All i can do is leave this here. i have nothing to say

all i can do is leave this here. i have nothing to say
favorite quotes:
>some more deviltry foolishness from the genetically mutated entities that shouldn't be here to begin with (whites).
>don't all of these genetically recessive devils burn in the sun?

Other urls found in this thread:

white skin that is tanned is very attractive.
because it is still "white" skin with white facial features and body

TLDR sunblock and skin cancer are ploys from the "white devils" to oppress blacks

also whites secretly want to be black

OP, you do realize that getting sunburn is a reaction of your body to produce more melanin to prevent cell damage from uv radiation right? Also, I don't see anything particularly special about this drug considering that you can already take astaxanthin.

bitch i didn't make the video

Are niggers admitting that their greatest achievement is something they have no control over

Kinda like you being born white, cumskin?

black don't crack and white people have to tan to look good what's the problem here?

Bl*cks are the real racists

cumskin is an awesome term. Its basically admitting your sexual insecurity over aesthetic superiority of white skin.

Side effects include increased tendencies towards violence or unlawful behaviour as well as the use of regressive speech patterns.

med skin masterrace

Maybe i should just become brown when is this pill avaliable i will like likely only go mexican brown if i had to choose

tanned white skin turns golden, unless the person has pasty skin

>muh skin colour
i thought you guys believed race is beyond your skin colour. isnt it all about IQ?

>tfw you've run out of excuses of how the whites are keeping you down so you've got to resort to saying your skin tone leads your people to get harvested for organs n' shit but now that's not going to work anymore either

How can a group of people be so disappointing

>artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens
artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens
>artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens
>artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens
artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens
>artificial tanning is achieved through xenoestrogens

Kinda like you being born brown, shitskin?

how can dark skin protects you from sun??

I mean all my shirts and button up shirts are white because lighter colors don't absorb much sunlight.
also my house is painted white and my roof painted yellow.

Shaun King will take three scoops of this shit