Why isnt the black community like this today?


Because they're black

Cause niggers

hip hop and thug culture

Because that's "acting white"

Education, drugs, lack of role models, lower natural IQ, prone to violence. Gee, I don't know maybe because they are in fact subhuman.

Because "acting black" results in a life expectancy of 18 years

it's called white supremacy

If they acted like this you would still hate them anyway, so why bother making these threads.

Democrats ruined them.
LBJ should be dug up out of his grave and shitted on 6 million people and set on fire and the have his stupid fucking texas nigger skeleton run over with a pavement roller then thrown in a septic tank.
>muh great society
fucking piece of shit ruined this country damn his stupid texas nigger self to hell for all eternity

there are some like that. i think they call call themselves "hoteps"? other niggers just call them coons and uncle toms. i think they're fairly rare.

Niggers were never like that, moron. The Klan just kept them in place.

This. They clung together in an "us vs them" culture during slavery and the time after it. Now, instead of having a foundation built upon past struggles and using it as precautions but embracing and proving that you/your people can take models and concepts from other societies and make something of it, the black community is still waist deep in that isolation culture where trying to extend a hand out and learn from others = instant mocking and loss of "cred" along with shaming.

The moment more black folks respond to " lol that nigga an uncle tom, man, he aint black!" With " fuck off and keep your poisionous self crippling opinions to your self!", the better.

Literally on an Japanese animation message board.

No Texan is proud of LBJ

because they're niggers

Because of the end of segregation and the rise of LBJ's "Great Society" (aka "Keep them on the dem plantation")

What people don't talk about, when they mention "Separate But Equal" being struck down or school districts in The South, is that the Judge who struck it down supported Segregation, but only struck it down because it was provably not equal.

When Blacks faced actual systemic oppression, they cleaned up their act, they organized, they had their own all black businesses and celebrations of black culture, they had in tact black families.

What LBJ did is basically turn them into cattle, you see a dramatic drop in their GDP and any gains they had as soon as the "Great Society" came into effect. It was a precursor to what's happening now: the government replacing family and organic organization with a topdown bureaucracy coached in "benevolent" terms.

Even fucking George Lincoln Rockwell congratulated the Nation of Islam for helping Blacks get their shit together; go to the South and you'll still see Blacks using terms like "Sir" and being far more polite than their northern and west coast cousins.


Rap Music and Thug Culture (subset of the aforementioned Jew problem)

Pic related is Lyor Cohen, rap music hyper-kike.

Gangsta rap. You can literally blame NWA for ruining blacks.

Trash ghetto culture.

And because I'm still pissed, you see even among the enslaved blacks, there was better organization and discipline than today. For fuck's sake, even some Union generals said they found Black soldiers to be more tolerable than Irishmen, because they had a stake in the fight and an understanding of discipline and organization, they had to in order to survive in the South's plantation economy compared to the Caribbean and South America, where they'd essentially be worked to death then replaced with fresh slaves.

You had military men saying they didn't get drunk, they followed orders diligently and respectfully, and they fought bravely; all things that can't really apply to modern degenerated black culture.

Facing dangerous odds, life-or-death situations, and having things stacked against you selects for intelligence and a decent work ethic in society. Part of the reasons Asians are so smart (and also heavily conservative) is because China and Japan would frequently explode into extremely violent infighting then pull itself together, confucian culture in a nutshell is literally "obey your family and work hard", because when the alternative is insane barbarism or--as the Legalists proposed--state sanctioned terror to keep people in line, you really don't want to fuck things up in your lifetime.

Gangsta crap, and drugs. need to get baptized.

Thomas Sowell actually talks a lot about this. As much as people like to drone on about the legacy of slavery the fact is post slavery blacks did a lot to get their shit together in a very short amount of time. Just one generation after slavery the majority of blacks were literate despite it having been illegal to be literate as a slave. They also managed to create some very successful communities like Greenwood Oklahoma, which popped up in the midst of incredible racism and sadly ended up being destroyed by it. Post slavery blacks had a strong drive to improve themselves and make opportunities for their children which affirmative action and welfare has almost entirely destroyed. Blacks are now incentivized to be worthless layabouts. Women are incentivized to be single mothers. Hell before LBJ blacks were more likely to be in a stable nuclear family than whites were. LBJ was more destructive to the black community than slavery ever could have been.

This thread is Another example of white people being completely disconnected from black people and culture.
Keep on blowing those dog whistles

im not so sure

Which one better represents who you are as a person? Anyone can put on a uniform and look presentable for a photo op. What you do on your own time reflects who you really are as a person and that's which photo should be used.

>dog whistles
Are you saying niggers are as smart as dogs?

I doubt this.

>that left pic
Wow, such enriching and vibrant culture we can learn a thing or two by this nigger, wow.

This. Niggers+freedom=insanity. They never lived so white (i.e., familial, Christian, peaceable, at least moderately productive) as when whites controlled culture, economy, laws, etc., etc.


>Implying people don't change over time
>Implying white people aren't meth addicted degenerates

You know why they pulled that photo of the white guy? It's probably the only photo they had. White people don't pose like thugs for photos generally. If they put my photo on the news they'd either have my drivers license photo or an old ass high school year book photo. They wouldn't be able to find a pick of me throwing gang signs or pointing a gun in the mirror because those photos don't exist. You want people to pull the one decent photo of you when they have to sift through 200 of you looking like a thug just to find it.

Because the rich, thick scent of a nigger buck in his wildest prime is enticing to his kin. One nigger calling for black people to nig out is taken on some psychological level. Notice how there's such a thing as "white trash" but we aren't all going out getting blitzed on whiskey and rye on the nightly? Yeah, niggers don't have that self-control.

Once any large proportion of them act out, they will ALL act out. Shucking, jiving, shooting, stabbing, looting, they simply default to the basest of instincts. It's indescribably easy.

The black community isn't like the OP because they have several generations of "I DO WHAT I WANNNNNT" with no overriding social pressure to do anything else.

They get additional gibs for additional kids, subsidized childcare at the shittiest possible day cares, and they simply do not give a fuck. Sure, they'll get their act together and become an RN at 28 after squeezing out 3 kids (which is why black women are the """"most educated"""" cohort), but the majority of their children and the majority of their lives will be spent doing jack shit.

Nice theory. Is there suspect isn't dead, why not at least use their mugshot?

personally i wish black the best, but still they have to live in their separate countries.