Talked with a German fag today

Talked with a German fag today.

He tells me that in German schools they teach history in a way that people learn how Hitler caused WW2 because he hated the kikes and wanted to rule the world.

I told him the hatred towards Jews was caused by November 1918 revolution which wanted to turn Germany into another Soviet shithole like Russia, and whose leader were all Jews. The war was caused by Poland, with Britain and France wanting to stop Germany from getting powerful.

Soviet Union was actually on terms with Hitler because they were both National Socialist (he knows this from Molotov-Ribbentrop pact) and cooperated till June 1941.

He, not surprisingly, throw a autistic screech fit and covered his ears.


mainly Sup Forums infographics and youtube videos

Just don't assume that we're all like this. There are people with decency and self respect left.

Germans might be like this.
Not on Sup Forums

The Jew made us take up arms against those who challenge the most painful chapter of our history because most of us are badly equipped to argue against it.

Remind yourself: you don't have to constitute laws on facts... but if you dare to discredit the legitemacy of the holocaust on some sort of public forum, you might end up with your ass prison.

What he said about the school teaching is true though. You just gave him an overdose of redpills

I got exactly a pic for what happened to you

Agreed, if you already put on an over-the-line subject you got to be careful with touchy germans.
If you overdose ANYONE with redpills they will just spit them back out.

"Hey, faggot everything you think you know is a lie, lol and here's more. also 80% of history lessons in germany are hoax, lol."

It's not fair to just say "he had an autsitic screech-fit" when he needs time to rationalize what you presented him.

>The war was caused by Poland,
Just kys.

I remember how we looked at pictures of jewish WW2 mass graves online in EDV, Orientierungsstufe. And laughing our asses off like the edgy kids we were.
Also smearing cyrillic curse words on the inside of the chalkboard, ready to be opened up and presented for everyone when those two old KZ survivor grannys from the East were telling us their stories.

That would probably cause a big ass shitstorm nowadays. Back then, we got a semi angry look.

That's not what I learned at school. Of course Hitler hated kikes, but that's not the reason for ww2.

Why Cyrillic in particular if i might ask?
>Angry Lampshade
dob geg.

Well, they were from the far East so we thought it would be appropriate or something.
Probably some swastikas or similar stuff on that board too, can't remember that all too well.

>Polaks started ww2

It's time to kill yourself.

You'll do it all over again when we invent a self-cleaning toilet.

they did though?

yeah our school indoctrination is in 100% mode. When I was 16 I liked the green party and muh ebil nazis. Sup Forums really helped me finding the truth. We have also tours to Auschwitz where you get the (((special treatment))).

Every teacher is a boomer or left liberal. Burn our schools!

Okay, even if people want to disregard this
>The war was caused by Poland, with Britain and France wanting to stop Germany from getting powerful.

is there any denying that the 1918 revolution was created by bolshevik jews?
Is this omitted from your education?

>Is this omitted from your education?
The fact that it happened? No. Who was involved? Of course.

You are a very educated and learned man.

can't tell if troll

How does that work?
Usually school books go like 'Battle of X, led by Y'.
What do they say?

I'm talking about them being kikes

Dunno about Germany but our schoolbooks don't even mention it. We get the treaty of versailles>hyperinflation>reichstag fire with no explanation as to why millions of people all said "fuck the kikes"

You're just a weak little faggot. I was brainwashed, too. I always fucking despised the green party. Die Grünen gehen gar nicht, Alter.

Same here, it didn't make sense at all even as a 12 year old.

Easy. Instead of (((Shlomo Noseberg))) they write just Shlomo Noseberg like it's a normal name. Works every time. People just see whTlat they want to see.
Or, even better, they just say the revolt was started by "intellectuals" of muh university

USSR was certainly not natsoc, and the reason for the pact was not because of them seeing eye to eye ideologically. Both expected to go to war with one another but needed more time to prepare, and in Germany's case to defeat the Western forces first before going East. It was a mutually beneficial agreement and that's it.

All we got was 'stab in the back myth', but no bother to explain what that myth actually was or whether it had any basis or not. Of course when you don't know any better you just assume it came out of nowhere because muh racism

>learn how Hitler caused WW2 because he hated the kikes and wanted to rule the world.

Yep. Even the people in academia here know that "Jews were exterminated because they believed in another religion and sometimes because people were jealous of their wealth". In terms of "caused WW2, people have no clue at all, they lack all the info to create a coherent scenario. For them, it's always "who shot first is the only one responsible" no matter how the scenario looks. Complete lack of context.

Our books just have a small 1 paragraph line about how the Nazis wanted to use the Jews as a scapegoat because they had been successful, whilst completely glossing over the fact that Jews had purposely crashed the German economy, incited revolutionary activity, and imposed the treaty of Versailles.

I used to be against Sup Forums's constant shilling against the "holohoax" until I read The Real Eichmann Trial and discovered just how much the Jews fabricated evidence after the war to suit their agenda. The 'angel of death' Mengele and his supposed 'experiments' are wartime propaganda (though of course Wikipedia says otherwise), so is Anne Frank's diary. You've got to hand it to the Jews - if they are anything, its cunning. But yes, the holocaust is mostly a myth. A few thousand people were gassed in auschwitz and that's about it. The rest were died from starvation and allied bombing of supply lines.

Everyone was gassed at Auschwitz. It's how they controlled the lice population.

I for one am sick of the WW2 lies. All our countries are now being turned into Jewish third world ghettoes because of it. I just want to see it all go up in flames. Who cares about the Samson solution? Lets just nuke Israel and be done with it.

>The war was caused by Poland
This is what nazis actually belives xD

The 7/7 bombings were carried out by Mossad/Saudi intelligence, and so was 9/11. It's interesting how just about everything Jews accuse the Nazis of is basically just a projection of their own criminal nature. If anything Israelis treat Palestinians worse than the Nazis ever did.

Le jewish scapegoat was taught in my middle school. My experience sounds similar to most where they only explained for 60 seconds why Hitler hated the jews and it was basically just ‘wypepo are racyss man’.
My teacher also pushed the soap bar/lampshade myth as reality. Also when I asked her about skeletal differences between the races she told me that was a racist lie.

I wish I could’ve taken a pro-west history class.

>everything Jews accuse the Nazis of is basically just a projection of their own criminal nature.

Same with post WW2 propaganda. Everything the Nazis are accused of was basically already done in the USSR since 1920, except maybe the alleged gas chambers (which was needed to make the story worse than that of the USSR). It's a simple propaganda trick: accuse the enemy of what you do yourself.

>post WW2 propaganda.
never really happened much directly after the war and more so when us soldiers saw how savage the soviets were. the usa still very much favored germany after ww2. it's not until around 40 years ago that this propaganda shit really kicked into full gear

Same in Finland. They say at the schools "because the country was poor at the time they hated Jews to have a scapegoat öyh öyh"