
How can we ensure stable food to africa?

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stabilize their population by not giving them food for a while

Africa has a vast amount of fertile land. They should be able to grow their own food without outside help. India manages to feed 1.3 billion people on much less land - why can't Africa feed 1.1 billion with far more?

this, they also need a fucking good education and not this religious shit... oh maybe religion is good for retarded people.

Theyre not human but theyre certainly not horses so why the fuck would you send stable food

So fucking disgusting, worthless savages.


Free market also means they have a right to fail if they can't do this

Soylent Coon.

>How can we ensure stable food to africa?

I Have A Modest Proposal.

Why do Sup Forums lack empathy? These people could just as easily have been you.

They're not people though

Stop giving aid so that the population stabalizes and let them figure their own shit out. Leave them alone.

then i'd hate my mother for being stupid enough to give birth to me while 90% of children are dying and putting me on the planet to be another statistic


Free gibs for niggers.
No thanks.
Trust Darwinism.
Let the fucks figure it out.

Let the fuckers die then take Africa and use it for shit.


if i was a nigger i'd want to kill myself anyway

So they'll stay in that shithole

>So they'll stay in that shithole

>send billions of tons of food to Apefrica
>population goes from 100,000 to 1,100,000,000 within 50 years
>send them MOAR food!

t. the nation that invented fucking Mexico

they're used to getting all the food and supplies from whites, and when one of them actually thinks rationaly for a second and starts to harvest food by himself, all the other niggers get jelaous and steal from him

Shut up cuck

This. The refugee crisis is due to supply shortages so they go to the source. Why all the nigs moved into washington d.c.

This is a trick question because the more food they are given, the more niggers there will be.
There will never be a stable food source (nor has there ever been) for a continent dominated by niggers.

>Why all the nigs moved into washington d.c.
Slaves feel more comfortable living near their masters.

To be fair that's probably some quality protein burgers right there.

I'd eat one of those fly burgers, looks crunchy..
For real tho, we have to let at least 80% of africas population starve, before anything can be done.

who would laugh at that video from OP? thats just human struggle in its most raw basic form. Starving children, no food to eat. sure niggers are terrible in western countries, raping and murdering, but them struggling in their most natural habitat.. how is that funny? its like laughing at a gorilla that sucks ants off a stick. Why laugh at nature? Some of you cunts are cruel bitter pieces of shit. When your food supply runs out, which is currently supplied by ZOG then lets see if you're laughing then.

>I'd eat one of those fly burgers

There's more here than just "if you feed the niggers they just make more niggers"

Food aid also deflates the value of food; you can't compete with free, which means what farmers they had couldn't sell their crops and went out of business one by one, and now they produce even less food for themselves.

im sure india depends on huge amounts of food imports in order to survive.

Encourage cannibalism

Not feeding them forces them to feed themselves. If they don't care about their own people why should we?

I agree, this is in poor taste.

Compassion on Sup Forums. Now this is refreshing. I hope you're not new here because otherwise you'll become jaded too if you stay.

>afrikan culture, delicacy

let them starve for a generation

You don't. Let the problem sort itself out, the surplus niggers are already escaping Africa and spilling into Europe, you think we want billions of nogs by the end of the century?

>Starving children, no food to eat
Yup. If I'm starving, the first thing I'll think to
do is make 47 more babbies.

>sure niggers are terrible in western countries, raping and murdering
They're fully human in Apefrica.
Done gots a space program, an sheeit.

>When your food supply runs out, which is currently supplied by ZOG then lets see if you're laughing then.
While this might actually happen in my lifetime, in grocery stores in coastal cities, Africa is the LAST place I would consider running to.
In fact, I would never even consider running.

Silly me, I'm capable of thinking more than 3 seconds into the future, so I wouldn't run out of food, or water, or firewood. Like a stupid fucking nigger.

Let them starve.
Natural selection.

I literally wouldn't bat an eye if 99% of africans were to drop dead.
Only empathy I feel is reserved for dogs and the white man.

Everywhere except Africa:
>Groups collect into tribes and nations
>Kill each other to establish the dominant culture
>Best culture with highest IQ wins. Other nations copy the winner
>Famines and wars, best organized peoples win

This was never allowed to happen in Africa. No wonder it's so shit there.

Anything big enough and impactful enough to fix Africa would be so big and so impactful that it would look like colonialism.
We're arguably already there. We're not letting skilled local farmers really break away ahead of the pack by reaping the rewards of their skill. Agriculture in the west didn't develop from the benevolence of the farmer, but from the farmer's self-interest. So what Africa needs is not the benevolence of their farmers, but their farmers self-interest... for that, we must let the famines build.

Maybe the right "food aid" to offer would be free military defenses for functioning native farms in areas stricken by famine. Ensure the next crop.

To be fair, they managed to collect into tribes and was in the process of killing each other for dominance

we do as well
you can't just eat corn all day

This is unfortunate unfortunate because it was the nigger of niggers (bantus) that started establishing dominance over the more respectable khoisans and such.

>There's more here than just "if you feed the niggers they just make more niggers"

There really isn't.
>Whites produce more food than their nation can eat
>send the excess to Africa
>get more niggers invading your nation in return

I have a little known secret that will let you survive, while your invader dies.

Live Aid:
>one bad harvest in Africa
>"oh shit africa is starve, let's get together and send some help"
>tons of money goes missing, presumed usurped by local corruption in africa
>local farmers can't compete with aid
>farms go bankrupt, industry starts to die
>next year
>loads of farms are closed
>food shortage
>cycle repeats

best part is somehow we got the left on our side, so now we can hold down Africa together
imagine how fucked things would be if africa was a superpower like Russia/US and not on anyone's side

we stop feeding them all together and let their population reach equilibrium.

We don't, we let nature run its natural course.

>imagine how fucked things would be if africa was a superpower

Oh Noes!
>rap music on the radio 24/7
>women are all 100lbs overweight
>no maintenance to critical infrastructure because of gibs
>Hand out Millions to the mother of violent criminals who get shot in the face
>Niggers who read at a 2nd grade level are now National Heroes because of handegg

I think we'll survive this horrible future.

>if africa was a superpower
>describes america

I'm not so fuck them

you don't roll 6's and then feel bad because you had a chance to roll 1's

>>if africa was a superpower
>>describes america

This is what a modern nation with a 13% nigger population looks like.

And, you still think we need to send MOAR food to Aperica.
>think of the billions of unconvicted niglets, user
>they done be aspiring Brits

Fuck off, dad.
>Think of the niglets!!

There's a reason we kicked you to the curb 250 years ago.

>Muh niggerz
Eat a bowl of dick.

this has been established: pump infertility drugs into their food aid.

Unironically this, fpbp

Vid related

Not people

Not sure about that but India has some of the most productive land in the world.

They got food. No worries

they just need to grow their own

Kill all the niggers.

>poison the food or die