Create a concept based on the name of an existing anime/manga that has a completely different premise

Create a concept based on the name of an existing anime/manga that has a completely different premise.

To start:

SoL about a German who works at a toll booth.

SoL featuring the godhand from berserk

SoL about a girl's swimming club.

top kek

There exists a hotel that you can only visit once. Upon arriving there, you will meet your destined lover, and the two of you spend one night together before being returned to your respective homes.

However, the journey to the hotel is a perilous one. There is no clear path since the hotel is magical in nature, so everyone who attempts experiences something unique, and must confront their own inner demons and issues. If you give up along this journey, your lover will as well, and you will not meet. However, if you succeed, you will arrive at the hotel at the exact same moment, and your fates will be tied during the night you stay there. Even though you will be separated afterwards, you can still find a way to meet again.

Pic related.

fuck im dumb, took me like a minute to get the joke

Fullmetal Alchemist:

SOL about two robot alchemists trying out new stuff.

Cutie Honey

SOL with cute bees doing cute things

Code Geass

It's a show about military Geese in a sub with nuclear launch codes.

Pretty Cure:

Cute doctors doing cute medical procedures.

Hold me, I'm scared.

Holy shit my fucking sides

I lost my shit.

like Scrubs but better

>main villains are Canadian geese


Are they sentient geese, or just regular geese that somehow got onto the sub and launched it?

Related to Code Geass, this would be the sequel to R2, focusing on Suzaku.

A reverse harem where mc is named Kate.

SoL about a dollar store on its "going-out-of-business" sale


cyberpunk nuns shoot guns and hack computers


Each of candidates for the nobel prize summon a random past (or future) nobel winner, and they have to team up with them and impress the judges.

It's more of a comedy anime, with no serious threats, though. There will be scenes of the laureates getting drunk, arguing over inane things, bonding, playing stupid things like dare, and of course, procrastinating until the last moment and hurrying up to deliver whatever they were working on.

comedy series where a samurai is brought into modern times and makes a living teaching swordsmanship over the internet