Why Jews want White Genocide?

Is it obvious that some shit is happening around the Western World, but what's the reason for it? Really, why?

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muds are way easier to control

they still hold a grudge for all the times we btfo'd them over Europe

I'm against any genocide.

First post is best post.
Whites are the only ones to realize that they are attempting to take total control.
Every other race settles for gibs.

It's not just Jews though they are central to it. It's a Marxist agenda, most Jews are Marxists. The more sophisticated and wealthy, not rich, wealthy a people become the harder they are to control and manipulate, not much use to a ruling class who as they see it are trying to manage a huge stinking mess.

They can't find in their hearts to forgive the romans for destroying their temple, and then having the audacity of accepting as their God some low-born jew.
For that, the goyim must pay eternally.

Well, aren't you special.


>It's not just Jews though they are central to it. It's a Marxist agenda, most Jews are Marxists.

Well, aren't you special?

>Why Jews want
Why globalists want* (many of whom happen to be Jewish)
This obsession with Jew bashing has got to go, otherwise things will never change. Even tha Nazis were nowhere near as antisemitic as the media (and Sup Forums) paint them to be.



>Why globalists want* (many of whom happen to be Jewish)
>This obsession with Jew bashing has got to go, otherwise things will never change

Im not.

Because they know what happens when whites learn the truth about them. Lower IQ races are too dumb to organise against them.

You're a Jew

Jews want a 2-class world with them ruling and everyone else as a surf/economic slave. Whites are a barrier to achieving this, but one that is being removed rather quickly.

Chinks on the other hand are proving more difficult, but once jews have domination of Europe and the US there will be less pie for the chinks.

Oy vey! Muh conspiracy theory, goyim! youtube.com/watch?v=4txFPmaJWco


Now post their average wealth.
If Jews did what they do here in Israel, you'd have gassed them a long time ago for being a 5th column, you only defend them because you're as snooty and arrogant as any shtetl crawler.

They wish to immanentize the eschaton.
The jewish messiah is from the line of David, he will rebuild the temple and form eretz yisrael.
The plan is then to speak the name of god to once and for all destroy this world, so gods master plan is finalised.


Jews view non-whites as complete subhumans, but view whites as at least semi-competent subhumans that could actually oppose them

I forgot to add
>inb4 kike shill
But this is normal here, individual thought means Jew here. I know that.

I think a better approach is to call them globalists, it covers them all. Everyone knows it's the Jews and that's the game they play, they have always scapegoated someone.

>Because they know what happens when whites learn the truth about them.



the more you try to control things the less control you have in the end, like a buddhist riddle

the jews still havent learned their lesson apparently , and will end up getting destroyed in the end by their own machinations

>Chinks on the other hand are proving more difficult, but once jews have domination of Europe and the US there will be less pie for the chinks.
Jews are morons.

There will be full on genocide before that ever happens and even if they make them all Islamic it will be Iranian as fuck and they will hate Jews.

Your ugly smuggy does not change the truth, nor does it deny the reality that both systems allied against the only real threat to both of them: Nation Socialism and the Reich under Hitler.

>I think a better approach is to call them globalists
I don't

Moses Hess wasn't a fucking Liberal

The Jew by Marx

What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

>Happen to be jewish
>Many such (((coincidences)))

>and will end up getting destroyed in the end by their own machinations
CNN would be a start. Getting them to Israel would be enough for me. But these people need to be stopped and universal liberalism has to die.

If you want to know what happened in your pic, the Burgeristan got triggered that Afghans and Iranians would be commies. So it unironically Islamic-revolution’ed both countries. Go search “Green belt” and “Brezinski”.

>nazi meme
>Jews would NEVER create communism
>communism destroys money
Jews can't meme and Hollywood is dying because you rejected straight white men.

>1.41% of the U.S and EU population
>makes up 46% of the Bilderberg group

Jews created Islamic Iran, Jews created the Taliban, Jews created Hamas.

I know...
But it wasn't burgers it was Zionist-Amerca and treasonous pedophiles who work for them. Stop spilling disinfo when you know god damn well who did it!

So according to Marx, the jew is a capitalist?


They hate our guts

Because they're the spawn of the devil and they want all christians dead, not only whites. They start with whites because they know we're the only ones capable of stopping their evil reign
They attack muslim countries which creates more islamic terrorism and crime, whites and other muslims are the prime victims of the jews actions. They hide behind their walls in israel while we have to take the shit they create


>individual thought
Oh you're so individualistic with your fucking jewish lies. Jews are not tribal collectivists at all.

Doesn't change the fact that Marx was superjewish himself, the son of a rabbi of rabbis and literally related to Rothschild. Or Trotzki. Or Lenin. Or Yagoda. Or Bela Kun. Or Ehrenburg. Or the entire Frankfurt School. Or Morgenthau. Or Soros. Or Beria.

beta uprising

there are no Jewish super powers pulling the strings of the western world. People conflate capitalism as some sort of Jewish grande scheme. Truth is (((they))) just want $$ and if that involves white genocide then so be it

>only 1.4%
>still controls the wast majority of international companies, TV-channels and news

>beta uprising

Nietzsche said it first


They really are the ~1%

So from this pie chart, we can assume Jews have 98.59% of the wealth and everyone else has the remaining 1.41%

Sure, Mordechai, pretend we didn't have arguments and you yourself didn't ignore them.

Also: Jude


>there are no Jewish super powers pulling the strings

you're not on facebook


I sense an extra level of irony. Nice work.

A little bit more insidious than that, their money grubbing behaviour and manipulation is ancient.

double (((you)))

Hey nazi boi do you know why my family survived the holocaust? Cuz they were blue eyed and blond haired and guess what so am i. In fact my family is probably whiter than yours. Larping faggot.

Because they are waking up again

pick one you fucking low IQ inbred cult member

You're a goddamn liar.

„Möchten die Horst Güntherchen in ihrem Blut sich wälzen und die Inges den polnischen Bordellen überwiesen werden, mit Vorzugsscheinen für die Juden“, schrieb Theodor W. Adorno kurz vor der Niederlage NS-Deutschlands aus Kalifornien an seine Eltern in New York. Er freute sich, nun endlich sei „alles eingetreten, was man sich jahrelang gewünscht hat, das Land vermüllt, Millionen von Hansjürgens und Utes tot, wahrscheinlich dem Volk das Genick gebrochen, sodass es als Subjekt aus der Geschichte ausscheidet“.

"May the Horst Günterchens role in their own blood and the Inges be passed to the Polish brothels, with passes of privilege for the Jews.", wrote Theodor W. Adorno shortly before the defeat of NS-Germany from California to his parents in New York. He rejoiced, finally everything was "trampled down, what one had wished for years, the country dumped with litter, millions of Hansjürgens and Utes dead, the neck of the people probably broken, so that history may excrete it is a subject."

>The Jew is immunized against all dangers
>Said an increasingly nervous man with uncanny Jewish facial features



>Hey nazi boi do you know why my family survived the holocaust?
Because it never happened and your grandpa was too young to be in it?

All that matters

it's not "white genocide" they want to trick the white man (again) to get angry and attack their true enemies (muslims). You guys are playing checkers and (((they))) are playing 4d chess

Israel is 30% Arab you dummy.

When one of the leaders of the nazi party looks like an arab

We will surpass the whale murderers.

Wtf I love Greece now.

White lefties want white genocide, thats the real problem.

How do you survive what never happened?
Did your mother survive the masturbation machine?

Jews want "white genocude" because they are afraid whites will genocide them, or thati f whitrs had cohesive cultures they might be ostracized as outsiders. They think the more "diverse" society is, the less likely they will be identified as outsiders

How about we attack both of our true enemies? The entire region needs to go.

>You guys
Not us... Maybe FOX news and normies. But you hate us and post blacked memes.

>Despite overwhelming evidence, the mullatto boy with probably 30% nigger DNA decided to not believe in the holocaust.
Color me surprised.

Because whites are for freedom for people, but jews want totalitarism.

Marxist propaganda wouldn't succeed if white people didn't believe it.

Check this sick ass chart out


Cunts got nothin on us

>its babies first lesson at ethnicity

good luck son

That's the ideology I was referring to, It's a Marxist hybrid ideology that uses what ever it can to further it's agenda, even the hated Jew.

>despite the Haavara agreement the kike holds on to his victim mythology like a fucking fat lesbian
color me white

hopefully we are not white so we're safe kek

It makes sense, they are pretty much the Weimar republic right now with their sandwich whores

Jewlets, when will they learn?

Cultural struggle has replaced class struggle.
And that was adopted by white liberal thinking people because they hate their own race not because of the Jews.

wtf no i don't. You're judging someone you don't even know. The only thing on my mind is the destruction of Israel. God created jews to be enemies to us.

You didn't win shit, Mordechai. Race traitors and nihilistic, destructive and genocidal ideologies "won". Stalinist Bolshevism, the British Empire and the USA won. Bolshevism doesn't exist anymore, neither does the British Empire and your diaspora and cultural marxism did its very best to turn the last of them into le 52% white face.

>brown eyes

Any culture that adopts the Leftist ideology is doomed.

What's that poo doing there?

You think you're a sub speicies? Because what? You worship a volcano god on Mt. Sinai? LOL! Jews are no better than scientologists or Charlie Mason's bitches.

You know why you have power? Because you're willing to be lower than niggers and more criminal.

>I-I-It's the Arabs, I-I s-swear!

But who knows: if your diaspora succeeds in further shilling the leftist race traitors, we might one day end up as retarded as you guys. :^)

>Havaavara Agreement never happened
Bibi said it did.

If the average person realizes that the holocaust is exaggerated and rather tell the truth they decided to tell more lies to cover up the inconsistencies. Many of originated in a world where communication still happened from mouth to mouth. Jews would be culled if out of fear if anyone could see the big web of lies in its entirety.

So today the holocaust is the only event in history it's illegal not to believe in.

(((GD))) are nothing but incompetent WEWUZ bootlickers that embarass patriots and nationalists
more people are neutra/positive towards the jews than towards them

The Jews want to conquer the planet and enslave mankind. White people are standing in the way of that goal, so they need to go.

whatever makes you sleep at night ;^)

trips of truth

Well the ratings for France are fucking high, too. And with these numbers it can't all be the slimes.