of nature itself.

But, is race, as we currently know it, nothing but a tradition? We could make the White race far more superior, no?

Traditionalism is needed to prevent the post humans from becoming mindless hedonists.

Tradition is more in accordance with worthwhile science than the mainstream is. Look at HBD.


this pizdetz blyat

We're already more ''pro science'' by just understanding basic biology.

Nobody said you had to align with christ cucks or even pagans for that matter.

>Implying hedonistic behavior for the sake of axing stress to fulfill one's role in society is bad.

I don't understand. Are you saying that you would like to exist in a society where hedonism is all there is?

No, I'm saying people should have the free time to live their lives and enjoy life.


Transhumanism is a meme. On par with the worst of the libertarians in terms of unrealistic solutions. Rather than actually face problems by advocating for policies that could be enacted now, you would prefer to dream about a utopia where all people can just change their genetics, assuming that everyone would even want to do so. You live now, not in 'the future'. Utopian thought is toxic and a form of escapism that entraps many genuinely intelligent people.

only ignorant or those in denial deny "young earth" creationism

>best creationist playlist
>video #7711-7717 give the basic gestalt
>1 video for the lazy/uninterested


The right wing and tradition only applies as it is natural to humans. If you transcend humanity, become post-human, then there is no longer an intrinsic rightness to traditionally right wing ideals.

Now, it may be that they are still the most efficient method of civilization, but there is no longer the "it's human nature" argument.

That said, it's not a reason to not pursue augmentation and technological apotheosis. Anything that increases the intellectual capacity of humanity is good.
Anything that increases the amount of energy we collectively control and utilize is good.

I say no, if only because Traditionalism is the wrong word. The real word is "Naturalism". Let me put it to you like this. Imagine a small group of people from modern society somehow became isolated on a foreign planet left to their own devices to survive. At first they might blindly follow rules from their modern homeland. But eventually they will find those rules useless. 10 years goes by, 20, 50. What you would have is a society resembling something more "Traditional". Because its natural.

With the way things are headed, "enjoying life" in the future will be watching a simulation of your memory-implant wife getting fucked by Jamal while you sit in a chair jerking your tiny robotic cock.